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Publication, Part of

Quality and Outcomes Framework, Achievement, prevalence and exceptions data 2018-19 [PAS]

Official statistics

Current Chapter

Quality and Outcomes Framework, Achievement, prevalence and exceptions data 2018-19 [PAS]


The objective of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is to improve the quality of care patients are given by rewarding practices for the quality of care they provide to their patients, based on a number of indicators across a range of key areas of clinical care and public health.

This publication provides data for the reporting year 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019 and covers all General Practices in England that participated in the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) in 2018-19. Participation in QOF is voluntary, though participation rates are very high at 95.1 per cent.

29 October 2019: revised PREVALENCE_1819.csv, ORGANISATION_REFERENCE_1819.csv and INDICATOR_MAPPINGS_1819.csv published. The previous versions included prevalence data for eight GP practices which should have been excluded as a result of the validation process. This issue does not affect any of the other files in this publication. For more details of the validation process, please refer to the technical annex.

6,873 practices included in the 2018-19 publication

Participation in QOF is voluntary, though participation rates are very high, with coverage of 95.1 per cent this year.

QOF recorded prevalence rates

The highest rates were for hypertension (14.0 per cent), depression (10.7 per cent) and obesity (10.1 per cent)

Changes in QOF recorded prevalence

The greatest change in QOF recorded prevalence was for depression, which was 0.8 percentage points higher than in 2017-18.

(Note - 2017-18 prevalence rates have been recalculated using data for practices included in QOF 2018-19 only)

Average practice achievement score

539.2 was the average practice achievement score (out of a maximum of 559)

(Note - this calculation excludes practices that had no achievement included)

Proportion of practices achieving maximum score

13.0 per cent of practices achieved a maximum score of 559 points, compared with 12.5 per cent of practices in 2017-18

Value of a QOF point

Each QOF point had a value of £179.26 - an increase of 4.7 per cent compared to 2017-18.

Exception rates

The cardiovascular disease - primary prevention indicator group had the highest exception rate at 32.7 per cent. Blood pressure had the lowest exception rate at 0.6 per cent.


Last edited: 2 March 2022 1:27 pm