Graduate Outcomes Survey 2023

Find out about the graduate outcomes of the University of Limerick graduates.

ͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤ ڑ ŀ΃ʹɆ̇ ˰ɤͣ ڑ Ƌ΃ͅ Τɤζ ڑ ͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԐԎԐԐ

Key Facts

ԙԖ % Undergraduate Honours Degree Graduates are in employment or further study

ԙԔ % Postgraduate Certificate & Diploma Graduates are in employment or further study

ԙԒ % Postgraduate Research Graduates are in employment or further study

ԙԔ % Taught Masters Graduates are in employment or further study

ԙԒ % Other

Undergraduate Graduates are in employment or further study

Cooperative Education & Careers Division

Table of Contents


Executive Summary

Graduate Employability



Graduate Employability Trends - Overall

Award Level Summary

• Postgraduate Research • Taught Masters • Undergraduate Honours Degrees • Other Undergraduate Degreeͣ


Faculty & Course information

47 53 59 65

v ͅ ʹͣ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ v Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ v _ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ v ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ _ڑ ˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊ

Faculty and course specific information is available for download on our website:



Dr Patrice Twomey, Director Coopera ve Educa on & Careers Division

4 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

ԓԖԖԓ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ I˓Ǹͣͣ

̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԐԎԐԐ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ͣڑ ΃ͅ Τɤζɤɒ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԒԎԙԖ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ʊɤ˷ɤͅ Ǹʹʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹ ͅڑ

ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤ ͅڑ Ǹʹɤ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԖԖٜ ռ ڑ

Ԙԗٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ΃ͅ Τɤζɤɒ ڑ Ɇ̇ ʔ̇ͅ ʹ ڑ Ψɤ˷ʹ ڑ ɒʧͅ ɤɆʹ˓ζ ڑ ʧ˷ʹ̇ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹռ ڑ ԗԖٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Åͅ ɤ˓Ǹ˷ɒջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԏԏٜ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓˓ζռ

ԙٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ Ɇ˓Ǹͣͣ

ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ɤ˷ʊǸʊɤɒ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ʅ΃ͅ ʹʔɤͅ ͣڑ ʹ΃ɒζ ڑ ̇ͅڑ ʹͅ Ǹʧ˷ʧ˷ʊռ ڑ

Ԓٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ͣڑ ɤɤˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ Ԑٜ ڑ ΃˷ǸΤǸʧ˓Ǹȿ˓ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹ ڑ Իʅ̇ͅ ͅڑ ɤǸͣ̇ ˷ͣ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ɤռʊռ ڑ ʔɤǸ˓ʹʔջ ڑ ʅǸ˰ʧ˓ζջ ڑ ʊǸ̻ ڑ ζɤǸͅ Լռ

ƙʔɤ ͅڑ ɤͣ ΃˓ʹͣ ͣڑ ΃ʊʊɤͣ ʹ ڑ ʹʔǸʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ʔʧʊʔɤͅ ڑ ɤɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ڑ ǸʹʹǸʧ˷˰ɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʧͣ ̻ͣ̇ڑ ʧʹʧΤɤ˓ζ ڑ ˓ʧ˷ˋɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ʔʧʊʔɤͅ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹ ͅڑ Ǹʹɤͣ ջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԙԏٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ƥĘ ڑ ŶʔTՍ ڑ žɤͣ ɤǸͅ Ɇʔջ ڑ ԙԐٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ƙǸ΃ʊʔʹ ڑ ģǸͣ ʹɤͣͅ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ԙԏٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ƥ˷ɒɤͅ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤ ̇¡ڑ ˷̇ ΃ͣͅ ڑ Tɤʊͅ ɤɤͣ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹռ ڑ

ƙʔɤ ڑ ǸΤɤͅ Ǹʊɤ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤ ͣڑ Ǹ˓Ǹͅ ζ ԏ ڑ ΨǸͣ ڑ ӵԓԎջԘԔԐ ڑ ԻǸ˷ ڑ ʧ˷Ɇͅ ɤǸͣ ɤ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ӵԒջԓԒԎ ̇ڑ ˷ ڑ ˓Ǹͣ ʹ ڑ ζɤǸͅ Լջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԗԖٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ɤαɆɤͣͣ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ӵԒԎջԎԎԎռ

