The Gender-Type of Trial Apprenticeships and the Predictive Role of Desired Professions, Aptitude Self-Concepts, Role Models and School Tracks

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The Gender-Type of Trial Apprenticeships and the Predictive Role of Desired Professions, Aptitude Self-Concepts, Role Models and School Tracks
Hofmann, Jan; Neuenschwander, Markus P.

From the journal ZBW Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, Volume 117, March 2021, issue 1

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 10927 Words
Original language: German
ZBW 2021, pp 70-100


This paper discusses the gender-type (GT) of trial apprenticeship professions and examines its determinants and correlation with the GT of apprenticeship professions. Five hundred fifty adolescents of a Swiss longitudinal sample were analyzed using bivariate correlation analyses and a multigroup structural equation model by gender. The GT of desired professions, aptitude self-concepts and the school track had a direct effect on the GT of trial apprenticeship professions, while the GT of role models’ professions had an indirect effect via the GT of desired professions. The GT of trial apprenticeship professions positively and highly correlated with the GT of apprenticeship professions. Results indicate explanations for gender-typed first career choices in Switzerland.


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