Student Startup Incubation application
Thank you for your interest in joining SU LaunchLab's Student Startup Incubation program! We look forward to reviewing your application.
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Name and surname *
Email address *
Student number *
Faculty *
What gender identity best describes you? *
Which race or ethnicity best describes you? *
Does your business or idea relate to your studies or research at Stellenbosch University?
If you have replied "yes" to the above, have you gone through a formal disclosure process with Innovus (Stellenbosch University Innovation and Commersialisation)? 
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Startup name *
What problem does your startup aim to solve?
Describe the motivation behind your startup idea. What inspired you to pursue this particular venture?
Have you formed a team for your startup? If yes, please provide details about the team members and their roles.
How does your startup differentiate itself from existing solutions or competitors in the market?
At what stage is your startup currently?
Briefly outline your business model and revenue generation strategy.
Describe any previous experience you or your team members have in entrepreneurship or startup ventures.
Have you conducted any market research or validation for your startup idea? If yes, please provide details.
How do you plan to fund your startup's initial development and ongoing operations?
Describe any intellectual property (IP) or patents associated with your startup, if applicable.
Can you dedicate at least 4 hours per month to working on your startup along with the SU LaunchLab team for the duration of the program?
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