ƙʔɤ ͅڑ ɤͣ ΃˓ʹͣ ڑ ʧ˷ɒʧɆǸʹɤ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ʔʧʊʔɤͅ ڑ ɤɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ڑ ǸʹʹǸʧ˷˰ɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʧͣ ̻ͣ̇ڑ ʧʹʧΤɤ˓ζ ڑ ˓ʧ˷ˋɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ʔʧʊʔɤͅ ͣڑ Ǹ˓Ǹͅ ʧɤͣ ջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ŶʔTՍžɤͣ ɤǸͅ Ɇʔ ڑ ģǸͣ ʹɤͣͅ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ ɤǸͅ ˷ʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹ˷ ڑ ǸΤɤͅ Ǹʊɤ ͣڑ Ǹ˓Ǹͅ ζ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ӵԔԓջԒԗԔջ ڑ ƙǸ΃ʊʔʹ ڑ ģǸͣ ʹɤͣͅ ڑ ӵԓԔջԓԓԒ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ƥ˷ɒɤͅ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤ ̇¡ڑ ˷̇ ΃ͣͅ ڑ Tɤʊͅ ɤɤͣ ڑ ӵԒԓջԔԘԐռ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԐԎԐԐ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʧͣ տ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԻԐԎٜ Լջ ڑ ʅ̇ ˓˓̇ Ψɤɒ ڑ ȿζ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ڑ ԻԏԔٜ Լ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ ڑ ԻԏԔٜ Լջ ڑ ‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ͣ_ڑ ʹǸʹɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͅ ڑ Իԏԓٜ Լ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԻԏԎٜ Լռ Å˷ ڑ ˓ʧ˷ɤ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ͅڑ ɤɆɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʹͅ ɤ˷ɒͣ ջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ Ljɤͣ ʹɤͅ ˷ ڑ İͅͅ ʧɒ̇ͅ ڑ ԻLjɤͣ ʹջ ڑ ģʧɒՑLjɤͣ ʹ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ΃ʹʔ ڑ Ljɤͣ ʹԼ ڑ Ɇ̇ ˷ʹʧ˷΃ɤͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ ʹʔɤ ̻ͅڑ ɤʅɤͅͅ ɤɒ ڑ ɒɤͣ ʹʧ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ڑ ƥĘ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ջ ڑ ǸɆɆ̇ ΃˷ʹʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ڑ Ԕԗٜ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζ˰ɤ˷ʹռ ڑ ƙʔʧͣ ڑ Ɇ̇ ˰̻ Ǹͅ ɤͣ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԒԎٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ʹʔɤ _ڑ Ǹͣ ʹռ ڑ ˓̇ ȿǸ˓˓ζջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ˰̇ͣ ʹ ̻̻̇ڑ ΃˓Ǹͅ ڑ ɒɤͣ ʹʧ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ͣ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ _ڑ ΃̻̇ͅ ɤ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ԒԐٜ ڑ ԻǸ˷ ڑ ʧ˷Ɇͅ ɤǸͣ ɤ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ԗٜ Լջ ڑ ī̇ͅ ʹʔ ڑ ˰ɤͅ ʧɆǸ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԒԎٜ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ԏԘٜ ڑ ԻǸ ڑ ɒ̻̇ͅ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԏԒٜ Լռ ƙʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͅ Ǹ˓ ̻ͣͅڑ ɤǸɒ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ I˓Ǹͣͣ

1 Based on responses where salary details were given

5 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Results by Award Levels - All Faculties

Current Situation

ԙԔ % Education & Health Science Graduates are in employment or in further study

ԙԗ % Business Graduates are in employment or in further study

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

Seeking Employment

ԙԖ % Science & Engineering

Employment Trends


Graduates are in employment or in further study

2018 2019 2020


8 ԗ %

81% N/A 75%



ԙ %

14% N/A 17%


Further Study or Training

ԙԏ % Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates are in employment or in further study

Ԑ %

2% N/A 2%


Not Available

Ԓ %

3% N/A 7%


Seeking Employment

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers. No Survey Completed in 2019 (Covid)

6 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Results by Award Levels - All Faculties

Postgraduate Research, All Faculties

Results for this award level for 202 Ԑ graduates reveal that UL’s Postgraduate Researchers are very much in demand, particularly in Ireland. Key outcomes for graduates include:

• Number of graduates and survey respondents – A total of 118 graduates were surveyed, with 85 respondents. Response rate of 72% • Further study or research – Ԑٜ • Currently employed – 9 ԏ % of graduates. Ԗԓ % of those graduates are employed in Ireland, and Ԑԗ % are employed abroad. • Seeking employment – ԓٜ • Not available for employment – ԓ % unavailable for work • Average salary – € ԔԓջԒԗԔ . • Key sectors – Education ԒԖ %, Human Health and Social Work ԐԒ % Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ԏԗٜ ռ • Employed by region – Mid-West ԓԘ %, East 2 ԓ %, and Ƌ̇ ΃ʹʔ ڑ West ԏԏ %. Outside of Ireland, European Union Countries had ԓԘ %, followed by Great Britain 2 Ԗ %, and ģʧɒɒ˓ɤ _ڑ Ǹͣ ʹ ڑ ԐԐ % ռ

Taught Master’s Degrees, All Faculties Results for this award level for 202 Ԑ graduates reveal that UL’s Taught Postgraduates are in demand. Key outcomes for graduates include

• Number of graduates and survey respondents – A total of 1 ԓԘԙ ڑ graduates were surveyed, with 9 Ԕԙ respondents, a response rate of Ԗԓ %. • Further study – Ԓ % • Currently employed – 9 Ԑ % of graduates ռ ԗԘ % of those graduates are employed in Ireland, and ԏԓ % are employed abroad. • Seeking employment – Ԕٜ • Not available for employment – ԏ % • Average salary – ӵԓԔջԓԓԒ . • Key sectors – Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities at ԐԎ %, ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԐԎٜ ջ Ǹ˷ɒ Industry 1 Ԓ % ռ • Employed by region – East 3 ԗ %, Mid-West 3 ԏ %, and South-West 1 Ԓ %. Of those outside of Ireland ջ ԒԘ % went to EU Countries, ԐԔ % to North America ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԏԗٜ ڑ Ψɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ռ

7 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 202

Results by Award Levels - All Faculties

Undergraduate Honours Degree, All Faculties Results for this award level for 202 Ԑ graduates reveal that UL’s Undergraduate Honours Degree graduates employment levels have increased by 6% on the previous year. Key outcomes for graduates include • Number of graduates and survey respondents – 2, ԒԒԐ graduates surveyed with 1 ջԖԘԒ ڑ respondents, giving a response rate of 7 Ԑ % ռ • Further study – ԏԔ % • Currently employed – Ԙԏ % of graduates. ԗԐ % of those graduates are employed in Ireland, and ԙ % are employed abroad.

