
Toilet training children with Down syndrome.

We believe that with the right information, support and encouragement, most children with Down syndrome can be out of nappies and toilet trained, in plenty of time to be in pants4school!

We work with June Rogers MBE, formerly of Bladder & Bowel UK, who has developed a 4-step approach, starting with introducing sitting on the potty from when little one is starting to sit, around 9 months and progressing over time to the final stage, step 4 when the nappy is removed.

We are keen to work with professionals across a range of disciplines to ensure they are aware of our initiative and the ability for children with Down syndrome to be potty trained alongside their peers.

Join our Toilet Training Facebook Support Group

A group where parents of and professionals working with children with Down syndrome in the UK, can share advice, experiences, resources and access training  and support, around toilet training.

Best practice guidelines for professionals, supporting skill development for toilet training in all children

Consensus guidance document regarding the introduction of early toilet skill development programmes for all children, including those with learning disabilities and developmental differences, to ensure all children have access to appropriate advice and support to enable age-appropriate attainment of potential for acquisition of continence, and early identification and appropriate interventions for any bladder or bowel health issues.

Toileting information sessions

We run regular toilet training bootcamps, as well as information sharing sessions on subjects such as bowel movements and constipation. 

Parent Feedback

We have recently just finished the toilet training programme, what an amazing resource to have available to us! The knowledge and expertise from June is second to none, without whom we would be clueless!
With June's wonderful help, support and encouragement Reuben is in pants before the age of 2! He is not yet fully toilet trained, but well on the way to getting there!

Awards and Recognition


Finalists at the Royal College of Nursing Awards


Silver Award BJN
Finalists at Nursing Times Awards


GloMama Winner Best Community Group
Finalists at Nursing Times Awards


Finalists at Nursing Times Awards