Session 3A  Bridging Generations

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Live Presentations

Ageing Well: An Introduction

Professor Alison Bowes (Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling, Scotland)

Bridge Research with Older People and in Schools

Dr Marek Malysa (Bridge to the People Foundation, Poland)

Researchers in Poland have found that residents of nursing homes who play bridge showed lower depression rates and a significant increase in wellbeing. The same research team is also studying the effects of a year-long bridge course on pupils in 38 schools. Project lead, Dr Malysa, will present the latest findings at the conference.

Between Loneliness and Connection: Older Adults’ Leisure during a Pandemic

Dr Miriam Snellgrove and Professor Samantha Punch (BAMSA)

Through diary data collected during the first lockdown and beyond, Bridge: A MindSport for All researchers explore the impact of the pandemic on the leisure activities of older adults. This paper shows how the move to online bridge was a social lifeline for many older people, while for others the transition was difficult and frustrating compared with face-to-face play.

Social Identity, Ageing and the Role of Third-Places: Updates and Reflections

Polly Fong (Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia) and Dr Anne Russell (Bridge Player, Australia)

Researcher Polly Fong will reflect on a 2018 study of an Australian bridge club and its members. Anne Russell will discuss the importance of community spaces for identity and wellbeing.

Inclusivity and Bridge

José Júlio Curado (Global Studies, Open University of Portugal, Madeira)

Researcher José Júlio Curado will summarise the aims for his doctoral study and comment on the way bridge contributes to a global culture.

Intergenerationality and Bridge

Chris Panagiotaros (Social Work, Western Sydney University, Australia)

Doctoral researcher Chris Panagiotaros will give an overview of his study of three professional Australian bridge players and consider the social and community benefits of playing bridge.

Panel Discussion

Polly Fong and Dr Anne Russell (Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia)

José Júlio Curado (Global Studies, Open University of Portugal, Madeira)

Chris Panagiotaros (Social Work, Western Sydney University, Australia)

Advance Recorded Presentations

(Click green arrows to view recordings)

There’s a Bit of a Ripple-Effect: A Social Identity Perspective on the Role of Third-Places and Ageing in Place   

Polly Fong, Professor Catherine Haslam, Dr Tegan Cruwys and Professor S A Haslam (Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia)

This case study examines a medium-sized bridge club in Australia to explore when and why older adults use community spaces. The researchers interviewed members of the bridge club to gain a better understanding of how club attendance contributes to a sense of wellbeing and perceived ability to age well.

Mindsports in Competition: Globalisation and Socio-Political Influence at the Local Level – the Case of Bridge   

José Júlio Curado (Global Studies, Open University of Portugal, Madeira)

Researcher José Júlio Curado examines the role of the mindsport bridge in promoting society-transforming policies and poses the question: can bridge promote a more inclusive, fair, and cohesive society, while at the same time increasing longevity and social wellbeing?

Building Bridges: Developing Community and Intergenerationality through Bridge   

Chris Panagiotaros (Social Work, Western Sydney University, Australia)

In the context of widespread loneliness, Chris Panagiotaros argues that bridge provides an exciting opportunity for social work to foster cohesiveness, reduce isolationism and restore community.