• Seeking employment – Ԑ %

• Not available for employment – Ԑ %

• Average salary – € ԒԓջԔԘԐռ

• Key sectors – Financial, Insurance & Real Estate 1 Ԙ %, Human Health and Social Work 1 ԗ %, Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Industry 1 Ԗ %. • Employed by region – ģʧɒՑLjɤͣ ʹ ڑ Ԓԗٜ ջ _ڑ Ǹͣ ʹ ڑ ԐԔ % and Ƌ̇ ΃ʹʔՑ West ԏԒ %. Of those employed outside of Ireland, ԓԎ % were in North America, EU Countries 24% ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ ԏԗٜ ռ

Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas, All Faculties

Key outcomes for graduates include:

• Number of graduates and survey respondents – 3 ԘԐ graduates surveyed ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԐԎԗ respondents, ʊʧΤʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹͅ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤ ͅڑ Ǹʹɤ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ԕԓٜ ռ

• Further study – ԏ %

• Currently employed – 9 ԓ % currently employed, Ԙԙ % of those graduates ares employed in Ireland, Ԕ % are employed abroad.

• Seeking employment – 1%

• Not available for employment – 3%

• Average salary – € ԔԘջԎԒԙռ

• Key sectors – Human Health & Social Work Ԑԗ %, Professional, Scientific & ڑ ƙ echnical 1 ԙ % Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ ԏԗٜ ռ • Employed by region – East 3 Ԓ %, ģʧɒՑLjɤͣ ʹ ڑ ԒԎٜ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ South-West ԏԔ % ռ Of the overseas graduates, Ԑԗ % Ψɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʹ̇ EU countries ջ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ Ԑԗٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ͣ ʧǸ ڑ ԰ ڑ ŶǸɆʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԏԘٜ ռ

8 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Results by Award Levels - All Faculties

Other Undergraduate Programmes, All Faculties Key outcomes for graduates include:

• Number of graduates and survey respondents – ԒԓԒ graduates surveyed, with ԏԖԐ respondents, ԓԗ % response rate. • Further study – Ԓ %

• Currently employed – ԙԎٜ ڑ Ɇ΃ͅͅ ɤ˷ʹ˓ζ ڑ ɤ˰̻ ˓̇ ζɤɒ ջ ڑ Ǹ˓˓ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Åͅ ɤ˓Ǹ˷ɒռ

• Seeking employment – ԏ %

• Not available for employment – Ԗ %

• Average salary – ӵԔԎջԐԔԒ .

• Key sectors – Human Health & Social Work ԒԒ %, Industry 1 Ԙ %, ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Professional, Scientific & Technical, 1 ԓ % ռ

• Employed by region – East ԒԒ %, ģʧɒՑLjɤͣ ʹ ڑ ԒԐٜ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ South-West 1 ԓ %.

9 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Employment Trends Overall Data

10 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Faculty - All Award Levels

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for all award levels, at Faculty level. This includes Postgraduate Research, Taught Masters, Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas, Undergraduate Honours Degrees ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ Other Undergraduate ̻̇ͅڑ ʊͅ Ǹ˰˰ɤͣ ռ

Education & Health Sciences

ͅ ʹͣ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ

Science & Engineering

Kemmy Business School

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers.

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

11 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Award Levels - All Faculties

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for all faculties, by award level.

Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

Undergraduate Honours Degree

Masters Taught

Other Undergraduate Progammes

Postgraduate Research

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers.

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

12 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Award Levels - All Faculties Gender

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

13 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Award Levels - All Faculties Salary

The data below represents the current average salary at each award level for UL graduates who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include award level, discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԓԔջԓԓԒ Masters Taught

€ ԒԓջԔԘԐ Undergraduate Honours Degree

€ ԔԓջԒԗԔ Postgraduate Research

€ ԔԘջԎԒԙ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

€ ԔԎջԐԔԒ Other Undergraduate Programmes

14 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Award Levels - All Faculties Sector

1 Ԕ %

ԐԎ %

1 Ԕ %

1 Ԏ %

1 ԓ %


Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Human Health & Social Work


Ԗ %

Ԑ %

Ԓ %


Ԕ %

Administrative & Support Serviceͣ



Transportation & Storage

Information & Communication

Ԑ %

Ԑ %




Public Administration & Defence

Wholesale & Retail

I Don’t Know

Accommodation & Food Services

Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

¡΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ɆʹʧΤʧʹʧɤͣͣ ڑ ͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ

Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ڑ ɆʹʧΤʧʹʧɤͣͣ ڑ ͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ • Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Testing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research • Manufacture of Food & Beverages, Textiles & Clothing • Manufacture of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products • Manufacture of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Rubber, Plastic and Mineral Products. Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ͣ_ڑ ʹǸʹɤ

