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University of Exeter Business School

Professor Ilke Inceoglu

Professor Ilke Inceoglu

Professor in Organisational Behaviour & HR Management, Director of the Exeter Centre for Leadership


 +44 (0)1392 726693

 Streatham Court 1.45


Streatham Court, University of Exeter, Rennes Drive, Exeter, EX4 4PU, UK


Ilke Inceoglu is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and HR Management at the University of Exeter Business School and Director of the Exeter Centre for Leadership. Previously Ilke was at Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, and SHL, a global psychometric testing and management consultancy company. In her last role at SHL as Managing Scientist R&D she directed the research and product development of the UK R&D Team and was responsible for SHL's personality and motivation assessment tools. Her work also focused on the product development for the assessment of leadership potential and employee engagement to increase employee engagement, retention and performance.

Ilke received her PhD in Organizational Psychology from the Ludwig Maximilans University Munich. She is a Chartered Psychologist, a Chartered Scientist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS). She is also a BPS certified test user for Occupational Testing and an SHL certified trainer for Occupational Testing.

Her research focuses on leadership and employee well-being and the impact of technology on well-being at work. Her research interests also include age and work behaviours and career transitions. She has published in leading journals such as Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Organizational Research Methods, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Applied Psychology, European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Human Resource Management and Work, Employment and Society.

Nationality: German


MA (Hons), MPhil, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPsS, CSci


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Research interests

  • Leadership and health/well-being
  • Technology and well-being at work 
  • Healthy ageing at work
  • Job design, well-being and work behaviour
  • Digital transformation and impact on employees

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Journal articles

Wihler A, Nolan RC, Zheng Y, Inceoglu I, Leroy H, Charnley F (In Press). Driving Sustainability in Organizations: Polymathic Responsible Leadership and Circular Economy. Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)
Inceoglu I, Arnold KA, Leroy H, Lang J, Stephan U (In Press). FROM MICROSCOPIC TO MACROSCOPIC PERSPECTIVES AND BACK THE STUDY OF LEADERSHIP AND HEALTH/WELL-BEING. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Inceoglu I (In Press). How abduction can help produce timelier technology research. Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Inceoglu I, Vanacker T, Vismara S (2024). Digitalization and Resource Mobilization. British Journal of Management, 35(2), 576-593. Abstract.
Güntner AV, Inceoglu I, Leroy H, Sievers S, Rex R, Volmer J, Buengeler C, Den Hartog DN, Boer D, Bellingrath S, et al (2023). Leadership and Well-Being: Putting Leaders’ and Followers’ Good Health Front and Center. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
Inceoglu I, Legood A, Zheng Y, Lang JWB, Gardner WL, Anderson MH, Sun PY-T, Zhao H, Leroy H, Van Den Broeck A, et al (2023). The Big X of Leadership. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
Van Dijk D, Sonnentag S, Inceoglu I, Kark R, Lang JWB, Peters K, Karl KA, Neely AR, Peluchette JV, Zaidman N, et al (2023). When the Home Becomes Your Office: the Personal Outcomes of Remote Work. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1).
Wood S, Michaelides G, Inceoglu I, Niven K, Kelleher A, Hurren E, Daniels K (2022). Satisfaction with one's job and working at home in the COVID‐19 pandemic: a two‐wave study. Applied Psychology, 72(4), 1409-1429. Abstract.
Sparr JL, Wihler A, Ellen BP, Inceoglu I, Li Z, Rieg J (2022). Uncovering the Social and Emotional Aspects of Leadership and Followership. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1).
Wood SJ, Michaelides G, Inceoglu I, Hurren ET, Daniels K, Niven K (2021). Homeworking, Well-Being and the COVID-19 Pandemic: a Diary Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7575-7575. Abstract.
Lee A, Inceoglu I, Hauser O, Greene M (2020). Determining Causal Relationships in Leadership Research Using Machine Learning: the Powerful Synergy of Experiments and Data Science. The Leadership Quarterly, 33, 1-14.
Inceoglu I, Selenko E, McDowall A, Schlachter S (2018). (How) do Work Placements Work? Scrutinizing the Quantitative Evidence for a Theory-Driven Future Research Agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior
Inceoglu I, Thomas G, Chu C, Plans D, Gerbasi A (2018). Leadership behavior and employee well-being: an integrated review and a future research agenda. Leadership Quarterly
Ryan AM, Reeder MC, Golubovich J, Grand J, Inceoglu I, Bartram D, Derous E, Nikolaou I, Yao X (2017). Culture and Testing Practices: is the World Flat?. Applied Psychology, 66(3), 434-467. Abstract.
Brown A, Inceoglu I, Lin Y (2017). Preventing Rater Biases in 360-Degree Feedback by Forcing Choice. Organizational Research Methods, 20(1), 121-148. Abstract.
Cropley M, Plans D, Morelli D, Sütterlin S, Inceoglu I, Thomas G, Chu C (2017). The Association between Work-Related Rumination and Heart Rate Variability: a Field Study. Front Hum Neurosci, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Schlachter S, Mcdowall A, Cropley M, Inceoglu I (2017). Voluntary Work-related Technology Use during Non-work Time: a Narrative Synthesis of Empirical Research and Research Agenda. International Journal of Management Reviews Abstract.
Warr P, Inceoglu I (2017). Work Orientations, Well-Being and Job Content of Self-Employed and Employed Professionals. Work, Employment and Society, 32(2), 292-311. Abstract.
Inceoglu I, Selenko E, McDowall A, Schlachter S (2016). (How) Do Work Placements Work? Scrutinizing the Quantitative Evidence with a Systematic Review. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016(1).
Joubert T, Inceoglu I, Bartram D, Dowdeswell K, Lin Y (2015). A comparison of the psychometric properties of the forced choice and likert scale versions of a personality instrument. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 23(1), 92-97. Abstract.
Warr P, Inceoglu I (2015). Job features, job values, and affective strength. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 24(1), 101-112. Abstract.
Warr P, Bindl UK, Parker SK, Inceoglu I (2014). Four-quadrant investigation of job-related affects and behaviours. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(3), 342-363. Abstract.
He J, Bartram D, Inceoglu I, van de Vijver FJR (2014). Response Styles and Personality Traits: a Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45(7), 1028-1045. Abstract.
Bywater J, Affourtit M, Inceoglu I (2013). Moving a monolith: Cultural change and the Chinese work personality. Assessment and Development Matters, 5(1), 9-12.
Inceoglu I, Segers J, Bartram D (2012). Age-related differences in work motivation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85(2), 300-329. Abstract.
Segers J, Inceoglu I (2012). Exploring supportive and developmental career management through business strategies and coaching. Human Resource Management, 51(1), 99-120. Abstract.
Inceoglu I, Bartram D (2012). Global Leadership: the Myth of Multicultural Competency. INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE AND PRACTICE, 5(2), 216-218.  Author URL.
Inceoglu I, Bartram D (2012). Global Leadership: the Myth of Multicultural Competency. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(2), 216-218.
Warr P, Inceoglu I (2012). Job engagement, job satisfaction, and contrasting associations with person-job fit. J Occup Health Psychol, 17(2), 129-138. Abstract.  Author URL.
Inceoglu I, Warr P (2011). Personality and job engagement. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 10(4), 177-181. Abstract.
Segers J, Vloeberghs D, Henderickx E, Inceoglu I (2011). Structuring and Understanding the Coaching Industry: the Coaching Cube. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10(2), 204-221.
Segers J, Vloeberghs D, Henderickx E, Inceoglu I (2011). Structuring and understanding the coaching industry: the coaching cube. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10(2), 204-221. Abstract.
Segers J, Inceoglu I, Vloeberghs D, Bartram D, Henderickx E (2010). Erratum to "Protean and boundaryless careers: a study on potential motivators" [Journal of Vocational Behavior 37 (2) (2008) 212-230]. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77(1), 154-155.
Inceoglu I, Segers J, Bartram D, Vloeberghs D (2009). Age differences in work motivation in a sample from five northern European countries. Zeitschrift fur Personalpsychologie, 8(2), 59-70. Abstract.
Segers J, Inceoglu I, Vloeberghs D, Bartram D, Henderickx E (2008). Protean and boundaryless careers: a study on potential motivators. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73(2), 212-230. Abstract.
Inceoglu I, Bartram D (2007). The validity of personality questionnaires: the importance of the criterion measure. Zeitschrift fur Personalpsychologie, 6(4), 160-173. Abstract.
Inceoglu I, Franzen U, Backmund H, Gerlinghoff M (2000). Personality disorders in patients in a day-treatment programme for eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 8(1), 67-72. Abstract.


