This sheet contains responses from a form created by OECD-OPSI (
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Please note that the OECD-OPSI has not formally reviewed the responses and information provided and does not necessarily endorse any of the solutions included. Our objective is to share information and ideas at the maximum speed for governments to make use of it. As such, review and validation of information is limited and does not directly reflect the views or beliefs of the OECD – OPSI. Moreover, the OECD-OPSI may edit or remove content that it deems irrelevant, profane, or against the terms of service published on the OPSI website (
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Title of innovative responseDescriptionWhat general issue(s) is this addressing?What specific issue is this solution intended to address?Organisations/ institutions involvedWhat possible issues are you anticipating or what might need to be tweaked/iterated later? Or, is there something you need from others?Please select the level(s) of government most relevant to the innovationLink to innovation or related documentationContact emailCountry or Territory
China uses heat sensing technology and AI to identify feverish people within a crowdChina have used AI in combination with heat sensing technology to identify in real-time people in crowds with elevated body temperatures, thus allowing them to isolate people in crowds with a fever, and reducing the exposure of medical professionals to the public by using machines. Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Health and safety of respondersIt is important to identify who may have a fever as it is a sympton of COVID-19. However, it is dangerous and a use of human resources to put medical professionals in large crowds. This innovation partially solves both of these problems. Zhongguancun Science City Administrative Committee; Shangtang Technology; Beijing's Haidan DistrictLocal government, Private Sector, People’s Republic of
Wuhan uses unmanned delivery drones to deliver medical and biological supplies.
China is using unmaned delivery drones to deliver medical and biological materials to hospitals around Wuhan. The vehicles, created by JD Logistics, are unmanned, thus reducing the person-to-person contact times and freeing up other logistical resources.
Resource management and mobilisation, Health and safety of respondersPerson-to-person transmission is to be avoided if at all possible to prevent the spread of the virus. Therefore, unmanned machines can help make this a greater reality, whilst still delivering the necessary services. It also frees up delivery drivers and other vehicles for use elsewhere.JD Logistics; Wuhan Renhe Station; Wuhan Ninth HospitalLocal government, Private Sector
China, People’s Republic of
Hubei creates unmanned 'epidemic supermarket' in 5 hours
A special 'epidemic supermarket' has been created by the teams Hubei Zhongbai Storage and Taoxianda (Ali) in less than 5 hours, which is completely unmanned - no shop assistants, cashiers, or even people re-shelving. This allows far reduced human contact in day to day life, reducing the transmission of the virus.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesSupermarkets are key infrastructures in a pandemic. However, they also are hubs where people can meet and therefore transmit disease. This innovation therefore reduces the chances of transmission via decreasing the amount of human contact.Hubei Zhongbai Storage and Taoxianda (Ali),Local government, Private Sector
China, People’s Republic of
Coronavirus - SUS - brazilian health appBrazil has created an app to help share health information about the coronavirus. It contains information about symptoms, directions for sufferers, maps of nearby health units, and distributes official health news. It is a centralised digital hub that all citizens can access remotely that brings services together for their help. Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Patient careIt is vital that citizens have realtime access to health information and official government beahvioural guidelines. This solution allows governments to do both of those things in a way that even the most remote people can do with just a smartphone and internet connection. Brazil Ministry of HealthNational/Federal government
Sweden supports remote learning through new online platformIn just a few days, the National Agency for Education (RISE) in Sweden, in collaboration with 3 other organisations, have compiled support for schools on distance education on a new website, offers a unified place where school staff can turn to for further information on government information, educational material and support for distance learning with digital teaching materials. There are also simpler checklists on the to help prepare and organize for a changed business.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesSchools have closed, so teaching has become more difficult due to the challenges and lack of knowledge for remote learning. This innovation, implemented at great speed, is attempting to address that. Swedish Agency for Education (RISE); Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR); Swedish Educational Broadcasting Authority (UR) and Swedish EdTech (business association).National/Federal government, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Mapping the coronavirus outbreak in Singapore with open dataA Singaporean coder has created a website that uses open data from the Singaporean government to map the daily status of every single corona virus patient, providing detailed geographic and demograhpic detail. Data and detailed information is needed to make the best informed decisions for governments (and citizens). This tool allows a very detailed breakdown of geographic and demographic information, with daily (and historically available) updates on the situation. Zhi Peng Lee (sole developer)Non-Profit/Civil Society
An EU fund for SMEs doing Corona Virus innovationsThe EU is using a Call for Proposals to for SMEs to source innovative solutions from the private sector that can be scaled up to handle Corona Virus issues.

This is a EUR164 million fund, designated as “Bottom Up”, meaning it has “no predefined thematic priorities”, thus allowing for coronavirus-relevant innovations to be submitted and fast-tracked.
Crowdsourcing solutionsGovernments need solutions for problems arising from Corona Virus, but the speed at which problems arise means they need a fast and adaptive flow of ideas. This call for proposals will hopefully source solutions that governments would not have the capacity to create themselves. European CommissionInternational Organisation
European Commission
Accelerate Estonia run a coronavirus hackathon with Garage48.In Estonia, the government policy development lab Accelerate Estonia has partnered with Garage48 to run a 6 hour 'hackathon' which collected 96 ideas, with over 860 people in the official slack. They now have 28 teams working together on projects as a result. Crowdsourcing solutionsThe Coronavirus outbreak forces governments to search for innovative solutions from new sources, due to the systemic nature of the threat, the speed at which the situation is changing, and the capacity of government. Accelerate Estonia; Garage48National/Federal government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Singapore is using 'contact trackers' to work out who coronavirus patients have come into contact withSingapore is employing contract trackers to work out exactly who coronavirus patients have and haven't come into contact with in the period leading up to their diagnosis.

They research cases through interviews with the patient and examining of (digital) calendars and receipts, to piece together a picture of exactly who each patient has interacted with, where, and when, before reporting back to the Singaporean Ministry of Health.
Patient care, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Crowdsourcing solutionsTransmission of coronavirus is easy and done through person-to-person contact. This solution is to create a new job attached to the Ministry of Health, to generate the information of exactly who people have and haven't been in contact with in the buildup to their diagnosis, to hopefully work out other patients who else may have had the virus. Singapore Ministry of HealthNational/Federal government
Union postal workers in the UK vote to become an "additional emergency service"Members of the UK Communication Workers Union (CWU) who are workers in the Royal Mail postal service, have voted to put themselves as an "additional emergency service". In an internal ballot, they voted for this measure due to their transferrable skills, with the possibility of them undertaking tasks including delivering medical aid, checking on the vulnerable, and supporting people working from home.Resource management and mobilisation, Public service delivery under new circumstancesPressure on government services and resources are extremely high. Given the potential skillset of these workers, they realised and self-organised to propose that they undertake various important tasks in the fight against coronavirus.Royal Mail; Communication Workers UnionNational/Federal government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
United Kingdom
Canadians launch Caremonging social groups to look after at-risk people in their communitiesCanadians have kicked off a ‘caremongering’ trend, using localised Facebook groups in which people can post #ISO posts (‘in search of’ help requests), or #offer posts, enabling people to acquire important medical or household goods that they may not have been able to find for health or mobility reasons.With social isolation increasingly encouraged, many people increasingly have certain needs that are difficult to attend to. For example, elderly people, people at greater risk to the virus, or people with mobility problems, may struggle now to do the necessary food shopping. This problem is difficult and so localised that governments will struggle to legislate for it. As a result, people in local communities are coming together to offer their help to people who need it, through these new platforms. N/ANon-Profit/Civil Society
Persons At Risk Database (i.e. Mapping Vulnerable persons)An emergency event in a neighbouring authority highlighted how hard it was to identify vulnerable persons during a confirmed gas leak, Falkirk Council resolved to find a faster, more accurate and secure method for quickly identifying those in need during any type of emergency incident where local residents might be in danger.