• Financial service activities, except insurance and • Pension funding • Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security • Activities auxiliary to financial services and insurance activities

15 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Award Levels - All Faculties Location


ԏԘ % Great Britain Excluding Northern Ireland)

ԒԎ % North America

9% Asia & Pacific


Ԗ % Middle East

Ԓ % Africa

ԒԎ %

South / Latin America

From a global perspective, we had 32 6 graduates working overseas, out of a total of 30 96 responses, or approximatel y 11%. Points to note when looking at the sectors, 21% were in the Human Health & Social Work, 17% went into Professional, Scientific & Technical, and 13% into Education. Looking at the facult y spread, 27% were from Science & Engineering, 27% from the Kemm y Business School, 23% from Education, 1 9 % Education, with the remainder being interfacult y . Looking at locations, the EU had 32%, North America 30%, and Great Britain 18%.

Ԑ % Border Region


Ԓ % Northern Ireland

From a national perspective, the sectors respondents reported to be working in were Human Health & Social Work (1 9 %), Industr y (15%), Professional, Scientific & Technical (15%), Financial, Insurance and Real Estate (14%), and Education at 10%. The faculties these students came from were Science & Education (31%), Kemm y Business School (23%), Education & Health Science (18%) and Arts, Humanities & Social Science (13%).

Ԓ % Midlands

ԏԎ % West

ԒԎ % East

Ԓԓ % Mid-West

Ԕ % South-East

ԏԒ % South-West

16 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Outcomes Survey Graduates of 2022

Award Level Summary

17 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Employment Trends Postgraduate Research

18 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research - All Faculties

Current Situation

ԏԎԎ % Education & Health Science Graduates a further study re in employment or in

Current Situation

ԏԎԎ % Business Graduates in employment or in further study

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

Seeking Employment

ԙԗ % Science & Engineering

The HEA have updated the award categorisations they use to report on graduates, and our reports have been updated to reflect this. Due to this, trending data from previous years is not available.

Graduates are in employment or in further study

Ԕԓ % Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates are in employment or in further study

19 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research – All Faculties

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for Postgraduate Research, all Faculties. Postgraduate Research - PhD and Research Masters.

Arts, Humanities ڑ

Education & Healt h Sciences

԰ ڑ

Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ

Kemmy Business School

Science & Engineering

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers.

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

20 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research - All Faculties

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

21 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research - All Faculties

The average starting salary for UL Postgraduate Research grad uates is € ԔԓջԒԗԔ .

€ ԔԓջԒԗԔ Postgraduate Research

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԓԔջԓԓԒ Masters Taught

€ ԒԓջԔԘԐ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

€ ԔԎջԐԔԒ Other Undergraduate Programmes

€ ԔԘջԎԒԙ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

22 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research - All Faculties

ԏԗ %

ԐԒ %

ԒԖ %

ԏԓ %

Professional, Scientific & Technical


Human Health & Social Work




ԏ %


Administrative & Support Serviceͣ


Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Å˷ʅ̇ͅ ˰Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ İ ˰˰΃˷ʧɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷


Human Health and Social Work Activities Graduates

• Pre-primary education • Primary education • Secondary education

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

• Higher education • Other education • Educational support activities

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities Graduates

Public Administration & Defence

• Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community. • Provision of services to the community as a whole. • Compulsory social security activities

• Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Testing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research

23 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Postgraduate Research - All Faculties

ԐԖ % Great Britain Excluding Northern Ireland)

ԓ % Asia and Pacific

ԓԘ % EU

ԐԐ % Middle East


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ Ψɤ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԐԒ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ջ ̇ڑ ΃ʹ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʹ̇ ʹǸ˓ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԘԔ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ̇ͅڑ Ǹ̻̻̇ͅ αʧ˰Ǹʹɤ˓ζ ڑ Ԑԗٜ ռ ڑ Ŷ̇ ʧ˷ʹͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ˷̇ ʹɤ ڑ Ψʔɤ˷ ڑ ˓̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ջ ڑ ԒԖٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ _ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ջ ڑ ԐԒٜ ڑ Ψɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʧ˷ʹ̇ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԏԗٜ ڑ ʧ˷ʹ̇ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζ ̻ͣͅڑ ɤǸɒԖԏٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊջ ڑ ԏԗٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ _ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ջ ڑ ԏԒٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤջ ڑ ԙٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ȿɤʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ˓̇ ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ͣ ջ ڑ ʹʔɤ _ڑ ƥ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԓԘٜ ջ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ ԐԖٜ ջ ڑ ԐԐٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ģʧɒɒ˓ɤ _ڑ Ǹͣ ʹջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԓٜ ڑ ͣ ʧǸ ڑ ŶǸɆʧʅʧɆռ

ԓ % ī̇ͅ ʹʔɤͅ ˷ Åͅ ɤ˓Ǹ˷ɒ


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ԓԏٜ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ڑ ¡ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԒԎٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ڑ ԏԒٜ ռ ڑ ƙʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹʧɤͣ ڑ ʹʔɤͣ ɤ ͣڑ ʹ΃ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ڑ ɆǸ˰ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ ԓԖٜ ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ ڑ _˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ԓԙٜ ջ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ ڑ ԗٜ ջ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ Ԗٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ

ԗ % West

2 ԓ % East

ԓԘ % Mid-West

Ԗ % South-East

ԏԏ % South-West

24 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Employment Trends Taught Masters

