Scaling Up Sex Ed webinar inivitation |   View this email in your browser
Webinar Invitation
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Despite a wealth of evidence on the benefits of sexuality education, many young people still lack access to it. Curious to know how you can work more effectively to reach large groups of young people in a sustainable way?
Join Rutgers on the 17 November 2021 and hear the highlights from our new study: Scaling Up Sexuality Education: Lessons learned and considerations for civil society organizations.

Event Description
Special guest Larry Cooley, a global expert on scale and sustainability, will deliver opening remarks, followed by practical experiences from organizations from Asia and Africa to sustainably scale-up sexuality education.
We will dive deeper to answer questions like:
  • How can your organizational capacity and reputation influence your scaling success?
  • How will you get traction with key-decision makers?
  • What needs to be in a successful scale-up plan?
  • And what does it cost to scale up CSE per student?
Learn more about the challenges, successes and impact from those who have tangible experience in scaling to reach millions of youth with sexuality education.
Don’t miss this event on 17 November 2021. Please kindly share this exciting announcement with youth-focused colleagues in your networks.

💻 Online event in English with French and Spanish translations
🗓️ 17 November 2021

🕒 12.00 - 13.30 GMT
Founder and President Emeritus of Management Systems International, an 800-person consulting firm headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, Mr. Cooley has more than 40 years' experience in the fields of strategic management and international development.  Currently serving as President of the Society for International Development and Board Chair of World Learning, he is the author of widely used methodologies for managing change, scaling innovation, entrepreneurship development, and results-based management. Mr. Cooley has served as facilitator for three Cabinet-level working groups in the United States, and as advisor to the leaders of more than a dozen governments, foundations, and international agencies. In 2015 he co-founded the Global Community of Practice on Scaling-Up Development Outcomes which has over 1000 members in 43 countries.
Amala Rahmah
Amala, a mother with three girls, is the Rutgers Indonesia Country Representative. Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) is one of the program approaches that Rutgers Indonesia has been implementing since 2010. After 10 years of CSE implementation, Rutgers Indonesia has been known as the Center of innovation of CSE across Indonesia. Amala is also working on a Doctoral Program in Research and Evaluation of Education in Jakarta, Indonesia. Her dissertation theme is about ‘Inclusive Education for Children With Disabilities’.
Audrey Kettaneh
Audrey has over 25 years of experience working in the health and education sectors in West and Southern Africa, Latin America and Asia. She has worked for DFID, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, World Bank, WHO, NGOs such as ActionAid, Rutgers, and national ministries amongst others. She has wide-ranging experience from policy development, multisector collaboration and coordination, to adolescent health; sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); comprehensive sexuality education (CSE); HIV and AIDS; school health; health systems; and aid effectiveness.
Ishmael Kwasi Selassie
Ishmael is one of Ghana’s Civil Society active voices with close to 20 years’ experience in Adolescent and Youth sexual and reproductive health programming, advocacy and community engagements. He currently serves as the Youth Programmes and Centre of Excellence Manager at PPAG where he works to advance the rights of young people, women and girls.
Ibrahim Moussa
Ibrahim has been responsible for the development and implementation of all major programs of the Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille for more than 10 years, including advocacy, access to safe abortion, access to sexuality education, SRH services and reproductive rights of vulnerable populations. He also has over thirteen years of experience in managing development project cycles..
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Webinar : Une approche éprouvée pour la mise à l'échelle de l'éducation sexuelle sexuelle 


Malgré les nombreuses preuves des avantages de l'éducation sexuelle, de nombreux jeunes n'y ont toujours pas accès. Vous êtes curieux de savoir comment vous pouvez travailler plus efficacement pour atteindre de grands groupes de jeunes de manière durable ?  

Rejoignez Rutgers le 17 novembre 2021 et écoutez les points forts de notre nouvelle étude : Mise à l'échelle de l'éducation à la sexualité : Leçons apprises et considérations pour les organisations de la société civile. 

 Description de l'événement - programme 

L'invité spécial Larry Cooley, expert mondial en matière d'échelle et de durabilité, prononcera un discours d'ouverture, suivi d'expériences pratiques d'organisations d'Asie et d'Afrique visant à étendre durablement l'éducation sexuelle.  

Nous allons plonger plus profondément pour répondre à des questions telles que : 

  • Comment la capacité et la réputation de votre organisation peuvent-elles influencer le succès de votre mise à l'échelle ? 

  • Comment allez-vous attirer l'attention des décideurs clés ?  

  • Que doit contenir un plan d'intensification réussi ?  

  • Et quel est le coût de la mise à l'échelle de l’ES par élève?  


Apprenez-en davantage sur les défis, les succès et l'impact de ceux qui ont une expérience concrète de la mise à l'échelle pour atteindre des millions de jeunes avec une éducation sexuelle.  

Ne manquez pas cet événement le 17 novembre 2021. Merci de bien vouloir partager cette annonce avec les collègues de vos réseaux qui s'intéressent à la jeunesse. 

💻 Événement en ligne en anglais avec traductions française et espagnole.
🗓️ 17 novembre 2021
🕒 12.00 - 13.30 GMT

Inscrivez-vous maintenant
Seminario en línea: Un enfoque probado para ampliar la educación sexual
A pesar de la gran cantidad de evidencias sobre los beneficios de la educación sexual, muchos/as jóvenes/as siguen sin tener acceso a ella. ¿Tienes curiosidad por saber cómo puedes trabajar de forma más eficaz para llegar a grandes grupos de jóvenes de forma sostenible?
Únete a Rutgers el 17 de noviembre de 2021 y conozca los aspectos más destacados de nuestro nuevo estudio: Escalabilidad de la Educación Sexual: Lecciones aprendidas y consideraciones para las organizaciones de la sociedad civil.
Descripción del evento - programa
El invitado especial Larry Cooley, experto mundial en escala y sostenibilidad, pronunciará un discurso de apertura, seguido de experiencias prácticas de organizaciones de Asia y África para la escalabilidad de forma sostenible de la educación sexual.
Profundizaremos para responder a preguntas como:
- ¿Cómo pueden influir la capacidad y la reputación de su organización en el éxito de su escalabilidad?
- ¿Cómo conseguirá la tracción de los responsables de la toma de decisiones?
- ¿Qué debe contener un plan de escalabilidad exitoso?
- ¿Y cuánto cuesta ampliar la educación integral para la sexualidad por estudiante?
Conozca los desafíos, los éxitos y el impacto de quienes tienen experiencia en la ampliación para llegar a millones de jóvenes con la educación sexual.
No te pierdas este evento el 17 de noviembre de 2021. Por favor, comparte esta invitación con colegas relevantes y jovenes interesados/as.

💻 Evento online en inglés con traducciones al francés y al español
🗓️ 17 de noviembre de 2021
🕒 12.00 - 13.30 GMT
inscríbase ahora
The Centres of Excellence on Comprehensive Sexuality Education, works towards a more gender-equal world in which young people are empowered to exercise their rights and make free and informed decisions about their sexuality and well-being.
Ghana (PPAG), Togo (ATBEF) and Colombia (Profamilia) host the three regional Centres of excellence.
Rutgers is the Netherlands Centre on Sexuality working in over 29 countries.
Learn more about the Centres of Excellence programme here or for specific questions, reach out to

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