BorrowBox FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

About BorrowBox

BorrowBox offers a brand new collection of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers for you to download and enjoy. ENewspapers and eMagazines were previously available on Pressreader and Libby.

How many items can I borrow?

Up to six eAudiobooks and six eBooks at any one time. Any reservations you make are counted in the loan limits as these titles are automatically transferred into your loans when they become available to borrow. You can also have up to six ePress items, magazines and newspapers, on your home shelf. However, back issues of items do not count towards your limit.

Is there a cost to me?

No, you can listen to eAudiobooks and read eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers for free. There are no reservation charges and no overdue charges as your loans are automatically returned upon expiry if you haven’t already returned them. You will of course, have the option to renew.

How can I borrow items?

To borrow items on your mobile or tablet, you will need to download the BorrowBox app from the app store. This is the Apple App store for iOS users and the Google Play store for Android users.

If you have a Kindle Fire device, please follow this link through to instructions on how to download the app.

If you wish to borrow via a PC, you can do so via the BorrowBox Website.

Full instructions on how to download eAudiobooks, eBooks, eMagazines and eNewspapers are available on the website. Note: you will need to have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your PC for eBook downloads. Adobe Digital Editions is free to install.

You’ll then need to select “St.Helens Libraries”, enter your library card number and PIN. You’ll also need an email address when you first register. 

What do I do if I am having problems downloading up updating the app?

You can of course come into any one of our libraries to get support installing or updating the Borrowbox app or if you want a bit of advice on how to get started. For more technical support you can contact Borrowbox directly via [email protected]

What if I have content on Pressreader?

Once you have downloaded the BorrowBox app you will be able to borrow or reserve a selection of eMagazines and eNewspapers. You will not be able to continue reading it on Pressreader.