27 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2020 25 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

Current Situation

ԙԒ % Education & Health Science Graduates are in employment or in further study

Current Situation

9 Ԕ % Business Graduates are in employment or in further study

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers. No Survey Completed in 2019 (Covid)

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

Seeking Employment

9 ԗ % Science & Engineering

Employment Trends

20 ԐԐ

2018 2019 2020


Graduates are in employment or in further study

7 Ԙ %

77% NA 71%


Employed Ireland

1 ԓ %

13% NA 9%


Employed Abroad

Ԓ %

4% NA 4%


Further Study/Training

9 ԏ % Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates are in employment or in further study

2% NA 3%



Not Available

Ԕ %

4% NA 14%


Seeking Employment

26 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for Taught Masters, all Faculties.

Arts, Humanities &Social Sciences

Education & Health Sciences

Kemmy Business School

Science & Engineering

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers. No Survey Completed in 2019 (Covid)

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

27 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

28 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

The average starting salary for UL Taught Masters graduates is €4 ԔջԓԓԒ .

€4 ԔջԓԓԒ Masters Taught

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԔԓջԒԗԔ Postgraduate Research

€ ԔԎջԐԔԒ Other Undergraduate Programmes

€ ԔԘջԎԒԙ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

€ ԒԓջԔԘԐ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

31 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2020 29 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

1 Ԓ %

ԐԎ %

1 ԏ %



Professional, Scientific & Technical

Human Health & Social Work

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

ԙ %

Ԗ %

Ԓ %

ԗ %


Information & Communication



Ԑ %

Ԓ %

Ԓ %


Public Administration & Defence

Wholesale & Retail

Transportation & Storage

Administrative & Support Services

ԏ %

ԏ %

ԏ %

Å ڑ ɒ̇ ˷լʹ ڑ ˋ˷̇ Ψ

Accommodation & Food Services

Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities Graduates

Human Health and Social Work Activities Graduates

• Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Testing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

Information & Communication

• Software Publishing • Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publish ing activities • Telecommunications • Computer programming, consultancy and relat ed activities • Information service activities

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

• Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding • Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security • Activities auxiliary to financial services and insur ance activities

30 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Taught Masters - All Faculties

ԏԗ % Great Britain Excluding Northern Ireland)

ԐԔ % North America

ԏԎ % Asia & Pacific


Ԑ % Middle East

ԗ % Africa

ԏ % South / Latin America


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ Ψɤ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԏԒԖ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ջ ̇ڑ ΃ʹ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʹ̇ ʹǸ˓ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԙԔԙ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ̇ͅڑ Ǹ̻̻̇ͅ αʧ˰Ǹʹɤ˓ζ ڑ ԏԓٜ ռ ڑ Ŷ̇ ʧ˷ʹͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ˷̇ ʹɤ ڑ Ψʔɤ˷ ڑ ˓̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ջ ڑ Ԑԗٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ջ ڑ ԏԒٜ ڑ Ψɤ˷ʹ ڑ ʧ˷ʹ̇ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԏԗٜ ڑ ʧ˷ʹ̇ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζ ̻ͣͅڑ ɤǸɒ ڑ ԒԐٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊջ ڑ ԐԘٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ջ ڑ Ԑԏٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤջ ڑ ԏԗٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ȿɤʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ˓̇ ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ͣ ջ ڑ ʹʔɤ _ڑ ƥ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԒԘٜ ջ ڑ ī̇ͅ ʹʔ ڑ ˰ɤͅ ʧɆǸ ڑ ԐԔٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ ԏԗٜ ռ


Ԓ %

‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ

ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ

ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ Ԑԏٜ ջ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ڑ ԏԙٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ ڑ ԏԒٜ ռ ڑ ƙʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹʧɤͣ ڑ ʹʔɤͣ ɤ ͣڑ ʹ΃ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ڑ ɆǸ˰ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԒԒٜ ջ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ ڑ ԐԖٜ ջ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ ԏԘٜ ջ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ ԏԗٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ

Border Counties

2% Midlands

Ԙ % West

3 ԗ % East

3 ԏ % Mid-West

ԓ % South-East

1 Ԓ % South-West

31 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Employment Trends Undergraduate Honours Degrees

32 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

Current Situation

9 Ԗ % Education & Health Science Graduates are in employment or in further study

Current Situation

98% Business Graduates are in employment or in further study

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers. No Survey Completed in 2019 (Covid)

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

Seeking Employment

9 Ԕ % Science & Engineering

Employment Trends

20 ԐԐ

2018 2019 2020


Graduates are in employment or in further study

67% N/A 64%

ԗԐ %


Employed Ireland

12% N/A 6%

ԙ %


Employed Abroad

17% N/A 25%

1 Ԕ %


Further Study/Training

9 Ԕ % Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates are in employment or in further study

1% N/A 1%

Ԑ %


Not Available

3% N/A 4%



Seeking Employment

No Survey Completed in 2019

33 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for Undergraduate Honours Degree, all faculties.

Education & Health Sciences

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Kemmy Business School

Science & Engineering

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers.

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

34 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

35 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

The average starting salary for UL Undergraduate Honours De grees graduates is € ԒԓջԔԘԐ .

