Review of Joost Hengstmengel’s Divine Providence in Early Modern Economic Thought. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019, 248 pp.


  • Paul Oslington Alphacrucis College, Australia


Author Biography

Paul Oslington, Alphacrucis College, Australia

Paul Oslington is Professor of Economics and Theology at Alphacrucis College, the national college of the Pentecostal movement in Australia. His PhD in Economics and Master of Economics/Econometrics with Honours were completed at the University of Sydney, and his Bachelor of Divinity and Doctor of Theology through University of Divinity, Melbourne. His books include The Theory of International Trade and Unemployment, Adam Smith as Theologian, The Oxford Handbook of Economics and Christianity, Political Economy as Natural Theology: Smith Malthus and their Followers and he is currently working on a monograph commissioned by Harvard University Press, God and Economic Order.




How to Cite

Oslington, P. (2020). Review of Joost Hengstmengel’s Divine Providence in Early Modern Economic Thought. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019, 248 pp. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 13(1), 122–126.