Data was cleansed and uploaded to an electronic mapping system which allows us to identify vulnerable persons in a few simple clicks and has been hailed as quantum leap.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisationAs a result of creating this digital map, Falkirk Council’s Resilience Planning team can now pro-actively plan for incidents in terms of vulnerable individuals as well as test various mock scenarios. At a touch of a button, information can be accessed quickly, effectively and electronically.

Having the data cleansed and then stored in a GIS, the data can now be overlaid with other data sets such as the road network, bridges, schools, known flood risk areas and aerial imagery which allows for instant identification of vulnerable persons as well being able to quantify the number affected and even help rank which order the identified vulnerable persons should receive help.

The Persons at Risk Database has been endorsed by the Forth Valley NHS Medical Director and the Director of Development Services for Falkirk Council. The work is being held up as good practice for other councils and Health Boards and steps have been taken to explore the possibility of offering the same level of success Scotland wide.
Falkirk Council
Forth Valley NHS
NHS Scotland
Scottish Government
The problems posed by the complex issue of sharing personal data in the planning and response to emergencies or disruptive events have long been recognised. The terrorist attacks and severe events witnessed across the UK and beyond highlighted some of the problems of sharing personal information. To date, no single area in the UK can claim to have completely resolved the issues. Our project has overcome many barriers and obstacles, both actual and perceived, and throughout all of this there had been a commitment to succeed. Without the support and tenacity of individuals within and outwith Falkirk Council, our project would not be as advanced as it is today. Easily one of the biggest wins was selling the business case to our Legal Dept as this underlined what we were attempting to achieve and the reasons behind it and their guidance on Data Protection and GDPR has proven critical to the overall success of the project.Regional/State government, Local government
United Kingdom
Open up access to public procurement notices currently behind paywalls so that any supplier can access them without paying any subscription fees.Open paywalled public procurement portals providing information about procurement requirements for COVID-19 to improve and accelerate the procurement of urgently needed items by freeing up the flow of information between buyers and suppliers globally.Public procurement and optmising eProcurementThe Just-in-Time supply chain systems that have served the health systems of many countries well enough for many years could tragically turn into Just-too or Far-too-Late for patients.
It is essential that buyers and sellers can connect as quickly and as efficiently as possible so that the procurement process can be accelerated without compromising transparency. However, some global public procurement notice portals are locked behind paywalls e.g. United Nations Development Business and
This may restrict these critical procurement notices getting to the right suppliers as quickly as possible.
United Nations, multilateral development banks, governments, contracting authorities and economic operators and those private sector companies providing subscription service notification of tender notices. The supply market for COVID-19 items will be increasingly stressed whatever is done but the flow of information to the market might improve their ability to respond quickly. National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, International Organisation, Private SectorUnited Nations
Mi colegio en la nubeProfesor del sector oficial de la ciudad de Bogota diseño un sistema virtual de apoyo escolar para aprender en casa por el cierre de todos los colegios y escuelas de Colombia.
El portal educativo contiene todos los recursos educativos que debe tener cualquier colegio desde aulas virtuales, videoteca, biblioteca digital, cursos en linea, juegos educativos, simulaciones, infografias y planes curriculares con guias educativas para todos los grados.
Con esta innovación el profesor Cediel Romero ( quiere ayudar a toda la comunidad de habla hispana del mundo en crisis por el #covid-10 #profesqueayudan para #aprendoencasa para que no se suspenda el aprendizaje y los niños y jovenes sigan aprendiendo con el apoyo de aulas virtuales desde sus casas, para aportar a un servicio esencial como es la educacion.
Public service delivery under new circumstances, educacion en la nubePor la crisis del covid 19 todo el sistema educativo de Colombia fue cerrado completamente y se acabo la presencialidad en la escuela. Con esta innovación se logro que muchos estudiantes no perdieran clase y que siguieran estudiando desde sus casas, conectados a través de aulas virtuales y consultado recursos educativos gratuitos en el portal Se espera que esta estrategia permita continuar con la rutina educativa pero desde las casas por la cuarentena obligatoria e indefinidad que decreto el gobierno.Colegio distrital Rodolfo Llinas. secretaria de educación distrital (Bogota)Desde hace mas de 10 años nos anticipamos a una crisis como esta. Todos los gobiernos deben tener un sistema virtual de apoyo escolar que este disponible siempre para todos los ciudadanos y no solo en tiempo de crisis.
Necesitamos que entidades privadas, ongs, fundaciones y el estado brinde apoyo para financiar y difundir este tipo de innovaciones personales. Pues el impacto positivo en la sociedad es inmenso y contribuye a construir mejores sociedades en tiempos de crisis.
National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, International Organisation, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Latvia #HackForce virtual hackathonThe TechChill Foundation is hosting a fully virtual hackathon for the online environment. HackForce is taking place from March 17 to March 19! Hackathon aims to find solutions to the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis by mobilizing volunteer resources at the community level. Organized by volunteers from the startup community, hackathon HackForce has gathered already 650 participants (and this number is increasing EVERY minute) from 18 countries. Hackers have formed 28 teams and are working on ideas (from the 71 originally submitted) to hack the virusCrowdsourcing solutionsEmergency response, health, education, and economy ideas are being worked onTechChill FoundationNon-Profit/Civil Society
European Commission 164M euro call to startups and SMEs for innovative solutions to tackle Coronavirus outbreakThe European Commission is calling for startups and SMEs with technologies and innovations that could help in treating, testing, monitoring or other aspects of the Coronavirus outbreak to apply urgently to the next round of funding from the European Innovation Council. With a budget of €164m, this call is “bottom up”, meaning there are no predefined thematic priorities and applicants with Coronavirus relevant innovations will be evaluated in the same way as other applicants. Nevertheless, the Commission will look to fast track the awarding of EIC grants and blended finance (combining grant and equity investment) to Coronavirus relevant innovations, as well as to facilitate access to other funding and investment sources.Crowdsourcing solutionsFast track the awarding of EIC grants and blended finance (combining grant and equity investment) to Coronavirus relevant innovationsEuropean CommissionInternational Organisation
European Commission
Hack the Crisis FinlandHack the Crisis Finland is an online hackathon organised by local companies, startups and tech communities, supported by the Finnish government.Crowdsourcing solutionsSolutions for the following categories:
Healthcare officials together with the whole medical industry are racing against the virus, trying to find new and better solutions to response to the virus.
Different communities are struggling to keep their operations and communications running now that physical distancing is the new normal.
COVID-19 is impacting the Finnish businesses hard. Harder than anything else in a long time. Companies find themselves struggling financially and many may have to lay off people.
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of FinlandNational/Federal government, Private Sector
Hack the Crisis Lithuania“HACK THE CRISIS” is a virtual hackathon organised by volunteers from the Lithuanian government, corporates & startup community. Crowdsourcing solutionsSolving challenges in health, emergency response, social distancing, citizen help, volunteering, education, economy and anything else related to quarantine lifeNational/Federal government, Private Sector
CODEVID-19 Hackathon in CanadaWith the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, many people are looking at a lot of free time stuck indoors. Avoid cabin fever and use that time to make a difference in your community and the fight against COVID-19 by joining CODEVID-19, a worldwide collaborative pandemic hackathon.
Our objective is to improve the quality of life of people during the pandemic! We believe faster, more effective and more available solutions/ideas/projects are preferred to slower, less useful and limited ones.
The hackathon has already been launched and teams are working, with many more coming online and exponential growth in global collaboration.
Crowdsourcing solutionsThe purpose of the virtual hackathon ultimately is to build useful apps that people can use to manage and survive during the COVID-19 pandemicWe are actively seeking global teams of developers, designers and passionate creators in collaboration with others in the domain of public health and emergency management. We also need judges, sponsors, and volunteers behind the scenes so reach out to if you’re interested.
AI for Mankind COVID-19 HackathonCome up with ideas and build applications to help the communities in tackling Covid-19 crisis, including use of artificial intelligence (AI)Crowdsourcing solutionsCome up with ideas and build applications to help the communities in tackling Covid-19 crisis
OpenIDEO Communication Inspiration ChallengeAs a global community, we are grappling with how to nurture and care for ourselves and each other, even though we might not fully understand the ramifications of the situations unfolding around us, and while we navigate the new reality of social distancing. Information and access to it looks different for people around the world, as do responses to that information. Meanwhile, our spirits continue to seek and respond to stories and moments of beauty, joy, and inspiration that remind us of our humanity. And time continues to be of the essence, as we work to build supportive systems that will allow people to feel informed, connected, and prepared with each stage of the outbreak. Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)IDEO is currently in touch with global response authorities who want to make sure people have actionable, relevant information around COVID-19. We'd like to share a range of experiences from around the world with them, showing how people are accessing information: what’s working well to motivate behavior change, what isn't working, and what feels missing.OpenIDEOPrivate Sector
hello@openideo.comUnited States
Open-source tools for tracking healthcare workers' locations during the COVID-19 pandemicHealthcare workers (HCW) are especially high-risk for COVID-19 infection and by extension, their contacts (including people they live with, those they treat, and all other individuals they interact with in their everyday life) are also at high-risk of infection.

