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Adult ADHD services in Greater Manchester

We are reviewing adult ADHD services across Greater Manchester.

Services supporting adults through diagnosis for ADHD have long waiting lists, approximately 15,000 people. This means that an adult who is referred now could wait over 7 years for a diagnosis. Since 2019 the number of referrals into adult ADHD services have increased 500%, this means on average these services receive 1,500 referrals a month.

Across Greater Manchester we do not have one single waiting list for ADHD services.

The cost of running ADHD services is another reason why we need to review the current model. To see and complete a diagnosis pathway for each of the patients currently waiting would cost us an extra £8 million this would only tackle the waiting list. Adult ADHD services currently cost £12 million pound per year.

What we are thinking

One of the ideas we are considering is introducing referral criteria for adult ADHD services.  This is just an idea that is being explored right now.  Referral criteria are commonly used across NHS services to help make sure that the people who need services the most get them.  Referral criteria may include things like the impact the symptoms are having on their life, and whether they have other conditions that are being affected.

Have your say on adult ADHD services

The adult ADHD survey has now closed.

If you would like to get in touch with the Engagement Team to find out about future opportunities to be involved, please email


Equality Impact Assessment

We will soon publish our Equality Impact Assessment relating to adult ADHD services.

Alternative formats and printable surveys


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