€3 ԓջԔԘԐ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԔԓջԒԗԔ Postgraduate Research

€4 ԔջԓԓԒ Masters Taught

€ ԔԎջԐԔԒ Other Undergraduate Programmes

€ ԔԘջԎԒԙ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

36 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

1 Ԙ %

1 ԗ %

1 Ԗ %

1 Ԑ %

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Human Health & Social Work


Professional, Scientific & Technical

ԏԏ %




Å˷ʅ̇ͅ ˰Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ڑ İ ˰˰΃˷ʧɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷




Ԓ %

Ԓ %

Ԑ %


Public Administration & Defence

Administrative & Support Services

Accommodation & Food Services

Wholesale & Retail



Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

I Don’t Know

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Human Health and Social Work Activities Graduates

• Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding • Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security • Activities auxiliary to financial services and insur ance activities Industry • Manufacture of Food & Beverages, Textiles & Clothing • Manufacture of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products • Manufacture of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Rub ber, Plastic and Mineral Products. • Manufacture of Motor Vehicles, Trailers and other transport equipment

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities Graduates

• Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Test ing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research

37 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Undergraduate Honours Degrees - All Faculties

ԏԗ % Great Britain Excluding NI

ԓԎ % North America

Ԙ % Asia & Pacific

Ԑԓ % EU

Ԗ % Middle East

ԏ % Africa


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ Ψɤ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԏԔԖ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ջ ̇ڑ ΃ʹ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʹ̇ ʹǸ˓ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԏԖԘԒ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ̇ͅڑ Ǹ̻̻̇ͅ αʧ˰Ǹʹɤ˓ζ ڑ ԙٜ ռ ڑ Ŷ̇ ʧ˷ʹͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ˷̇ ʹɤ ڑ Ψʔɤ˷ ڑ ˓̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ջ ڑ Ԑԙٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋջ ڑ ԏԔٜ ڑ ʧ˷ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ԏԔٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ڑ _ͣ ʹǸʹɤռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζ ̻ͣͅڑ ɤǸɒ ڑ Ԑԙٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤջ ڑ Ԑԓٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ջ ڑ ԐԎٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊջ ڑ ԏԙٜ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤջ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ȿɤʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ ڑ Ę̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ˓̇ ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ͣ ջ ڑ ī̇ͅ ʹʔ ڑ ˰ɤͅ ʧɆǸ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԓԎٜ ջ _ڑ ΃̻̇ͅ ɤ ڑ Ԑԓٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ͅ ɤǸʹ ڑ Aͅ ʧʹǸʧ˷ ڑ ԏԗٜ

1% Border Region


Ԓ % Northern Ireland

‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ͣ_ڑ ʹǸʹɤ ڑ ԏԙٜ ջ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ ڑ ԏԗٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԏԔٜ ռ ڑ ƙʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹʧɤͣ ڑ ʹʔɤͣ ɤ ͣڑ ʹ΃ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ڑ ɆǸ˰ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ԓԓٜ ջ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ ڑ ԐԒٜ ջ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ ԏԔٜ ջ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤͣ ڑ ԏԒٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ

ԓ % Midlands

ԏԏ % West

ԐԔ % East

Ԓԗ % Mid-West

Ԕ % South-East

ԏԒ % South-West

38 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Graduate Employment Trends Other Undergraduate Programmes

41 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2020 39 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees - All Faculties

Current Situation

95% Education & Health Science Graduates are in employment or in further study

Current Situation

ԙԗ % Business Graduates are in employment or in further study

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

ԙԖ % Science & Engineering

Seeking Employment

Graduates are in employment or in further study

ԙԏ % Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates are in employment or in further study

40 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees - All Faculties

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for Other Undergraduate Honours Degree, all faculties.

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

Education & Health Sciences

Kemmy Business School

Science & Engineering

Please note that in some cases the totals will not add up to 100% throughout this publication due rounding to whole numbers.

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

41 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees - All Faculties

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

42 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees- All Faculties

The average starting salary for UL Other Undergraduates De grees graduates is € ԔԎջԐԔԒ .

€ ԔԎջԐԔԒ Average Other Undergraduate Salaries

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԔԓջԒԗԔ Postgraduate Research

€ ԔԘջԎԒԙ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

€ ԒԓջԔԘԐ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

€ ԓԔջԓԓԒ Masters Taught

43 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees - All Faculties

ԒԒ %

1 Ԙ %

1 ԓ %

Ԗ %

Ԗ %

Professional, Scientific & Technical

Transportation & Storage

Public Administration & Defence

Human Health & Social Work


Ԓ %

Ԕ %

Ԑ %

Ԓ %

Ԓ %

Wholesale & Retail

Information & Communication



Administrative & Support Services

ԏ %

ԏ %

ԏ %



Accommodation & Food Services

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

I Dont know


Human Health and Social Work Activities Graduates

Professional, Scientific, and Technical • Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Testing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research • Manufacture of Food & Beverages, Textiles & Clothing • Manufacture of Computer, Electronic and Optical Products • Manufacture of Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Rub ber, Plastic and Mineral Products. • Manufacture of Motor Vehicles, Trailers and other transport equipment

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

Information & Communication • Software Publishing

• Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publish ing activities • Sound recording and music publishing activities • Telecommunications • Computer programming, consultancy and relat ed