Technology already exists to track the location of individuals via smart-phones. Lots of it! We can and should use this technology to track the movements and locations of healthcare workers so that if a HCW tests positive for COVID19, we can quickly, automatically, and accurately determine who they have been in contact with and, consequently, who else may require screening or confinement. In other words, we can automate, scale, and optimize epidemiological investigations and contact-tracing.

Databrew has identified tools to compile a simple framework of open-source tools for tracking healthcare workers' locations. We're calling the suite BCV - "busca y captura el virus" (search and arrest the virus). It's a system for tracking the locations of healthcare workers so that when one gets sick, public health agencies, hospitals, ministries, and any organization managing workers who are at high-risk of infection, can see where the worker has been and therefore whom they may have exposed. Anyone can deploy the BCV tracking system to monitor the movement of their HCWs and other at-risk individuals.

Tracking with BCV is done passively via an open-source smartphone application (Traccar). The system can be launched by an IT professional in approximately one hour. And it takes about 3-5 minutes for each healthcare worker to install and configure their phones for tracking. Workers register via a "Shiny" web application. All data is stored in MySQL and the entire system can be run on open-source Linux Ubuntu servers.
Health and safety of responders, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisHealthcare workers (HCW) are at a high-risk for COVID-19 infection. Therefore, even if the general population is "locked-down", HCWs will act as agents of infection in their communities. There will be an extremely high number of infected HCWs - too many to carry out traditional, manual contact-tracing. But contact-tracing - knowing where HCWs went and whom they may have exposed to the illness during their infectious period - is absolutely necessary to prevent widespread disease transmission from HCWs to their communities.

- Dr. Mary works with COVID-19 patients
- She tests positive
- Rather than wasting time asking her where she shops, whether she stopped at the gas station yesterday, where she walks her dog, etc. these data are pulled up immediately in a report
- A report is automatically generated for public health authorities detailing Mary's location history
- Using this report, a team is deployed to:
-- Notify those who may have been infected by Mary (grocery store clerk, gas station attendant, colleague who worked at same time, etc.) so they can self-isolate
--- Monitor those potential contacts for development of symptoms
--- When appropriate, carry out proactive testing on Mary's contacts
Databrew LLCRegional/State government, Local government, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Far-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseasesFar-UVC light: A new tool to control the spread of airborne-mediated microbial diseasesPatient care, Health and safety of responders, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisation, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Crowdsourcing solutions produccion of lamps to cover Hospitals and public spaces where people have access.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, Private Sector
Open contracting approaches to emergency procurement: open data, business intelligence & community engagementInnovative response: open data and open government procurement to regulate and monitor emergency COVID-19 response using the Ukrainian government’s Prozorro open contracting platform.

Emergency procurements is excluded from the general procurement law; however a list of goods/works/services which could be procured is adopted (the list is structured, covers INNs for medicines, GMDN classifiers for medical devices) and structured open data for reporting for all signed and concluded contracts is mandatory. This enables both speed and transparency and public accountability of the supplies procured.

Because the reporting is structured according to the Open Contracting Data Standard and generates real-time, reliable, machine-readable, openly accessible open data, a separate reporting dashboard in a business intelligence tool has been developed to display all contracts concluded to tackle COVID-19 pandemic.

The government is actively collaborating with business and civil society to establish real-time monitoring of all emergency contracts.
Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesDuring an emergency like the COVID-19 crisis, contracting procedures must be fast and as frictionless as possible. These two characteristics trump other key objectives such as fostering competition and promoting inclusion. And large payments may be made upfront to secure supplies.

While emergency procedures are needed, they must remain publicly accountable for every contract concluded and spent. Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is spent.

Ukraine has excluded all emergency procurement needed to tackle COVID-19 pandemic from the law. However, the open national procurement platform ProZorro was upgraded with a new reporting method for COVID-19 and the country obliged all emergency contracts to be structurally reported and published in full, including terms of payment and delivery and value. These details are also shared as open data, which is immediately displayed on a public business intelligence tool under a COVID-19 dashboard.

Still being a country with a high level of corruption, the government encouraged civil society organizations to help with monitoring of all emergency procurement to be sure that there are no manipulations on the local level. With this approach, every procurement manager, controlling authority or indeed citizen can monitor emergency spending.
Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Agriculture of Ukraine
State-owned enterprise "ProZorro"
Transparency International Ukraine
DOZORRO community
Open Contracting Partnership
We are looking for good examples of how other countries are dealing with COVID-19 emergency procurement, in particular data collection, results monitoring. We will appreciate if others share their experience in dealing with a similar problem.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Short description of the approach and guidelines on how to use the business intelligence tool -
Digital Solidarity: Digital technologies and innovation are precious allies to help citizens to live a normal daily life and improve the quality of life under the present difficult conditions.
The call is open to companies, associations, or any other entity that wish to provide digital services or products for free, even if for a limited period of time, to the Italian population.
"Digital Solidarity" wish to provide free services for citizens, professionals, and companies, to:
Work remotely, through fast and free connectivity and the use of advanced smart working platforms;
Read for free a newspaper or a book on your smartphone or tablet without going to the newsstands or library;
Keep up with school and training courses, through e-learning platforms, as indicated by the Ministry of Education;
Use digital online services and have access to public or specialist services, such as medical or professional advice;
Keep the daily routine without going outside: shopping, sports, social life, political engagement, worship and praying, community services, hobbies such as arts or cooking.

Movement restriction and confinement of the Italian populationAfter the introduction of measures for the containment of the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that extends the prevention and containment measures to the whole Italian territory, the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization launches the initiative "digital solidarity" to help the Italian population: citizens, professionals, etc. to continue their activities and maintain their daily routine.Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitalisation; NGOs, companies, associations and any entity that wishes to help.N/ANational/Federal government
WhatsApp Coronavirus Information HubCombatting misinformation is a key communication issue for governments in ensuring citizens follow correct public health advice. Whatsapp as a platform is particularly difficult to manage misinformation given the private nature of the platform. Accordingly, the WHO, UNICEF and UNDP have made the first of its kind, a 'WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub'. It includes a $1m donation to the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN).

The WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub provides simple, actionable guidance for health workers, educators, community leaders, nonprofits, local governments and local businesses that rely on WhatsApp to communicate. The site also offers general tips and resources for users around the world to reduce the spread of rumors and connect with accurate health information.

These recommendations provide quick guidance on how small groups can make the most of WhatsApp features, and will be distributed by UNDP to those coordinating local efforts. In addition, WhatsApp is working with the WHO and UNICEF to provide messaging hotlines for people around the world to use directly. These hotlines will provide reliable information and will be listed on the WhatsApp Coronavirus Information Hub.

This grant will include will allow the IFCN to undertake fact-checking for the #CoronaVirusFacts Alliance, which spans more than 100 local organizations in at least 45 countries. The grant will support training to use the advanced features within WhatsApp Business, including the WhatsApp Business API. Expanding the presence of these IFCN certified fact-checking organizations will help ensure local communities are aware and responding to potential harmful rumors.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Information is spreading like wildfire on corona virus. It is vital that it is the right information is being shared, and that trusted institutions are engaging through the platforms through which most people use.

