Strategic toolkit for assessing risks: a comprehensive toolkit for all-hazards health emergency risk assessment


The negative consequences of any emergencies or disasters including that of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities and countries have continued to highlight the importance of the all-hazards risk management approach in all emergency preparedness and response actions. Such a risk management approach builds on multi-sectorial collaboration and whole-of-society action to ensure inclusive and non-discriminatory process of developing capacities in the communities.

To take a risk management approach, it is imperative to assess risks to guide actions, inform planning and provide evidence to strategies and policies for better prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, which are critical to whole of society actions for emergencies and disasters. Periodic assessment of risks also ensures early detection and early actions, which allow communities and other stakeholders to be operationally ready for timely and effective response.  Risk assessment is recognized as one of the core elements of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.


The Strategic Tool for Assessing Risks (STAR) offers a comprehensive, easy-to-use toolkit and approach to enable national and subnational governments to rapidly conduct a strategic and evidence-based assessment of public health risks for planning and prioritization of health emergency preparedness and disaster risk management activities. This guidance describes the principles and methodology of STAR to enhance its adaptation and use at the national or subnational levels.

WHO Team
Disaster Risk Management and Resilience (DDR), Health Security Preparedness (HSP), WHO Health Emergencies Programme (WHE)
World Health Organization
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789240036086