Thomas Klausner - domm

Code Nuggets - Perl: Schwartzian Transform

2024-05-15, Talks

I was invited to talk about a nice Perl code nugget at the new Code Nugget Meetup. I decided to show the old but still nice Schwartzian Transform: Slides ...
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Picture of the Day: Endless Wellness @ WUK, 2024-05-14

Explicit vs Implicit Hooks

2024-04-22, Perl

At the Koha Hackfest I had several discussions with various colleagues about how to improve the way plugins and hooks are implemented in Koha. I have worked with and implemented various different systems in my ~25 years of Perl, so I have some opinions on this topic. What are Hooks and Plugins? When you have some generic piece of code (eg a ...
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Things I learned at the Koha Hackfest in Marseille

2024-04-19, Perl

Last week we (aka HKS3) attended the Koha Hackfest in Marseille, hosted by BibLibre. The hackfest is a yearly meeting of Koha developers and other interested parties, taking place since ~10 years in Marseille. For me, it was the first time! Things I learned (and other notes) While I still don't like traveling by plane, the route Vienna - ...
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A curious bug when generating mails with long filename attachments

2024-03-25, Perl

Some app I work on needs to export some data and send it to customers in a traceable way. We need to make sure that we keep track of each filename, and also make sure that the customers can (maybe even months later) tell us which export file might need some handling. So we decided to use a rather verbose filename containing the customer name, a ...
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