This intervention should address that, by allowing people to fact check news, and share reliable information far more easily, on a platform where that has historically been difficult.
UNDP, Unicef, WHO, Whatsapp, Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking NetworkInternational Organisation, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
The #WirVsVirus HackathonThis is a digital hackaton/participatory project aimed at developing, testing and improving solutions to emerging challenges in the corona crisis. Everywhere in Germany, individuals are working on solutions.

Citizens as well as the ministries had the opportunity to submit their challenges until the Thursday before the hackathon. They asked themselves: What are the most pressing challenges we’re currently facing? What are the problems you would like to see solved? The challenges represent the ideas of individuals from all walks of life in Germany.

Everyone with time, interest and an internet connection was welcome to submit an idea – and we were absolutely floored by the scale of the response.
Crowdsourcing solutionsWide range of issues: service delivery, border crossing, social distancing data gathering etc. Objective is to develop creative solutions to these challenges. Die BundesregierungNational/Federal government
Hack the CrisisEstonia had a hackathon, and from this numerous services have been built. For example we now have a chatbot Suve (, a corona test / symptom tracker (, and a dashboard ( data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Crowdsourcing solutionsIt helps to address the lack of information in Estonia about the spread of Coronavirus. National/Federal government, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil SocietyEstonia
Fast Expert Teams vs COVID-19: How to help Finland avoid paralyzing when experts cannot meet F2F?Fast Expert Teams vs. COVID-19: How to help Finland avoid paralyzing when experts cannot meet F2F?

Fast Expert Teams-initiative combines volunteer expertise to collaborate effectively across professional and organizational borders from universities, private and public organizations and ministries. Experts use digital tools and collaboration platforms to solve various complex problems that companies, ministries and other organisations are struggling currently.
Diverse expertise is matched for each complex task so that teams can tackle various problems quickly. The initiative was launched a week ago in March 16th and is growing fast consisting currently of 60 experts working pro bono from different universities and research organizations (LUT University, Tampere University, Aalto, VTT, Jyväskylä University, Finnish Institute for Occupational Health, and University of Eastern Finland), ministries (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment; Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications), private firms (Gofore, Humap, Solved, Skillhive, Howspace), and public sector organizations such as Sitra Lab, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters as well as cities and regions, e.g. Regional Council of Häme. The initiative is led by Professor Kirsimarja Blomqvist from LUT University.
Health and safety of responders, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisation, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, fast cross-sectoral digital collaborion for complex problem solvingWe provide fast expertise across professional and organizational borders to complex problems. Traditional inter-organizational collaboration is slow in crisis situation and due to COVID-19 experts cannot communicate face-to-face.Researchers from universities and research organizations (LUT University, Tampere University, Aalto, VTT, Jyväskylä University, Finnish Institute for Occupational Health, and University of Eastern Finland), ministries (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment; Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transport and Communications), private firms (Gofore, Humap, Solved, Skillhive, Howspace), and public sector organizations such as Sitra Lab, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters as well as cities and regions, e.g. Regional Council of HämeWe are collecting real-time data, launching temporary expert teams to solve complex problems quickly, collecting data for later research use, as well as building and managing the collaboration model for the expert network and fast expert teams for complex problems (all in parallel). The initiative is launched pro bono on top of other duties so resources are scarce and we have to move fast due to crisis. We are collecting data also on our operations to to be able to model the expert network and fast expert team practices for more general use after the crisis.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, International Organisation, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society, This Fast Expert Teams could provide a generic model for leveraging cross-sector collaboration for complex problems.Finland
"Innova per l’Italia""Innova per l’Italia" is call to companies, universities, public and private research centers, associations, cooperatives, consortia, foundations and institutes which, through their technologies, can contribute to the prevention, diagnostics and monitoring for the containment and contrast of the spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) on the whole national territory. The Innova per l’Italia initiative will be a repository for "calls to action" that will respond to the specific needs of other bodies and institutions (e.g. Ministries, Civil Protection, etc.). The first "fast call" concerns tele-medicine and data analysis services; it will be online from Tuesday 24 March at 9 am to Thursday 26 March at 1 pm.

Need to provide all possible resources and solutions for the prevention (e.g. PPE such as surgical masks, FFP2 / FFP3 masks), diagnostics and treatment (e.g. artificial respirators for intensive care units ), monitoring.Availability of technologies and tools that, in compliance with current legislation, allow or facilitate the monitoring, prevention and control of Covid-19; Innovation or industrial conversion of technologies and processes, to increase the availability of:
personal protective equipment; production of supports for the treatment of respiratory syndromes; production of innovative kits or technologies that facilitate the diagnosis of Covid-19.
The project is a joint initiative of the Minister for Technological Innovation and Digitization, the Minister of Economic Development, and the Minister of University and Research, together with Invitalia and in support of the structure of the Extraordinary Commissioner for the Coronavirus Emergency. National/Federal government
Out of work Swedish airline workers are offered medical training by university. Sophiahemmet University College in Sweden is offering a basic medical training to workers of the SAS airline who are currently out of work. Airline workers are often used to working in high-pressure situations with difficult-to-manage customers, and so theoretically have a calm nature and people-skills that might make them suitable workers for a crisis like coronavirus. Resource management and mobilisation, Public service delivery under new circumstancesThe public health system in Sweden, as everywhere, is under immense strain. At the same time, many people are unable to work because of new regulations in place to manage the transmission. As such, this solution mobilises some of the out of work people, employing their skills in possibly new and helpful ways for society.Sophiahemmet University College; SAS airlinePrivate Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
COVID Symptom TrackerThe Covid symptom tracker allows UK users to self-report symptoms daily in case they think they may have Covid19. It will allow a better understanding of who is at risk, in particular with a geographical dimension, by better understanding the symptoms that are linked to underlying health conditions. The difficulty in collecting up-to-date data and information on people suffering from corona virus is one of the big challenges facing decision makers. There are not enough tests, or people to administer tests, to test every person with possible symptoms. Therefore, policy makers have an incomplete picture for every decision that they must make.

This tool, whilst not medically rigorous in its diagnostic elements, will provide data geographically distributed that will help medical professionals, modelers and policy makers by providng them with some geographical information about the distribution of the virus, as well as information about the symptoms of it.
King’s College London, ZOE, St Thomas' HospitalsLocal government, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
United Kingdom
Over 0.5 million people volunteer in the UK to help the NHS504,303 people have (at the time of writing) volunteered to help the National Health Service in the UK.

NHS Volunteer Responders has been set up to support the NHS during the COVID-19 outbreak. To do this they need an 'army' of volunteers who can support the 1.5m people in England who are at most risk from the virus to stay well. The doctors, nurses and other professionals will be able to refer people in to NHS Volunteer Responders and be confident that they have been matched with a reliable, named volunteer.

There are 4 roles - Community Response volunteer: This role involves collecting shopping, medication or other essential supplies for someone who is self-isolating, and delivering these supplies to their home.
Patient Transport volunteer: This role supports the NHS by providing transport to patients who are medically fit for discharge, and ensuring that they are settled safely back in to their home.
NHS Transport volunteer: This role involves transporting equipment, supplies and/or medication between NHS services and sites, it may also involve assisting pharmacies with medication delivery.
Check-in and Chat volunteer: This role provides short-term telephone support to individuals who are at risk of loneliness as a consequence of self-isolation.
Patient care, Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Public service delivery under new circumstancesThe National Health Service (NHS) is under immense strain because of the coronavirus outbreak. This voluntary scheme is aimed to reduce the burden on NHS staff, by mobilising people from around the country to do various tasks in support of the NHS. It also will enable people stuck at home to leave tehir house and contribute meaningfully to the cause. NHS, GoodSam (Royal Voluntary Service)National/Federal government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
United Kingdom
Harvard Kennedy School COVID-19 Public Sector ResourcesThe Harvard Kenedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation has launched a COVID-19 Public Sector Resources platform. This is a resource platform that they curate for public sector practitioners to highlight cases, teaching, policy solutions, and other examples of how governments are responding to the outbreak.

