Charles Downie Award

Presented annually to an early career researcher for the most significant publication

The late Charles Downie was a pioneer of palynology in the U.K. and a mentor who guided the thinking and development of many postgraduate students who passed through the University of Sheffield. Through the efforts of former colleagues at Sheffield, a permanent memorial was established to recognize Charles’ contribution to micropalaeontology.

An award is made annually to an early career researcher who, in the opinion of the Committee, has published the most significant original paper in any journal or book based on their postgraduate research in the previous year that includes micropalaeontology. Significance, is understood as the extent to which the work has influenced, or has the capacity to influence, knowledge and scholarly thought, or the development and understanding of policy and/or practice. The award of £200 and a 1-year free membership to the Society will be presented at the Micropalaeontology Society’s Annual General Meeting held in November each year.

To make a nomination, please complete the form here which includes your name and e-mail address, the name and e-mail address of the nominee and a link to an open-access version of the paper. If an open-access version of the article is not available, then please send a PDF of the paper to the TMS Secretary and make sure to include "Charles Downie Award" in the subject header. 

All applications must be received by the 28th February each year (for articles published in the previous year).

All nominations will be considered at the Spring TMS Committee meeting. Nominations must be made in the strictest confidence and the person nominated should not be informed. Nominations can be made by any TMS member. Nominees need not be TMS members. We welcome and encourage nominations for this award for those in academia and industry alike.

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Q1. Nominator: What is your name?
(please include first and last name)
Q2. Nominator: What is your e-mail address? *
Q3. What is the name of the nominee?
(please include first and last name)
Q4. What is the e-mail address of the nominee? *
Please include an online link to an open access version of the paper. If an open-access version of the article is not available then please: [1] either provide a full citation for the work here or a link to where the work is published, and [2] send a PDF of the paper to the TMS Secretary and make sure to include "Charles Downie Award" in the subject header.  *
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