Record nummer 2314935
Titel CBE JU strategic priorities set for 2030
Uitgever Brussels : Circular Bio-based Europe
Jaar van uitgave 2022
Online full text
Trefwoorden (cab) biobased economy / circulaire economie / economie / beleid / energiebeleid / ondernemerschap
Publicatie type Website
Taal Engels
Toelichting (Engels) The CBE JU founding partners, the European Commission and the Bio-based Industries Consortium, have set out the partnership’s priorities in the CBE JU Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the 2022-2030 period. Delivery of innovative bio-based solutions will be the key priority of the partnership, along with a strong focus on the EU’s environmental goals and support to local economies. CBE JU will implement the SRIA via its annual work programmes.

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