They provide response examples, city leadership advice, resources around elections, as well expert insights.
Resource management and mobilisation, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisGovernments in this crisis state are having to work in completely new ways. Public sector organisations are typically not designed for this practice in normal times, so being forced into making big decisions on new ways of working can be a real challenge.

This solution hopefully provides decision makers with resources to help them make better solutions.
Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center for Democratic Governance and InnovationNon-Profit/Civil Society, Academia
United States
Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker counts data from 73 countries so far, including China, South Korea, Italy, UK and USA. It will continue to be updated throughout the crisis and is freely accessible.

This new tracker is designed to systematically record government responses worldwide and aggregate the scores into a common ‘Stringency Index’ which they hope will help researchers, policymakers and citizens understand whether increasingly strict measures affect the rate of infection, and identify what causes governments to implement stricter or less strict measures.

The data collected can help decision makers and public health professionals examine the robustness of government responses and provide a first step into understanding exactly what measures have been effective in certain contexts, and why.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Crowdsourcing solutionsThe coronavirus outbreak has forced governments to put in place policies to contain the spread of the disease among their population. The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker collects publicly available information on 11 indicators of government response including school closures, public events cancellations and public information campaigns as well as fiscal and monetary measures and emergency investment in healthcare.

Government responses vary significantly from one country to another, and like any policy interventions, their effect is highly contingent on local political and social context. The COVID-19 Government Response Stringency Index, like all aggregate indices which combine different indicators into a general index, does not aim to measure the appropriateness or effectiveness of a country’s response, but rather at offering a way for countries to compare responses and learn from one another.
Blavatnik School of Government, University of OxfordNon-Profit/Civil Society, Academia
United Kingdom
Stop the curve, initiatives by all and for all, against COVID19Frena la curva (Stope the curve in Spanish) is a citizen platform and community where volunteers, entrepreneurs, volunteers, social organisations and makers together with public and open innovation labs collaborate to channel and organize the social energy and resilience to face the COVID19 pandemic. Frena la curva is an answer from civil society that complements the government and essential public social services. It originated in Aragón (Spain) and has organically expanded to many different countries in Latin America.
In two weeks Frena la curva has a few hundred people from many different sectors voluntarily involved in multiple tasks: web developers, graphic designers, community organisers, etc. Frena la curva is not just a guide of all kind of grassroots, public and private initiatives that have arisen due to this health crisis, but also a live online map that puts together people in need with people that can give support in different spheres.
Frena la curva also leads a specific initiative focused on the home-made production and donation of face masks and face screen protectors. In addition, it has launched the Distributed Citizen Laboratory with 12 social innovation projects aimed at improving a social problem linked to the current health crisis. These projects involve 200 multidisciplinary participants for an intense process of five days work.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Crowdsourcing solutions, Community organising, real time and open data, collective intelligence Frena la curva aims at connecting initiatives arisen during the health crisis with people in need or that want to support other citizens. It started as a self-help idea focused in connecting initiatives by all and for all, and quickly developed to an agile digital mapping tool and forum that not only connects people but also boosts ideas that could improve COVID19 originated social problems through its Distributed Citizen Lab.
Frena la curva’s expected impact is to help reduce the COVID incidence curve in the countries where it operates thanks to civic innovation, collective intelligence and collaboration.
LAAAB, Open Government Lab of Aragon
Government of Aragon
Impact Hub
Coordinadora de Voluntariado
Medialab Prado
Las naves
One of our main challenges is to reach the most vulnerable population, where help and civic support are most needed at this moment. It’s difficult to access certain layers of society and we’re now directing our efforts and resources to access other networks and social organisations that can channel Frena la curva to these groups. The community and tool are now launched – and growing organically by the hour!, however we need to optimis e its social impact by accessing all types of beneficiaries. Regional/State government, The initiative was launched by the Government of Aragon, but it's a community based and hybrid initiative
Continuing Education in the time of COVID-19Collective and proactive action by education-technology players (e.g. Ruangguru in Indonesia) to rapidly prepare the platform for free nation-wide access to Live Teaching sessions to ensure normalcy as much as possible for many K-12 students as schools and educational institutes are closed down for social distancing purposes. These players can also work together with Telecommunication Providers to provide complimentary or extra-affordable mobile data / internet data to support the digital lessons/educational activities. Also work together with Ministry of Education and other relevant stakeholders in the education ecosystem to communicate, guide and provide quality education even as everyone is stuck at home. Public service delivery under new circumstances, Social effects of the crisis, Continuity of education for K-12 students Sustaining education for K-12 (formal) students in the time of COVID-19Education Technology players, Ministry of Education, Telecommunication Providers, Local Governments, School AdministratorsIf the COVID-19 situation becomes worse or protracted, there is a major risk that the key players in facilitating online / digital education may not be able to sustain financially and operationally given affected topline/revenues with ongoing costs to serve. More partnership support and Government financial support would help these players to tide over.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, Private Sector
Cooperation of all for the well being of eachIn Portugal, the public sector, in two or three days was put into peoples's homes. It was a real task-force that put in cooperation everyone; some of us are using personal private pc and internet home service but everyone accepts that we all must help in some way. Working from home from one day to another is not a easy task when you have children, little ones, at home, too, trying to learn using these pc too, making omework, teachers are sending them, using new tools (they are our heroes too, as long as well as all the peopple in the front line of health response). But that is a unique time and this is our small battle, as long as we are healthy. It was for me a very good test of innovation and resilience. We are doing our jobs, maybe giving away the same quality and quantity expected. Meanwhile all the people, makers around the country, with 3d printers, are cooperating and giving away their time and resources, to answer the needs of individual protection equipment for doctors and nurses and workers leading with patientes. Real Subsidiarity. Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Crowdsourcing solutions, Social effects of the crisisThis solutions are making a real revolution, Making home from home helps the environment and families. Productivity may increase and helps the local commerce where people live, decentralizing wealth.All the portuguese public sector responded; many in the private sector too.Labour laws must be reviewd; leaders must me free and responsible; society must understand the economic value of the solidarity; economists and academics must study these actions so they recognize their impacts in the economy.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Using mobile data to check if population is adhering to quarantine recommendations In Geneva city authorities using mobile data to check if population adheres to the recommendations to stay at home before imposing curfew.
Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisHelps avoid unnecessary strict measures that otherwise would be unpopular among population and cost additional resources Privacy concernsRegional/State government, Local government
In Benin, online business registration to face COVID-19 timesFaced with office closures in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Benin has made it possible for entrepreneurs to create their company online.

The online single window,, can be accessed from the country or abroad and allows a company to be created within two hours. Prior to this the process took one day and involved several physical visits to APIEx, Benin’s investment and export agency.

This development means that despite the economic challenges faced by the economy of Benin from the pandemic, and the unprecedented closure of government offices, 138 new businesses were created in the first week of operations, from 16 to 22 March.

The online system also ensures the new business is automatically compliant with trade, tax, social security and department of labour obligations, saving time and additional visits to government departments. Business owners receive all their certificates in digital format.

“This is a big step forward, Benin is transforming,” said Laurent Gangbès, director-general of APIEx, which is behind the new initiative. “Whether you are in Benin or abroad, the constraint of travelling to create your business has been removed.”

This ground-breaking innovation was born of a long-standing partnership between Benin and UNCTAD.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesGoal is to develop new - or extend or adapt existing - eGovernment systems that enable SMEs to navigate, apply online for and rapidly benefit from the new or revamped relief measures such as tax deferrals schemes, subsidies, loans set up by Government and its partners to kickstart the economy as the Covid 19 pandemic loosens its grip on the economy.

After the unprecedented downturn that has followed the Covid19 pandemic, governments must unleash innovative solutions to ensure SMEs are able to contribute to and benefit from the surge of growth that is expected during the recovery phase.

