LTB 433/19 – NEC, Industrial Executives and Regional Secretary Elections 2019 – Change of Closing Date of Ballot

No.    433/19

12th July 2019

To:       All Branches


Dear Colleague,

NEC, Industrial Executives and Regional Secretary Elections 2019 – Change of Closing Date of Ballot

Since the publication of LTB 428/19, dated 9th July 2019, which provided the detailed explanation from ERS as to why there has been a delay in the arrival of ballot papers for the above National and Regional elections; we have continued to monitor the situation and have held daily discussions with ERS to receive further progress reports.

Additionally, during this period we have been consulting with a number of branches and regions to ascertain the latest position in their areas.

During our enquiries it has become clear that there are certain areas of the UK who are still experiencing problems with the arrival of ballot papers. We have updated ERS on this matter and they have assured us that all of the ballot papers are now in the postal system.

Whilst we understand this may be the case, we have made further representations to ERS to secure an extension of the closing date from 24th July 2019 to 29th July 2019 to allow those members affected by the delay to have a greater opportunity to cast their votes.

I can report that due to the position we find ourselves in as a result of the actions of ERS, they have agreed to the extension and therefore the closing date will now be 29th July 2019 (first post).

CWU HQ will be publishing the extension by all means possible including across all our social media platforms and we seek the assistance of branches to take every possible measure to publicise the revised closing date to their members.

We believe that this should include using localised social media, the distribution of this LTB to workplaces/Members and where practical holding workplace meetings.

Yours sincerely,


Tony Kearns
Senior Deputy General Secretary

19LTB433 – NEC, Industrial Executives and Regional Secretary Elections 2019 – Change of Closing Date of Ballot