44 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Other Undergraduate Degrees - All Faculties


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԒԒٜ ջ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζ ڑ ԏԘٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ ڑ ԏԓٜ ռ ڑ ƙʔɤ ڑ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹʧɤͣ ڑ ʹʔɤͣ ɤ ͣڑ ʹ΃ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ڑ ɆǸ˰ɤ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԏԖٜ ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ ԰ _ڑ ˷ʊʧ˷ɤɤͅ ʧ˷ʊ ڑ ԏԒٜ ջ ڑ Ďɤ˰˰ζ ڑ A΃ͣ ʧ˷ɤͣͣ ڑ ƋɆʔ̇̇ ˓ ڑ ԙٜ ջ ڑ ͅ ʹͣ ջ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ʧʹʧɤͣ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ԓٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ͅڑ ɤ˰Ǹʧ˷ɒɤͅ ڑ ʧ˷ʹɤͅ ʅǸɆ΃˓ʹζռ

ī̇ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ Ǹͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ڑ ʅ̇ͅ ڑ ʹʔʧͣ ڑ Ɇ̇ ʔ̇ͅ ʹռ

45 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

46 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 202

Graduate Outcomes Survey Graduates of 2022

49 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2020

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Award Level Employment

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for graduates of Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences.

Postgraduate Certs & Diplomas


Other Undergraduate Programmes


Postgraduate Research

Masters Taught

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

48 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Gender

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

49 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Salary

The average starting salary for UL Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences graduates is € ԒԒջԏԘԒռ

€ ԒԒջԏԘԒ Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Graduates

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€ ԓԘջԒԒԒ Postgraduate Research

€ ԐԔջԔԖԔ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

€ ԓԎջԙԖԙ Masters Taught

€ ԔԖջԐԔԎ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

€ ԒԖջԐԔԎ Other Undergraduate Degrees

52 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022 50

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Employment Sectors

1 Ԓ %

ԏԏ %

1 ԙ %



Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Human Health & Social Work


Ԗ %

Ԗ %

ԙ %

Ԙ %

Information & Communication Ԕ %

Administrative & Support Services

Public Administration & Defence



Ԕ %

Ԓ %

Professional, Scientific & Technical

Transportation & Storage

Ljʔ̇ ˓ɤͣ Ǹ˓ɤ ڑ ԰ ڑ žɤʹǸʧ˓

Accommodation & Food Services




I Don’t Know


Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing

Financial, Insurance & Real Estate


• Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding • Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social security • Activities auxiliary to financial services and insur ance activities

• Pre-Primary, Primary, General Secondary, Higher Education, and Other Education • Educational Support activities

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities Graduates

Human Health and Social Work

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

• Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Test ing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research

51 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences Regions of Employment

ԙ % Great Britain Excluding Northern Ireland)

ԐԖ % North America

Ԙ % Asia & Pacific

Ԓԗ % EU

ԏԏ % Middle East

Ԗ % Africa


‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ Ψɤ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ ԖԔ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ջ ̇ڑ ΃ʹ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʹ̇ ʹǸ˓ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԔԘԔ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ̇ͅڑ Ǹ̻̻̇ͅ αʧ˰Ǹʹɤ˓ζ ڑ ԏԏٜ ռ ڑ Ŷ̇ ʧ˷ʹͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ˷̇ ʹɤ ڑ Ψʔɤ˷ ڑ ˓̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ջ ڑ Ԓԗٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ _ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ջ ڑ ԏԐٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ŷ΃ȿ˓ʧɆ ڑ ɒ˰ʧ˷ʧͣ ʹͅ Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Tɤʅɤ˷Ɇɤջ ڑ Ԙٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ڑ _ͣ ʹǸʹɤջ ڑ Ԙٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Å˷ɒ΃ͣ ʹͅ ζջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ԙٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Å˷ʅ̇ͅ ˰Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ ڑ İ ˰˰΃˷ʧɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ͣ ռ ڑ

1% Border İ ΃˷ʹʧɤͣ


Ԕ % Northern Ireland

‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԏԔٜ ջ ڑ ‰ʧ˷Ǹ˷ɆʧǸ˓ջ ڑ Å˷ͣ ΃ͅ Ǹ˷Ɇɤ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ žɤǸ˓ ͣ_ڑ ʹǸʹɤ ڑ ԏԓٜ ջ ¡ڑ ΃˰Ǹ˷ ڑ ¡ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ ԏԐٜ ջ ڑ ŀʹʔɤͅ ڑ Ψʧʹʔ ڑ ԏԏٜ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Å˷ʅ̇ͅ ˰Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ İ ˰˰΃˷ʧɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԙٜ ռ

Ԓ % Midlands

Ԙ % West

27% East

Ԓԙ % Mid-West

Ԗ % South-East

1 Ԑ % South-West

52 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of ԐԎԐԐ

Education & Health Sciences

Graduate Outcomes Survey Graduates of 2022


Education & Health Sciences Award Level Employment

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for graduates of Education & Health Sciences.

Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

Undergraduate Honours Degrees

Other Undergraduate Degrees

Postgraduate Research

Masters Taught

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

54 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Gender Education & Health Sciences

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

57 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022 557 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Education & Health Sciences


The average starting salary for UL Education & Health Sciences graduates is € ԓԎջԒԐԘ .

