Poster Board

  • Message ID: #2
  • Subject: Letter from an Ivy League Professor (August 20, 1918)
  • email (Manager only)
  • Date: 2018-08-20
    I think Louis spoke out the truth most of us knew. Ask every office of Diversity, Access, and Equal Opportunity, the discrimination in the hiring process is more severe than any undergraduate admission.
    The reason college admission is the target right now is only that it's so blatant in your face. There are hard measures to compare, and there is a large number of statistical samples to analyze. The discrimination is undeniable.
    As Professor Louis said, the college administrations are highly educated and sophisticated. They will never use a racial slur and they are cautious about even "micro-aggression".
    Generally, that change of heart will take efforts for generations, but I am optimistic about it.
    We just need to do it one step a time. 
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