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Created December 15, 2022 10:40
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Debug / analysis of getting data from an EPrint DataObj
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Save this into ~/bin/local/
# or alter line 7 below! ;)
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../perl_lib";
use EPrints;
use Data::Dumper;
eval "use Term::ReadKey";
eval "use Compat::Term::ReadKey" if $@;
use strict;
use vars qw( %COLORS );
eval "use Term::ANSIColor qw()";
unless( $@ )
reset => "reset",
prompt => "bold magenta",
input => "bold yellow",
bad_input => "bold red",
output => "green",
my $REGEXP_NUMBER = '^[0-9]+$';
my $REGEXP_VARNAME = '^[a-zA-Z][_A-Za-z0-9]*$';
my $repoid = get_input( $REGEXP_VARNAME, 'Archive ID' );
my $noise = get_input( $REGEXP_NUMBER, 'Session noise [0 (quiet) - 3 (includes SQL debug)]' );
my $session = new EPrints::Session( 1 , $repoid , $noise );
if( !defined $session )
print STDERR "Failed to load repository: $repoid\n";
exit 1;
my $eprintid = get_input( $REGEXP_NUMBER, 'EPrint ID' );
print color("output"), "\nChecking for EPrint #$eprintid...\n", color("reset"), "\n\n";
my $eprint = EPrints::DataObj::EPrint->new( $session, $eprintid );
if( !defined $eprint )
$session->get_repository->log( "EPrint #$eprintid not found.\n" );
my $field = get_input( $REGEXP_VARNAME, 'Field to print' );
print color("output"), "Info for $field:\n";
print "RAW VALUE (Dumper):\n\t", color("reset"), Dumper($eprint->value( $field ));
print color("output"), "RENDERED AND STRINGIFIED:\n\t", color("reset"), EPrints::Utils::tree_to_utf8( $eprint->render_value( $field ) ), "\n";
print color("output"), "HTML:\n\t", color("reset"), $eprint->render_value( $field )->toString(1),"\n";
# Borrowed from EPrints::Utils - with a bit of added colour
sub get_input
my( $regexp, $prompt, $default ) = @_;
$prompt = "" if( !defined $prompt);
$prompt .= " [$default] " if( defined $default );
$prompt .= "? ";
print color("prompt");
#print wrap_text( $prompt, 'console' );
print "\n\n$prompt";
print color("input");
my $in = Term::ReadKey::ReadLine(0);
$in =~ s/\015?\012?$//s;
print color("reset");
if( $in eq "" && defined $default )
return $default;
if( $in=~m/^$regexp$/ )
return $in;
print color("bad_input");
print "Bad Input, try again.\n";
print color("input");
# Borrowed from EPrints::CLIProcessor
sub color
my( $type ) = @_;
return exists $COLORS{$type} ? Term::ANSIColor::color( $COLORS{$type} ) : "";
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