What is Turnitin LTI?

LTI stands for Learning Tools Interoperability, which is a modern standard for integrating third party tools with a Virtual Leaning Environment.

Turnitin LTI is an updated way of integrating Turnitin with Blackboard, enabling more effective integration of the two systems.

The current Turnitin plug-in will no longer be supported from 31st August 2022, and will be withdrawn completely at the end of August 2023.

New Turnitin Assignment Inbox

When do we start using it?

Turnitin LTI will need to be used for all 2022/23 courses in Blackboard.

Assignments with a due date after July 2022 should also use the new integration – this includes resubmission of coursework and resit exams.

We also expect that modules starting in the Summer term, and which continue into the 2022/23 academic year, will be Early Adopters of Turnitn LTI.

For a limited transition period both the LTI and current Turnitin tools will be available on our Blackboard system – we do not have to switch the current plug-in off before enabling the LTI tool.

The TEL team will communicate with users and offer training to academics and administrators over the summer.

Turnitin LTI help guides

Turnitin LTI does not require any significant change to the university’s electronic Submission, Feedback and Grading processes. However the new interface is different for staff and students, and the changes in functionality will need colleagues to adopt new workflows, particularly in programme administration teams.

We are therefore providing separate guides for the Turnitin LTI tool.

These are all labelled “This guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool” as shown below.

Visual indicator that this guide relates only to assignments created using the new Turnitin LTI assignment tool.

Summary of changes

For Administrators Turnitin LTI: Workflow for Administrators

For Markers Turnitin LTI: New features for Markers

For Students Turnitin LTI Assignments (Student help site)

Video contents:

  • Creating a Turnitin LTI assignment 0:20
  • Submitting to a Turnitin LTI assignment 2:05
  • Accessing a Turnitin LTI assignment to mark 3:46
  • Assignment management 5:31
    • Checking submissions
    • Release of marks

All Guides

Assignment Set up

Manage Assignment Inbox

Assignment Inbox and Feedback Studio for Markers

Managing QuickMarks and Rubrics

Student interface

Page last updated on November 22, 2023 by andyturner

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