This is especially important in developing countries who are more vulnerable to external shocks and who cannot provide the kind of financial stimulus to weather the storm that advanced economies can.

It is furthermore expected that Governments will be highly receptive to rolling out regulatory reforms to remove traditional barriers to market entry, namely for SMEs operating in the informal sector. Opportunities to simplify should be harnessed to stimulate more inclusive growth in the short, mid and long term.
Agence de Promotion des Investissements et des Exportations du Benin (APIEx) as implementing partner and UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) as technical assistance provider.National/Federal government
Pandemic FootprintWe believe that right now, the behavior of everyone is more important than ever before. Therefore, our goal is to raise awareness on this global pandemic and educate people on how to act properly/socially. The Pandemic Footprint is a behavioural self-assessment tool that calculates a value between 1-1000. Social effects of the crisisOur initial idea to start the project came when we saw hundreds of people sitting next to each other in a park, on a sunny day in our hometown of Stuttgart, Germany, even though the gouverment had previously asked people to stay isolated and separated from other people as much as possible.WHO, RKIPrivate Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
None of these or not applicable
Leveraging existing trusted social networks to mobile volunteers to provide support to those in need with 48 hours of initiation., a community initiative to co-ordinate volunteers and those needing help, leveraging existing social networksResource management and mobilisationThe recruitment of volunteers & creating awareness of the help service through a trusted network. Impact is rapid mobilisation if volunteers to provide
Councillor Paul Deach
High Cross Church, Camberley
Cross-party members of Surrey Heath Borough Council
“Business” processes will hit unanticipated barriers and will need to be refined as issues are addressedLocal government
stuart@braintrainuk.comUnited Kingdom
Brussels citizens and social economy actors produce 100.00 protection masks for non medical workersThe Brussels-Capital Region, together with a number of civil society organisations and (social economy) enterprises, launched a participatory initiative aiming to produce at least 100 000 protection masks for nursing personnel/caregivers. The work integration enterprise Travie ensures the pre-cutting of tissue which will then be delivered by bike through the platform cooperative Urbike to volunteers who will then sew the masks. Next to many citizens, a number of other organisations and enterprises support the initiatives.Health and safety of respondersTo propose a response to the failure of globalized value chains generally and specifically, to respond to the lack of protection masks.the Government of the Brussels Capital Region, social innovation organisations (Urbike and Travie), volunteering citizensRegional/State government, Local governmentBelgium
Ontario COVID-19 self-assessmentIf Ontarians (Canada) think they have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, they can use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.

In one week over 1 million Ontarians used the tool.

Patient care, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisThere is immense pressure on health services to make sure they are allocating their limited resources efficiently, whilst simultaneously ensuring that the popualation is fully informed about the best behaviour during the crisis. This tool will allow Ontarians to complete information about their systems, to have the best course of action recommended to them, thus ensuring that the best decisions are being made for individual and public heatlh. OntarioOntario GovernmentRegional/State government
Clinicians can learn to accurately diagnose COVID-19 cases faster for free with CovEDDetedED has developed a free virtual clinical environment to help clinicians become better at recognising the early CT scan signs of COVID-19. It is available to every clinician, world-wide, free of charge.

DetectED-X - CovED is powerful educational solution which contains modules that will take between 1-2 hours to complete.

Our systems gain certification and CME points from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education in the US and elsewhere and have been validated for assessing clinical performance.

Health and safety of responders, Resource management and mobilisation, Public service delivery under new circumstancesAs has now been proven, early diagnosis of COVID-19 is essential for early patient treatment and isolation and lung CT scans have been shown to be the critical first tool for diagnosis of COVID-19.

The number of patients suffering from this life threatening illness is fast outpacing the numbers of skilled staff required to accurately diagnose the lung CT scans. In spite of all of the preventative measures being put in place, early detection of high risk cases remains critical to keep the mortality rate to a minimum.

Our tool will help existing staff to accurately diagnose cases faster and it will provide rapid training of additional staff to quickly acquire CT interpretation skills which are required as the number of patients escalates rapidly especially in the developing world.

DetectEDxPrivate Sector
Aus Post turns medicine courier in battle againt COVID-19Australia's postal service, Australia Post, is working with the PHarmacy Guild of Australia to deliver medicines via a contactless pharmacy home delivery service, following prioritisation of the government towards home medicine services.

Customers will be able to recieve up to 500g of medication and other essentials using the Australia Post Express post network, with the cost claimable througha government reimbursement.
This solution will not only allow Australians to receive pharmaceutical supplies without needing to visit pharmacies in person, thereby reducing physical contact between pharmacists and people needing drugs.

This means that people with non-coronavirus related conditions can still receive their medication without needing to visit pharmacies and risk transmission to or from pharamcists.

It also meanst that pharmacies can continue doing business in a time when people are naturally frequenting all shops less frequently.
Asutralia Post; Pharmacy Guild of Australia
BrightSpots is a collaboration to collect positive initiatives from around the world, to open our minds to new and future possibilities. BrightSpots is a non-profit project supported by internationally renowned organisations and developed by a crack-team of educators, futurists and designers from around the world. Brightspots has three stages:

1- In this first phase, people are invited to share BrightSpots you see in your communities or find online.

2-In this second phase they invite people to get involved in the development of future scenarios where some of our BrightSpots become more luminous.

3-The third phase will be focused on helping our global community explore the many scenarios developed and work together to create a shared vision of a better future.

Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Crowdsourcing solutionsCovid-19 has made many of us feel like we’ve been plunged into a real life disaster movie. However, among all these dystopian headlines there are bright spots; pockets of positivity, new projects, community initiatives, or technologies that have emerged from this crisis.

This solution will allow people to submit examples of positive initiatives generated in the COVID-19 crisis. It also designed so that these initiatives can eventually be scaled up into actions to help prepare the global community better for the future.
Brightspots; Diocesan School for Girls; We Create Futures; Centre for Complex Systems in Transition; Education-Unleashed; Teach the Future.Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society
None of these or not applicable
Australia launches App and WhatsApp chatbot to inform public on coronavirusThe Australian Federal Government has launched new digital platforms to ensure that Australians are aware of, and are following, social distancing rules in the time of Coronavirus.

This has taken the form of a new app and a WhatsApp chat feature. The app will provide information and resources, and is hoped to act as a "trusted place of advice and information that you and your family and your business can use to understad the decisions and the information...about what is occuring with the coronavirus". The app also has a registration feature for self-isolation. It had been downloaded around 482,000 times as of 29-March, and was developed by Delv.

The Department of Health also implemented a Whatsapp bot, which users can interact with via messaging the government account on +61 400 253 787, and then by following message prompts in the chat.

Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Public service delivery under new circumstancesIt is vital that people know and follow government recommendations around the outbreak. These platforms will allow people to do this much more easily. Australia Government (Department of Health); Delv; Facebook; AtlassianNational/Federal government, Private Sector
Coronavirus Local Response Initiative by Bloomberg PhilanthropiesBloomberg Philanthropies and the National LEague of Cities have launched a 'Local Action Tracker' for coronavirus, that collects and shares actions taken by local US leaders in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The COVID-19: Local Action Tracker will feature a sortable grid detailing the policy decisions and bold actions that city leaders are making to contain the spread of coronavirus and respond to community impact. The tracker aims to document the rapidly expanding ways in which cities are responding to the crisis, enable cities to understand what their peers are doing, and feature timely analyses. The tracker will be hosted on the National League of Cities’ website and make all verified data accessible to the public.
Governance responses, Crowdsourcing solutionsMayors across the country are on the frontlines leading the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and every day they discover yet another aspect of city life is affected by this crisis. As city leaders’ responses to the crisis evolve, Bloomberg want to provide them with tools, data, and resources needed to make informed decisions.