Hartlaub D, Inceoglu I, Hernandez Bark AS, Kark R (2023). Is it Stressful at the Top?. In  (Ed) Organizational Stress and Well-Being, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 93-122.
Roe RA, Inceoglu I (2016). Measuring States and Traits in Motivation and Emotion. In  (Ed) The ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment, Oxford University Press (OUP), 63-88.
Ryan AM, Inceoglu I, Bartram D, Golubovich J, Grand J, Reeder M, Derous E, Nikolaou I, Yao X (2015). Trends in testing: Highlights of a global survey. In  (Ed) Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Assessment: Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice, 136-153.
Segers J, Inceoglu I, Finkelstein L (2014). The age cube of work. In  (Ed) Generational Diversity at Work: New Research Perspectives, 11-36.
Fleck S, Inceoglu I (2010). A comprehensive framework for understanding and predicting engagement. In  (Ed) Handbook of Employee Engagement: Perspectives, Issues, Research and Practice, 31-42.
Fleck S, Inceoglu I (2010). Chapter 3: a Comprehensive Framework for Understanding and Predicting Engagement. In  (Ed) Handbook of Employee Engagement, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Inceoglu I, Fleck S (2010). Chapter 6: Engagement as a Motivational Construct. In  (Ed) Handbook of Employee Engagement, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Inceoglu I, Fleck S (2010). Engagement as a motivational construct. In  (Ed) Handbook of Employee Engagement: Perspectives, Issues, Research and Practice, 74-86.


Inceoglu I, Thomas G, Chu C, Plans D, Gerbasi A (2018). Leadership behavior and employee well-being: an integrated review. the Institute of Work Psychology International Conference. 19th - 22nd Jun 2018.
Inceoglu I, Segers J, Bartram D, Vloeberghs D (2008). Age differences in work motivation.  Author URL.
Inceoglu I, Gasteiger RM, Anderson N, Bartram D, Port R, Zibarras L, Woods S (2008). Are conscientious individuals less innovative? on the interplay of personality and innovation potential.  Author URL.
Inceoglu I, Warr P, Bartram D (2008). Personality and work values.  Author URL.

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External Engagement and Impact

Editorial responsibilities

  • Associate Editor: Organizational Psychology Review, Journal of Personnel Psychology
  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology
  • External Examiner for the MSc Organisational Behaviour and MSc Work Psychology & Business, Aston Business School (2017-2021)

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My teaching emphasises evidence-based learning and management, connecting rigorous science with practice. My teaching has focused on, for example, how to conduct fair and effective recruitment and selection processes in organisations and how to engage employees so that they can perform to the best of their potential and enjoy their work. 



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