Online Survey and Consent Form

About this study

The purpose of this study is to find out more about pregnancy associated osteoporosis (PAO) which is a condition associated with bone fractures that can rarely affect women during pregnancy. You have been nominated to complete this survey as someone who may wish to act as a control by a friend or acquaintance who has experienced PAO.

A detailed information sheet can be found here.

The survey has two components. Phase I is a survey which collects information about a previous pregnancy. This survey has 7 sections (including multiple choice and text based answers) and should be done in one sitting. It should take no longer than 20 minutes of your time.

Phase I of the survey is completed anonymously and will not involve you providing any personal details. If you complete phase I of the survey you will be able to consent to take part in phase II of the study in which we will ask you to provide more details about yourself. Please note that if you decide to take part in phase I, there is no obligation whatsoever to take part in phase II. More detail of what is involved in phase II are provided on completion of phase I.

Who can take part in this study?

This survey is designed to be completed by healthy women who have not experienced PAO, but have been referred by a friend who has been diagnosed with PAO.

What about privacy and confidentiality?

Responses to the survey will be anonymous and will be stored securely on a password protected computer at the University of Edinburgh for 15 years. After this time, the data will be destroyed. Only the researchers conducting this survey and the study coordinator will have access to the data. The results of the survey may be published but will not include identifiable information.

Can I obtain a summary of survey findings?

At the end of the survey, you will have the option to download a PDF copy of your survey answers.

What if I have any questions?

If you have any questions about the survey you can contact or phone 0131 651 8726.

What do I do now if I wish to take part?

Please read the detailed information sheet and take enough time to ensure you know what is involved. If you have read and understood the above information and would like to participate in the survey, please click on the following boxes to indicate that you consent to take part in Phase I of the survey. If you do not want to take part please close the web page on your browser.


Please complete the survey below.


Thank you!


Online Survey and Consent Form (Controls) Version 4.0 13/09/2021 
IRAS: 287827

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