Your COP26 weekly run down
It's COP26 time!
It's the first day of COP26, the world's biggest climate conference, and this year it's being held very close to home - in Glasgow!

Every year, climate leaders from around the world meet to discuss the steps that must be taken to fight climate change, with many saying that COP26 is our best last chance to make a difference.

Over the next 2 weeks, we'll be providing you with short digestible videos on what has been discussed at the conference. But first, you might be wondering what a COP actually is? We've put together this video to explain exactly that!
How can I get involved?
We've got plenty to keep you busy and informed over the course of COP26, including 6 brand new activities on the platform:
Glowing star What is COP26? 
Glowing star Week One at COP26
Glowing star Week Two at COP26
Glowing star Make your sustainable pledge
Glowing star Nominate your climate hero
Glowing star COP26 Quiz
Head to the platform to get started!
Mae’n amser COP26!
Heddiw yw diwrnod cyntaf COP26, y gynhadledd hinsawdd fwyaf yn y byd, ac eleni mae’n cael ei chynnal yn agos iawn i adref – yn Glasgow!

Pob blwyddyn, mae arweinwyr hinsawdd ledled y byd yn cyfarfod i drafod y camau sydd angen eu cymryd i herio newid hinsawdd, gyda nifer yn dweud mai COP26 yw ein cyfle olaf i wneud gwahaniaeth.
Dros y pythefnos nesaf, byddwn yn darparu fideos byr sy’n hawdd eu gwylio ar beth sydd wedi’i drafod yn y gynhadledd. Ond yn gyntaf, efallai eich bod yn gofyn beth yw COP? Rydym wedi creu’r fideo yma er mwyn egluro hynny i chi!
Sut alla i gymryd rhan?
Mae gennym ddigonedd i’ch cadw’n brysur ac yn wybodus dros gyfnod COP26, gan gynnwys 6 gweithgaredd newydd sbon ar y platfform: 
Glowing star Beth yw COP26?
Glowing star Wythnos Un yn COP26
Glowing star Wythnos Dau yn COP26
Glowing star Gwnewch eich addewid cynaliadwy
Glowing star Enwebwch eich arwr hinsawdd
Glowing star Cwis COP26
Ewch draw i’r platfform i ddechrau arni!
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