Making videos available with YuJa

Once a video is in your My Media area in YuJa, you’ll be able to make it available to students, staff, or other users.

Some aspects of this process may differ, if you uploaded the video manually or used YuJa for Classroom Capture.

Edit the title

The title of your video will be shown wherever someone interacts with the video. We recommend establishing a clear naming convention so that your students can identify videos more easily.

To edit the title of a video, locate the video in your My Media area, hover over it with your mouse to bring up the menu and click ‘More…’ to open the Media Details panel.

Mouse hovering over YuJa video to show menu

You can edit the Title and Description of the video from this panel. Videos created using Classroom Capture are automatically titled “My Event on [Date]”.

Media Details panel with Title and Description options highlighted

Publish to your Module’s Channel

Channels are collected playlists of videos that are available to all users on a module from within YuJa.

Any videos you want to make available to your students can be added to your module’s Channel. Students will access the Channel by clicking on a YuJa link in the corresponding Blackboard module.

It is recommended that you publish recordings of Interactive Sessions to your module’s Channel, rather than embedding them in your Blackboard module, to prevent them being shared with the new cohort on your module during Course Rollover.

To publish a video to a module's Channel, locate the video in your My Media area, hover over it with your mouse to bring up the menu and click 'Publish' to open the Publish Video panel.

YuJa video with mouse hovered to bring up menu and Publish option highlighted

Use the Search Media Channels function or scroll through the available options to find a module Channel to publish to and click to add it to 'Selected Channels'. You can publish to multiple module Channels at the same time from this panel.

Publishing panel with Search area and Selected Channels areas highlighted

Click 'Select' to publish your video to the selected Channels.

What are the benefits of adding a video to a Channel?

You do not need to add a video to your module’s Channel to make it available to students via Blackboard, however adding a video to a Channel means that your students are able to find all the videos related to your module in one place and offers additional insights when using analytics.

Embed in Blackboard

Any videos you wish to make available in your Blackboard module can be embedded into an item using the YuJa Media Chooser.

When editing the item, select 'Add content' from the Content Editor and scroll down to select YuJa Media Chooser from the menu.

Content Editor in Blackboard with the add content icon highlighted

YuJa Media Chooser in the Add Content options

Select your video and click 'Insert Content'. If you cannot see your video straight away, try searching for the title.

Selected video with Insert Content highlighted

A preview of your video will appear in the Content Editor. You can add additional text, files or images and click Submit to save the changes you have made.

Should I embed this video in Blackboard?

YuJa content that is embedded into a Blackboard module will be automatically available to the next year’s cohort on Course Rollover. It is recommended that you do not embed recordings of Interactive Sessions into your Blackboard module, as these should not be made available to the next year’s cohort. Instead, publish these to your module’s Channel.

If you choose to embed recordings of Interactive Sessions into your Blackboard module, you will need to delete these videos from the new instance of your module after Course Rollover, to prevent them being shared with the new module cohort.

All Blackboard courses for 2022/23 have a YuJa area added to the menu. This content area contains

  • a link to YuJa
    • for students – this will open the course Channel in YuJa
    • for staff – this will open your My Media area in YuJa
  • a link to the student YuJa help pages
  • some text visible only to staff on the course, with a link to the staff YuJa help pages on this site.

Sharing YuJa videos with colleagues and External Examiners

You can share a video with someone in the organisation from within YuJa by opening the Share panel.

Share menu link from a video in Media Libray

This will show which YuJa users the video has been shared with already and allows you to give 3 levels of access:

  • Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media.
  • Edit Access: Allow the user to access, make changes to the media, as well as publish to further modules.
  • Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, delete media, as well as publish to further modules.

Share Access showing full read only or edit permissions

The recipient will receive an email containing a link to the video and will be able to access it via the Shared with Me area of their My Media panel in YuJa

Shared with Me folder

Sharing a video link

You can also share videos with anyone in the organisation by sending them a direct link. They will be asked to authenticate with their university credentials ( before they can view your video.

You can access a video's direct link by opening the Media Details panel and accessing the Links tab

Mouse hovering over YuJa video to show menu

Media Details panel Links tab

Options for sharing YuJa recordings and FAQs

Once you’ve created your learning capture videos using YuJa, you can make them available to your students and other users. There are various ways in which you can do this, depending on the type of recordings and how you’re using them within the context of your module:

Scenario  Solution 
Sharing a screencast recording made for students to watch 


Sharing a video recorded in class with students present 


Publish to Channel or Subchannel.


Sharing a collection of videos that cover a specific topic 


Sharing a number of videos without students having to search through them all 


Sharing videos for students to watch in a specific order 

We recommend that you use Publish to a Blackboard module channel or create subchannels to share these organised videos with students. You can add to the videos as the course progresses, and you will still be able to organise and move content within your own media area without breaking any share permissions.

Playlists can be used for non-lecture recorded videos if you have a suite of videos or a longer public lecture you are breaking into bite-sized chunks.

How can I see Subchannels’ full names?  We have asked YuJa if we can have longer display names for the Subchannels.
Embedding a video in a learning area of a course  Use Media Chooser and choose a video, as long as no students are in the video.


Deleting a Subchannel you no longer need 


Subchannels can currently only be deleted by a YuJa administrator. This is to avoid the accidental loss of media in Channels. Please raise a ticket with DTS to request deletion of a Subchannel.  
I want my technician or teaching assistant to edit my videos. 


You can share the video with them and give full editing rights. You can then publish the new video. See editing videos. 
Sharing the same video recording/set of videos with several courses (modules) 


You can share to multiple Channels at the same time. 

Page last updated on November 29, 2023 by Shirin Franklyn

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