Weight of evidence and biological relevance in non-chemical scientific assessments

Course dates

March 7-10, 2022, at 9-13 CET each day.

On-line course

The course will be given as an on-line course using online webinar tool Zoom. Participants must be able to attend daily at 9-13 CET.

Course participants

The course is for members of EFSA’s Scientific Committee/Panels, their working groups, members of the EFSA Networks, and EFSA staff. The course is mainly aimed at non-chemical scientific assessment, i.e. activities related to the following EFSA Panels: Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW), Biological Hazards (BIOHAZ), Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) and Plant Health (PLH).

Course content

This course will provide training for EFSA staff and experts on the use of EFSA’s Guidance on Weight of Evidence assessment and the EFSA’s Guidance on assessment of Biological Relevance with focus on non-chemical scientific assessment.

The course will describe the role of assessment of weight of evidence and biological relevance in chemical risk assessment. The different steps in a weight of evidence and biological relevance assessment will be described and methods for the assessments will be discussed. It will cover how to define the question for a weight of evidence assessment and the three steps in the assessment: assembling evidence, weighing evidence and integrating evidence. Assessment of biological relevance in the different steps in a weight of evidence assessment will be discussed. The importance of assessing biological relevance related to agents, subjects, effects and conditions in the assessment will be covered. Uncertainty analysis related to assessments and reporting of the assessment of weight of evidence and biological relevance will be discussed.

The course will include presentations, exercises and group discussions.

Course application

EFSA’s Scientific Committee/Panels, their working groups, members of the EFSA Networks and EFSA staff apply here.

Application deadline is February 2, 2022.

EFSA reserves the right to select the participants from all applicants. After the deadline, all applicants will be informed whether they can actually attend the training.

Handling of personal data
Please see the information here https://staff.ki.se/data-protection-policy


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