Evaluation During COVID-19

Guideline Section
Evaluation Planning and implementation guidance (June 2021)

Covid-19 pandemic and delays in programme and project implementation there is an expectation that this will also impact decentralized evaluation planning, implementation and finalization. Here is the guidance and considerations for evaluation rescheduling and implementation due to the pandemic.

English Français Español العربية

Guideline Section
Decentralised evaluation terms of reference (TOR) guidance during COVID-19 (June 2021):

This detailed note outlines how the standard terms of reference for an evaluation could be adjusted to refer to changing evaluative approaches and methodologies under COVID-19.

English Français Español العربية

Guideline Section
Decentralised evaluation guidance for implementing evaluations remotely/virtually (June 2021):

The COVID-19 crisis is forcing us to find new approaches to implement our evaluations – such as the use of more detailed and in-depth desk reviews, remote and virtual stakeholder interviews, and greater use of national evaluators. This note highlights the challenges evaluations may face, and options to overcome them.

English Français Español العربية

Guideline Section
Key evaluation questions and data sources for COVID-19 Evaluations (June 2021)

This detailed guidance provides suggested questions and data sources for evaluating programme units COVID-19 responses. Questions can be used in part are as a whole or supplemented with programme units own evaluation question needs.

English Français Español العربية

Guideline Section
Evaluation and COVID-19: useful guidance, documents and blogs (June 2021)

We have brought together some key internal and external COVID-19 documents and guidance including UNDP and other UN agency guidance for Monitoring and evaluating projects during time of crisis, COVID-19 data sources and other useful sources.

English Français Español العربية

Guideline Section
Good Practices during COVID-19 –
Joint Guidance Note

The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled an immediate response by the development evaluation community. Evaluation is an important instrument for an effective development policy. Building on informal consultations in a series of knowledge sharing exchanges, consultations and webinars convened by OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation (EvalNet) and the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP have jointly prepared this guidance note capturing good practices for evaluations during COVID-19.