€ ԓԎջԒԐԘ Education & Health Sciences Graduates

The figure represents the current average based on those who completed the GOS and responded to the salary question. Some key factors continue to influence salary levels of UL graduates. They include discipline, type of job, employment sector, and location of employment.

€33, ԗԐԙ Undergraduate Honours Degrees

€ ԓԐջԘԓԙ Masters Taught

€ ԔԙջԐԔԎ Postgraduate Research

€ ԔԒջԖԖԗ Other Undergraduate Degrees

€ ԔԒջԏԏԏ Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas


| Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Education & Health Sciences

Employment Sectors

ԖԐ %

2 Ԓ %





Professional, Scientific & Technical

Human Health & Social Work

Ԑ %




Financial, Insurance & Real Estate

Administrative & Support Services

Accommodation & Food Services




Å˷ʅ̇ͅ ˰Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ ԰ İ ˰˰΃˷ʧɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷


Human Health and Social Work Activities Graduates


• Pre-Primary, Primary, General Secondary, Higher Education, and Other Education • Educational Support activities

• Human Health and Social Work Activities • Residential Care Activities • Social Work Activities without Accommodation

Professional, Scientific, and Technical Activities Graduates

Public Administration & Defence

• Law and Accountancy • Management Consultancy • Architectural and Engineering: Technical Test ing and Analysis • Scientific Research and Development • Advertising and Market Research

• Administration of the State and the economic and social policy of the community. • Provision of services to the community as a whole. • Compulsory social security activities.

57 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Education & Health Sciences

Regions of Employment

ԐԒ % Great Britain Excluding NI

Ԕԏ % North America

ԗ % Asia& Pacific

Ԙ %


ԗ % Middle East

4% South & Latin America

Africa ԏ % ʅͅ ʧɆǸ



‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʊ˓̇ ȿǸ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ Ψɤ ڑ ʔǸɒ ڑ Ԙԓ ڑ ʊͅ Ǹɒ΃Ǹʹɤͣ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ Τɤͣͅ ɤǸͣ ջ ̇ڑ ΃ʹ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ʹ̇ ʹǸ˓ ̇ڑ ʅ ڑ ԗԐԔ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ͣ ɤͣ ջ ڑ ̇ͅڑ Ǹ̻̻̇ͅ αʧ˰Ǹʹɤ˓ζ ڑ ԏԐٜ ռ ڑ Ŷ̇ ʧ˷ʹͣ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ˷̇ ʹɤ ڑ Ψʔɤ˷ ڑ ˓̇̇ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ Ǹʹ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ջ ڑ ԗԎٜ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋջ ڑ ԏԐٜ ڑ ʧ˷ _ڑ ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ջ ڑ Ԙٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ջ ڑ ԓٜ ڑ ˓ʧͣ ʹʧ˷ʊ ڑ ŀʹʔɤͅ ջ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ Ԑٜ ڑ ɆɆ̇ ˰˰̇ ɒǸʹʧ̇ ˷ ڑ Ǹ˷ɒ ڑ ‰̇̇ ɒ ڑ Ƌɤͅ ΤʧɆɤͣ ռ

Ԑ % Border İ ΃˷ʹʧɤͣ

ԓ % Northern Ireland


Ԕ % Midlands

ԏԏ % West

‰̇ͅ ˰ ڑ Ǹ ڑ ˷Ǹʹʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ ̻ڑ ɤ̻ͣͅ ɤɆʹʧΤɤջ ڑ ʹʔɤ ͣڑ ɤɆʹ̇ͣͅ ͅڑ ɤ̻ͣ̇ ˷ɒɤ˷ʹͣ ͅڑ ɤ̻̇ͅ ʹɤɒ ڑ ʹ̇ ڑ ȿɤ ڑ Ψ̇ͅ ˋʧ˷ʊ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ Ψɤͅ ɤ ڑ ¡΃˰Ǹ˷ ¡ڑ ɤǸ˓ʹʔ ڑ ԰ ڑ Ƌ̇ ɆʧǸ˓ ڑ Lj̇ͅ ˋ ڑ Ԗԏٜ ջ ڑ Ԑԓٜ ڑ ʧ˷ ڑ _ɒ΃ɆǸʹʧ̇ ˷ջ ڑ ԓٜ ڑ ˓ʧͣ ʹʧ˷ʊ ̇ڑ ʹʔɤͅ ջ ڑ Ԓٜ ڑ Ŷ̇ͅ ʅɤͣͣ ʧ̇ ˷Ǹ˓ջ ڑ ƋɆʧɤ˷ʹʧʅʧɆ ڑ ԰ ڑ ƙɤɆʔ˷ʧɆǸ˓ռ ڑ

Ԑԗ % East

ԒԒ % Mid-West

ԓ % South-East

1 Ԕ % South-West

58 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

Kemmy Business School

Graduate Outcomes Survey Graduates of 2022

Survey | Graduates of 2020

Kemmy Business School

Award Level Employment

The data below represents the current status of the graduates of 202 Ԑ for graduates of the Kemmy Business School

Postgraduate Certificates & Diplomas

Undergraduate Honours Degrees

Other Undergraduate Degrees

Postgraduate Research

Masters Taught

In Employment - Ireland

In Further Study or Training

Seeking Employment

In Employment - Overseas

Not Available for Employment

60 | Graduate Outcomes Survey | Graduates of 2022

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