Business Design questionnaire
“Business Design is a highly iterative process that requires a deep understanding of people, the exploration of new possibilities and the ingenuity to turn new ideas into business”(Fraser, 2019).

Business Design is a process that interacts between business and design (Design methods & Strategies with business context). It aligns both on a better trajectory for future growth and sustainable business.

As a postgraduate researcher from De Montfort University, this questionnaire was created with the aim of identify how Business Design have been understood and applied to help businesses during crisis COVID-19. Therefore, I would like to have a few minutes of your time to answer these questions.

Thank you for your time!
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Is your business located in Leicester? *
 Which sector is your business? *
Which of this category define your business? *
Have you ever heard about Business Design process? *
Do you believe that professional in design-focused in the business context could improve the company’s profitability? *
Have you ever applied design thinking in your business? *
Do you have people trained to apply Business Design Tools in your company, such as Design Thinking or Business Model Canvas? *
In which level on the strategic process design is applied in your company? *
During crisis – COVID-19, how are you managing difficulties? Please select one. *
If your business were affected by economic crisis, would you escalate a business designer to help you? *
With an opportunity to learn more about Business Design, where would you go for it? Please select one. *
Is your business located in Leicester? *
 Which sector is your business? *
Which of this category define your business? *
Have you ever heard about Business Design process? *
Do you believe that professional in design-focused in the business context could improve the company’s profitability? *
Have you ever applied design thinking in your business? *
Do you have people trained to apply Business Design Tools in your company, such as Design Thinking or Business Model Canvas? *
In which level on the strategic process design is applied in your company? *
During crisis – COVID-19, how are you managing difficulties? Please select one. *
If your business were affected by economic crisis, would you escalate a business designer to help you? *
With an opportunity to learn more about Business Design, where would you go for it? Please select one. *
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