This tool will allow local leaders to learn promising practices from their peers, share ideas, and work together during one of the most challenging times in recent history.
Bloomberg Philanthropies; National League of CitiesLocal government, Non-Profit/Civil Society;
United States
Online Platform for Updated COVID-19 StatsCOVID-19 platform is open to update stats and discloses information related to COVID-19 pandemic. It shows the numbers of infections, geographical tracking of those who caught the virus, the list of hospitals and drive through testing places and among others. Furthermore, the platform shows where face masks and sanitizer can be purchased and how many has been provided on a daily basis since a new measure has been implemented for citizens to purchase up to two masks in five groups to manage its supply.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesOnce the number of confirmed cases increases, citizens are worried about whether the news have anything to do with the lives of their own and beloved ones. In this unprecedented challenge faced by many in our communities, access to information is key. As it is government's responsibility to disclose and update information that it has for the sake of citizen's safety, the COVID-19 online platform is anticipated to keep citizens informed to make right decisions in their everyday life, not getting close to where cases are confirmed for instance, and make the situation under control to some extent. Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of the Interior and SafetyNational/Federal government, Regional/State government
The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) is running a ' Borough Initiatives and Needs' database. The London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) is working to help local government teams across London to share resources and collaborate remotely during the COVID19 crisis.

They are co-ordinating a 'Borough Initiatives and Needs' database across London, a document that allows different local teams from across London's boroughs to share their work and good practice.

It takes the form of a document open to any and all who wish to share/add details and links to help LOTI better understand the pan-London efforts in response to Covid-19.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Local government are facing particular challenges in the systematic responses from the State to the coronavirus outbreak. This platform will allow local bodies within London to share their most innovative practices, that may provide useful insights and examples for others to build on.London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI)Local government
United Kingdom
Open data on the emergency COVID framework agreement in Colombia Innovative response: emergency framework agreement for agencies to procure easily during the COVID emergency, with full disclosure in OCDS format.

Colombia has issued an emergency decree about public procurement during the COVID crisis, allowing expedited procedures to procure the necessary goods and services.The National Procurement Agency Colombia Compra Eficiente (CCE) has asked all companies who can supply these critical products to register to be included in this framework agreement. CCE will verify information and accept suppliers in a framework agreement, allowing agencies from all the country to procure efficiently, and to compare online prices and characteristics.

Information from this procedure, as well as any contract awarded during the crisis, regardless of the procurement method used, will continue to be disclosed in OCDS in CCE’s webpage.
Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesDuring an emergency like the COVID-19 crisis, contracting procedures must be fast and as frictionless as possible. These two characteristics trump other key objectives such as fostering competition and promoting inclusion. And large payments may be made upfront to secure supplies. While emergency procedures are needed, they must remain publicly accountable for every contract concluded and spent. Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is spent.

Agencies need ways to procure in a fast way, and must have access to a list of suppliers that are willing to sell the required goods and services. These purchases are especially prone to corruption or misuse of public funds, and thus having information available even for emergency procedures allows anyone to oversee how the government is spending money during the COVID crisis.
National Procurement Agency Colombia Compra Eficiente (CCE)
Open Contracting Partnership
Procuring agencies throughout Colombia
The list of suppliers might need to be updated frequently, demanding management resources from CCE .

OCDS information should be analyzed by control authorities and citizens; thus, analysis guidelines are provided by the Open Contracting Partnership, and should be made easily available for all in Spanish
National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government, Private Sector, Non-Profit/Civil Society;;;
U.S. Digital Response: matching data and tech experts with U.S. state and local governments to respond to covid 19.The U.S. Digital Response launched March 16 to match data and digital experts with U.S. state and local government teams for rapid response to COVID-19. In two short weeks, more than 2,500 highly-skilled volunteers have signed up and dozens of governments have reached out for support.

We are an all-volunteer effort, and we are working to vet volunteers and match their skills and availability with projects to help governments continue delivering critical services such as social safety net benefits, unemployment benefits, and small business loans.

Learn more about our collaborations:

Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesThe U.S. Digital Response exists to provide urgent tech support to U.S. state and local governments as they respond to covid 19. We match volunteer technologists with government teams to develop solutions, strategies, and tools to address their needs. We work in the open and aim for our solutions to be open source, replicable, and scalable. We are already in talks with other countries to consider how to scale the entire effort to be adapted where they are.

