Talents & Startups / Talent registration 
We're so excited you're joining us for the Talents & Startups event on October 30th at the Helsinki City Hall.

Here's the agenda for your reminder:

11:45-12:00 Doors open

12:00-12:30 Keynote by Mari Luukkainen, VC investor, Growth Hacker, and startup veteran: “Growth Hacking your career”

12:30-12:45 Speech by Chiara Montecchiari, Growth Marketer, Entrepreneur, and Board Member: “Navigating Finland as an international talent”

12:45-15:00 Networking with startups

15:00-15:10 Closing words

16:00 Doors close

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What area are you looking to work in? (e.g. customer support, sales, marketing, software developer) *
Any wishes or messages to the organizer to help make your event experience successful? *
Thank you for your registration! 
We'll send you more info about the participating companies and the skills they're looking for ahead of the event :) 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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