Vlaanderen mengt zich in debat negende Europees Kaderprogramma

Gepubliceerd op 12 juli 2017


De voorbereiding voor het negende Europees Kaderprogramma (FP9), de opvolger van Horizon 2020, gaat met de publicatie van het Lamy-rapport en de ERAC positiepaper nu echt van start.

Ook Vlaanderen wil zich alvast laten horen in dit voorbereidend debat.

“It is the moral duty of the national/regional administrations to express their opinion on which basis such a programme should be organised.”

Samen met alle belanghebbenden (*) hebben wij als Departement Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie (EWI) een gemeenschappelijk Vlaams standpunt uitgewerkt over het nieuwe kaderprogramma voor onderzoek en innovatie.

Het Vlaams standpunt - “position paper” - kunt u onderaan deze pagina downloaden.


Hieronder vindt u alvast de Executive Summary:

"Investments in Research and Development and Innovation (R&D&I) in FP9 should represent a significantly increased part of the future overall EU budget compared with the share of Horizon 2020. In turn, each EU country has to take up its responsibility as well as expressed by the 3% target. Flanders joins the many voices (including the European Parliament) that ask for a budget of €100 billion.

To achieve real impact on the life of EU citizens, societal challenges should form the core of FP9 in such a way that the entire innovation chain (or all technology readiness levels) is covered to stimulate the transformation of basic research ideas into solutions to societal targets. This requires in addition tighter linkages between the various components of FP9, namely an infrastructure component, a societal challenge component, an excellence research and high risk innovation component, and finally a component to support leading innovative enabling themes, topics and technologies. Also “specifically dedicated” instruments, such as the EIT-KICs, Jus, cPPPs, cannot work in isolation with risks on overlaps and missed opportunities.

ERA priorities are to be supported by FP9, with the inclusion of Responsible Research and Innovation. The Social Sciences and Humanities should be fully integrated in FP9, in particular in the societal challenges component. A higher involvement of stakeholders (inter alia through citizens science) would be beneficial.

FP9 should continue to award funding only to the best proposals (excellence) in a process of international competition. It should provide ample and balanced room for small- and large-scale, bottom-up, top-down collaborative research programmes. Mono-beneficiary instruments have to clearly provide their EU added value rationale. Simplification of procedures, administration, etc. are continuous concerns, which co-determine the attractivity of the FP9, are advantageous to all applicants, and in particular to newcomers from any EU member state or associated country. Also, the reduction of the number of instruments, and their variability, lowers thresholds to participation. Availability of sufficient funding is a key driver to increase the success rate and attractivity for all types of applicants. Cooperation and interaction between various types of applicants from different areas and fields must be stimulated in cross and multidisciplinary projects.

Linkages and complementarities with other EU programmes, in particular COSME and ESIF must be strengthened as well. In particular, allocating ERDF in combination with FP funding could be instrumental in leading less R&I performing countries towards FP9. This could be extended towards the Joint Programming Process in general with its many co-funding instruments, and Joint Programming Initiatives in particular as they also aim at tackling societal challenges."


(*) Contributing individuals/stakeholders: Anne Adams (UA), Margo Baele (UGent), Margot Beereboom (FWO), Kim Cryns (Belgian industrial Research and Development – BiR&D), Hanne De Roo (vleva), Nico Deblauwe (VLAIO), Stijn Delauré (KULeuven), Elke Denys (Viveshogeschool), Kristof Geeraerts (UA) Ilse Haeldermans (UHasselt), Elke Lammertyn (KULeuven), Sarah Maleve (KULeuven), Man Hei To (FWO), Jan Meneve (VITO), Stien Mommaerts (VUB), Michiel Nuytemans (Karel de GroteHogeschool), Tine Schaerlaekens (Essencia), Wim Schreurs (VUB), An Schrijvers (VARIO), Maarten Sileghem (VLAIO), Wendy Sonneveld (UGent), Karolien Steen (HoGent), Annelies Stockmans (UHasselt), Michel Stoffels (PXL Hogeschool), Kris Thienpont (Artevelde Hogeschool), Stefan Van Balen (imec), Anne Vandenbosch (imec), Ger Van den Kerkhof (Flanders Make), Ann Van Hauwaert (FWO) Bruno Van Koeckhoven (Vlhora)

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Peter Spyns
Afdeling Strategie en Coördinatie

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