ICD-11 2023 release is here

ICD-11 came into in effect in January 2022 for the national and international recording and reporting of causes of illness, death - and more.

14 February 2023
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What is new in ICD-11 2023 release?

The 2023 ICD-11 release is further enhancing and leveraging the advantages of ICD-11's state-of-the-art coding system, and multilingual access for better health information. Here is a rundown of all the changes that are coming your way with this 2023 yearly release of ICD-11:

The 2023 release is the result of extensive input from early adopters, translators, scientists, and partners with over 500 proposals processed since 2022. 

ICD-11 isn't just changing medical coding—it's making healthcare more accessible to everyone. ICD-11 is multilingual. All tools and APIs are available in the released languages. You may access the ICD-11 multilingual browser using the below links ArabicChineseEnglishFrenchRussianSpanish and Turkish. 23 more languages are underway! ICD-11 is helping us move towards better health on a global scale and better use of resources, no matter where we are in the world. 

In addition to the multilingual access, ICD-11 also has new and improved coding support and the maintenance platform has been upgraded with enhancements in the proposal mechanism such as support for proposals for the reference guide and enhancements in the translation platform that allows better tracking of the status of translations

ICD-11 mapping tables have been updated for more accuracy, and added more postcoordination options with increased terminology visualization, giving you more ways to explore ICD-11's Foundation. ICD-11 now has more granularity with the postcoordinated extension codes, so you can get even more specific when adding attributes to ICD-11 terms. 

ICD-11 2023 release version includes content updates such as the list of current COVID-19 vaccines and SARS-COV-2 subtypes. ICD-11 has also been updated with a name change "mpox". Following a series of consultations with global experts, WHO will begin using this new preferred term “mpox” as a synonym for monkeypox. Both names will be used simultaneously for one year while “monkeypox” is phased out (More information). 

ICD-11's reference guide has been updated with feedback from translators and users and is available online, so you can get further guidance on ICD-11 including morbidity and mortality coding rules. You can also find ICD-11's terms of use online at icd.who.int, and you can download ICD-11 updates and earlier releases from the info menu in the ICD-11 Browser.

The mortality and morbidity special tabulation lists are released online, and now there's a new electronic platform available that makes editing these lists even easier. Plus, it opens up the possibility of getting access to other special tabulations that weren't as feasible before.

Highlight for IT experts: the ICD-API version includes the "Digital Open Rule Integrated cause of death selection" or DORIS's algorithms that can be directly deployed in electronic Medical Certification of Cause of Death or MCCD systems from the API (Pre-release).

ICD-11 is for countries by countries. Currently 64 Member States are in different stages of ICD-11 implementation. The 2023 ICD-11 release features including content updates, tooling improvements and additional language versions will support member states in the implementation and scale up of ICD-11.  

Related links

Upcoming webinars

If you're into coding and ICD-11, then these upcoming webinars are for you! We've got something for everyone - from pain coding to patient safety, maternal and perinatal death, allergy coding and even more. So if you want to keep up with the latest trends in ICD-11 coding, don't miss out on these upcoming webinars.






WHO is committed to supporting all countries as they move towards implementing and scaling-up ICD-11.

ICD-11 highlights 

ICD-11 enables better health information for better health.

ICD-11 is designed for use in digital environments; it can be used also in paper-based environments.

ICD-11 means accurate and complete information about a person's health including causes of death, health conditions, reimbursements, resource use, patient safety, vaccinations and many more.

ICD-11 is distributed under an Open ICD-11 license

ICD-11 informs documentation and research about antimicrobial resistance, cancer, traditional medicine and any other area of medicine.

ICD-11 is available in multiple languages and allows clinical documentation and analysis at the level desired by its users.

ICD-11 is easy to use thanks to a set of tools that are available online and offline. The tools can be used by humans or other software (API).

ICD-11 can be used together with with ICHI (interventions) or ICF (functioning)**

**International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) & International Classification of Health Interventions (ICHI)



