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Neurodivergent Job-seekers

The support you need to get the job you want


As a neurodivergent person, you have extraordinary gifts and abilities. Through your individual ‘superpowers’, you have the ability to transform a team, a department, even an entire organisation.

The ‘neurotypical’ world has been slow to recognise this. The already-difficult process of finding a job has been that much tougher for those who see and think differently.

But now, things are changing. Organisations are realising there’s real power and potential in neurodiversity. At Enna, we’re here to help you seize these new opportunities.

Our services are designed to help you at every stage in the recruitment process. You can also view and apply for jobs with neurodiversity-friendly employers through our accessible jobs board. Once you’ve got a job, you can use our workplace coaching services to get all the support you need to work in ways that suit you, and your employer.

Here are some of the fantastic traits and skills you could offer an employer, we're here to help you reach your potential and portray these effectively.


Excellent creative thinking, problem-solving and spatial reasoning skills


Precision and attention to detail


Ability to produce prodigious amounts of top-quality work at breathtaking speed (sometimes!)


Formidable capacity to absorb, process, retain and apply information, and spot patterns and inconsistencies


Intense focus and powers of concentration


New perspectives, clarity and incisiveness that can break through barriers and logjams, open up discussions and help overcome ‘groupthink’


Openness, honesty and a refreshing lack of cynicism


Commitment and loyalty

Our services


At Enna, we’re here to help neurodivergent individuals find, gain and retain meaningful employment. Take a look at our services below to understand how we can help you.

Jobs Board

We can connect you to neurodiversity-friendly employers through our accessible jobs board, where you can search and apply for jobs.

Job Coaching

One to one specialist support and advice on your job search. Work with one of our friendly, experienced coaches who will help you search and apply for jobs, create and update your CV and prepare for interviews.

Workplace Coaching

Once you’re in work, you have access to longer-term support through our workplace coaching services. Coaching can help you to work effectively and thrive professionally and personally.

Neurodiversity Training

If you're in work, and think your managers and wider team could benefit from learning more about neurodiversity and how to support you, our workshops can help.


Jobs Board

We can connect you to neurodiversity-friendly employers through our accessible jobs board. Every organisation you’ll see there truly understands neurodiversity and how they can support you.

To use the jobs board, you’ll need to register with us and upload your CV. You can then apply for any job you like – and we’ll also send you alerts if a job come up that we think would be right for you.

When you’re offered an interview, we can help you prepare through our job coaching and advice services. We work closely with employers’ HR teams and recruiters, helping them adapt their processes and make any adjustments you may need.

Job Coaching

Our pre-employment service is perfect if you need a bit of extra support with your job search. You’ll work with one of our friendly, experienced coaches, who’ll help you search and apply for jobs, create and update your CV and prepare for interviews.

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Workplace Coaching

Our specialist workplace coaching is there to support you when you're in work, to provide you with specialist, confidential support from someone outside your workplace.

Coaching can help iron out any problems and give you a safe and confidential space to talk through their experiences, and co-develop solutions to help grow and further your career.

Neurodiversity Training Workshops for Your Team

Are you in employment and feel like your manager and wider team could benefit from learning more about neurodiversity? Our workshops can do just that. Our specialist team can come into your office or do the workshops virtually. View our available workshops here.

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Looking for extra support?

Head to our resource page, where you can find guides, templates and videos to help you search and apply for jobs, and progress when you're in work.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I use your services if I don’t have an official diagnosis, or I’m waiting to get one?

Yes. We understand that you can be neurodivergent without a piece of paper that says so.

What ages of job-seekers do you support?

We support all neurodivergent people aged 18 and over.

Where do you operate?

Our head office is in London, but we run most of our services virtually, and recruit for roles nationally.

What type of jobs can Enna help me get?

We recruit for many different types of roles across a range of sectors: please see our jobs board for our current vacancies.

Can you help me get work experience or voluntary roles?

We focus on helping people secure permanent jobs, so unfortunately we can’t assist you with finding work placements, internships or volunteering. Sorry.

Will Enna find a job for me?

We’ll do our best! To get started, please register so we have your CV and other details on file. We can then alert you immediately when an opportunity that matches your experience, skills and interests comes up.

Can you support me during my job search?

Yes. You can have 30-minute calls with us to ask questions and get advice. Once you’re in a job, our workplace coaching services can give you any specific or longer-term support you need. All you need to do is register with us and you will get a link to book a call.

I've had bad experiences at work and I'm worried about applying for roles. Will I be okay?

We work exclusively with employers who are serious about attracting and supporting neurodivergent candidates. Any employer we put you in touch with will have been through our training and will know what they need to do to help you.

What if I need adjustments?

Every employer we work with will make reasonable adjustments during the recruiting process and in the workplace. And we’ll help you understand and communicate your needs to the employer so they can give you the right support.

Does it cost anything?

No, its free to register and apply for jobs. Theres no hidden costs involved at any stage.

I have another question, what do I do?

You can email us at to ask any questions you may have, and our team will reply within 48 hours.

Chat to us about our job-seeker services

Email us on to ask us a question.

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