INNO4COV-19 Project

Boosting Innovation for COVID-19 Diagnostic, Prevention and Surveillance

The Project
covid 19

INNO4COV-19 Project


Inno4cov19 An open access platform to tackle COVID-19 pandemic


An innovating open access platform to tackle COVID-19 pandemic.

Create a “lab-to-fab” platform and collaboration resource to enable companies and reference laboratories to develop and implement innovative technologies to fight COVID-19.

INNO4COV-19 Catalogue of services

The unified INNO4COV-19 Catalogues of Services aims to present to the public a comprehensive list of the services offered by INNO4COV-19 platform.

Catalogue of Services

The Project

INNO4COV-19 Project aims to support the full development to market uptake of technologies at TRL6-7 or higher. It Provides fundings to third parties to archive the desiderated objectives

The Project

The Partners

The 11-partner consortium led by INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, is looking for efficient and fast solutions that can help in the fight against COVID-19 jointly with the other actively involved industrial and RTO partners.

The Partners