
Philiminality Oxford is a student-run platform for cross-cultural and interdisciplinary philosophy. We discuss philosophical ideas, thinkers, and approaches which are frequently marginalized in both Anglo-American and “continental” academic circles. We engage with broader horizons of what it means to do philosophy by discussing intersectional perspectives on brands of thought from across the world. We also recognize the value of exploring how philosophical issues interrelate with other disciplines, such as politics, theology, sociology, classics, history, psychology and natural science. We welcome contributions from graduate students and early career academics on our panels. Our events are all open to everyone, whether you are interested in the basic day-to-day relevance of philosophical questions, through to the conditions for a more global approach to philosophy.

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An article about our activities, written by current committee members Lea Cantor and Justin Holder, has recently been published in the new issue of the Oxford Philosophy Magazine (2022).

Read more here.

Check out our new interview series Philiminal Insights in which we interview philosophers around the world to learn about more (phi)liminal and marginalised traditions and voices together.

Check out our new interview series, Philiminal Insights!

A range of publicly available podcasts based on past events (with talks touching on e.g. Confucian political and moral philosophy, the Upanisads, the Yogavāsiṣtha, Plato’s Theaetetus, the “Four Noble Truths” of Buddhism, Zen kōans, Stoic therapy of emotions and modern cognitive psychotherapy, Daoist dimensions of Tai chi, and more) can also be found on our website: https://philiminalityoxford.wordpress.com/podcasts/.