Our goal is to help governments keep their websites and systems up and running so they can continue provide mission-critical services to residents, especially as some of their systems come under increased demand and strain. The impact is to allow governments to continue to serve the millions of people they need to serve, uninterrupted, allowing people to get the relief and support they need during this crisis.
This is an all-volunteer effort supported in part by the Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation at Georgetown University and Code for America.National/Federal government, Regional/State government, Local government
info@usdigitalresponse.orgUnited States
Susana Distancia - a superhero cartoon character created to remind people to keep apart to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.Susana Distancia superhero cartoon character created to remind people to keep apart to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)To emphasise the importance of social distancing to the public.Government of MexicoNational/Federal government
UKGov Coronavirus Information Service on @WhatsAppAn automated ‘chatbot’ will allow people to get answers to the most common #coronavirus questions from a trusted source.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)This automated ‘chatbot’ will allow people to get answers to the most common #coronavirus questions from a trusted source.Department of Health and Social CareNational/Federal government
United Kingdom
French coronavirus data portalAn open source code tool offering a consolidated view of all of the official data about the progression of the epidemic in France.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisProviding a consolidated information point for all of the data released by official agencies around France across different levels of government.EtaLabNational/Federal government
Federation of American Scientists 'Ask a Scientist' websiteThis platform to allow members of the public to ask questions of expert scientists about the coronavirus. Users can search for instant answers to their questions, or click "Ask a scientist a question" to have their question routed to a network of researchers and volunteers who are standing by to assist.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Providing expert answers to questions about the coronavirus.Federation of American Scientists, New Jersey Office of Innovation, Governance Lab at New York UniversityRegional/State government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
covid19@fas.orgUnited States
Coronazap: The Federal Senate uses online chat to educate staff about coronavirusOne of the measures adopted by the Senate to inform and assist in the fight against the new coronavirus was the provision of an online chat so that employees can ask questions, with doctors of the House, about covid-19.
The demands, answered exclusively by messages, are answered from 7:00 to 19:00, from Monday to Friday. In this way, specialists answer questions such as forms of contagion, symptoms of the disease and advise on the necessary referrals. The action will continue until the situation is normalized, according to the parameters defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Patient care The measure was intended to reduce the flow of visitors to the House’s facilities and avoid an overload of face-to-face care in the Emergency Medical Service (Semede). Federal SenateNational/Federal governmentdger@senado.leg.brBrazil
Remote Deliberation and Voting: Parliament Cannot StopIn order to discuss and vote on important issues during the new coronavirus pandemic, the Federal Senate was the first parliament in the world to hold its first deliberative session for remote voting on 20 March.
On March 24, the House implemented the Remote Deliberation System (SDR). Through the platform, parliamentarians can debate and vote via video and audio. The system, which can be used both on a cell phone and on a personal computer, can serve the voting needs of the National Congress. While the pandemic persists, the Senate will continue deliberating in remote sessions.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesThe purpose of the measure was to enable the continuity of parliamentary work following the recommendations made to avoid the crowding of people.Brazilian Federal SenateNational/Federal governmentdger@senado.leg.brBrazil
Village Emergency Response Team to battle COVID-19 through social, economic and financial support programsA village in Yogyakarta regency, Indonesia, formed a COVID-19 emergency response team, the ‘Panggungharjo Tanggap’ COVID-19 (PTC), which mitigates the prevention, treatment and management of the COVID-19 disaster in a strategic way, based on empirical data and in close cooperation with its citizens.
The PTC, which is formally established through a village decree, maps the conditions of the people and bases programs to mitigate social and economic threats on the result of these data. The village conducts local surveys, where citizens monitor and report their health condition regularly on a joint online data base, also health workers monitor and report on health conditions to address potential aspects of carriers, such as through migrants.
Programs include public awareness raising and educating the community or spraying the village with disinfectants, the use of village funds to build village infrastructure and employ villagers who have lost their income as a consequences of the COVID-19. Mapping of poor and disadvantaged households is conducted and social collection is done in case of need for low-income families. Even mid-term effects are considered and food security is analyzed and seeds are distributed to ensure some basic commodities during recession and to improve the nutritious diet and prevent food shortage.
Patient care, Health and safety of responders, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisation, Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Social effects of the crisisThe PTC mitigates the prevention, treatment and management of the COVID-19 disaster in a strategical way, based on empirical data and in close cooperation with its citizens.
Villagers are informed and are able to take informed action in the battle for COVID-19.
The outcome of the virus is reduced due to concerted preventive measures
Disadvantaged groups are supported, economic loss is reduced.
Access to local commodities enabled.
Village Government, Youth groups, Emergency Response Team, the ‘Panggungharjo Tanggap’ COVID-19 (PTC), Religious and social leaders. Data security Local government, Non-Profit/Civil Society
Free 24-hour Single Government COVID-19 Helpline 8345Single Government COVID-19 Helpline 8345 aims to ensure that people in Latvia have an opportunity to receive a cost-free consultation on various specific Covid-19 related issues through a single line. It improves client experience with better communication design since there is single access point (via telephone) to get answers to frequently asked questions. Furthermore, for more detailed answers client is connected to the most appropriate organisation to get an answer/consultation. Helpline operates 24/7 and provides service in 2 languages (Latvian and Russian). Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Governance responses, Public service delivery under new circumstancesTo help people in Latvia to find their way through the available information on COVID-19 and to understand, which institution can help them. Helpline operators provide answers to the most frequently asked questions and for a more detailed information an operator connects a client with other special COVID-19 helplines put in place by the responsible authorities, for instance, health sector authorities, border guards, state revenue service etc.
The solution solves the fact that information is rather fragmented and not easy to navigate since there are many public sector institutions involved in the crisis management and there are a lot of specific issues to be solved (e.g. health, education, security, transportation, business etc.). It is anticipated that people will be better informed and will find their answers faster/easier.
The State Chancellery of Latvia and Latvian telecommunications enterprise Tet. There are constant information updates and changes, therefore it takes a lot of effort to maintain the helpline so it would be up to date (since it works 24/7). Strong cooperation with government strategic communication team is a precondition since answers to FAQ as an information source for operators needs to be updated non-stop. Additional to the helpline there is a single point web-page created for the same purpose - to improve information availability in a single access point way: National/Federal government
Innovation Fund Serbia - Covid19-StopThe Innovation Fund designed and launched a public call for Serbian SMEs offering innovative projects that could be rapidly deployed and scaled up to combat the spreading negative effects of the coronavirus. The Fund provides up to 50k EUR per project, but no more than 85% of total costs. The initiative came from the office of the Prime minister of the Republic of Serbia. The IF used a 3-member independent investment committee (comprised of a PhD chemical engineer dealing in tissue regen, an electrical+ICT engineer with experience in telemedicine and software development and one of the top cardiac surgeons in Serbia) to evaluate all proposals based on the relevance of the proposed solution, time of implementation, implementation methodology and company resources. Close to 300 applications were received in 7 days. Applications were processed and reviewed chronologically, after the IF conducted basic eligibility checks. The most promising ones were invited to pitch via Skype for 10 minutes. After 7 days, the final decision was made and the projects begun their implementation (lasting up to April 30th).Patient care, Health and safety of responders, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Resource management and mobilisationThe initiative aims to provide quick relief for specific areas deemed to be of priority by the Government of the Republic of Serbia (at the time, it was disinfection, protection, supply chain management and patient/doctor care). The expected impact would be better public health due to area and surface disinfection, better prevention of further contagion through temperature measurement counters and disinfection booths, domestic production of new ventilators (strategic importance) and increase in patient/doctor/general safety.Innovation Fund; Ministry of science, education and technological development; Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of SerbiaPotential supply chain issues might arise if some of these solutions would require massive scale-ups; Need for rapid certification of certain items in order to deploy them in a short time frame.National/Federal government, Private Sector
Screening and follow-up of potential patients through digital platformsAn automatic screening tool for people who suspect they might be infected with coronavirus is available for the residents and visitors of Mexico City through several channels: via SMS (free of charge), Facebook Messenger, doing an online test or calling the non-emergency number (Locatel). The aim is to monitor potential patients and provide follow-up to the cases of people whose symptoms worsen, in order to give them better attention and work to contain the spread of the pandemic in Mexico City.
The user enters her contact information and symptoms and answers the automatic question flow. According to her responses, the system provides a general diagnosis that classifies her case as low, moderate or high risk, and general hygiene and prevention measures.
In the case of users whose cases are considered to be of high risk, the doctors working at Locatel get directly in touch with the person to provide personalized attention. The service is also available in English, as to cover foreign visitors to the city that have symptoms and require immediate attention.
As of March 27, 2020, the system had registered the following parameters:
Total SMS: 4.7 million
Total users: 178, 378
Completed questionnaires: 128,378
Users who were referred to the Health Ministry after a second questionnaire: 649
Health and safety of responders, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesThis solution intends to provide attention to potential patients, without them leaving home in orden to prevent further contagion. It provides follow-up to people who were moderately in risk of having COVID a couple of days after they first entered their information using any of the channels aforementioned. In case the symptoms have gotten worse and they are considered as highly in risk of being infected, they receive a medical kit and provisions in their homes.
The tool also provides general recommendations to prevent contagion, such as washing your hands frequently, staying at home and covering the coughs with the bend of the elbow. The data on the location of the potential cases is used for monitoring the spread of the pandemic.
Digital Agency for Public Innovation of Mexico City
Health Ministry of Mexico City
Citizen Participation Office of Mexico City
The changes in the phases of the pandemic have led us to make the necessary changes in the question flow. For instance, when the country entered Phase 2 and there were cases unrelated to people that had gotten the virus in another country, the assessment was modified so that the question about the user visiting another country was considered less relevant, and the emergency services (911) were also involved to be in charge of cases that were in need of immediate attention.
Both the original question flow and the subsequent changes have been designed hand in hand with the authorities and doctors of the Health Ministry.
Local government
Australian Government COVID-19 digital information productsThe Australian Government is preparing a suite of citizen-facing digital information products and services, amongst other measures being taken to address the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. To date, these include: a national website ( with regular information updates, a mobile application, a voluntary self-isolation reporting service, and a WhatsApp advice channel.

As a federal state, Australia is coordinating a national response to the pandemic across jurisdictions through a National Cabinet governance process. The national website ( has been reinvigorated during the crisis to provide a key central information coordination mechanism across the Commonwealth (federal) and State and Territory governments.
Patient care, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Governance responses, Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesThese digital information products provide the Australian public with up-to-date official guidance and advice on the pandemic and Government's response, across a range of channels. This ensures consistent and authoritative information is available for people in a format and time most convenient for them. The services also support Government's efforts to manage the public health impacts of the pandemic.Australian Government agencies and private sector information technology companiesRegular updates to these products are released, reflecting the rapidly evolving nature of the pandemic and Government's response, and ensuring information for the general public is timely and effective.National/Federal government
Covid-19 Temporary Wage Subsidy SchemeThe Irish Tax Authorities are operating a Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme. The scheme, enables employees, whose employers are affected by the pandemic, to receive significant supports directly from their employer through their payroll system. The scheme is expected to last 12 weeks from 26 March 2020. Public service delivery under new circumstances, Supporting citizens who have been summarily unemployedMaintaining the employment relationship between the employer and the employee using a reverse payment to employers via the taxation system (instead of using unemployment payments). This will enable smoother return to business post-crisisRevenue Commissioners, Department of Finance, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, Department of Employment Affairs and Social ProtectionAnticipated issues are outlined in Q&A document which can be found at link providedNational/Federal government
Covid-19 Rapid Response Innovation FundThe Covid-19 rapid response innovation fund is an agile and adaptive initiative to support development of innovative solutions (including STEM-based, social/behavioural science) that can have rapid demonstrable impact on the current COVID-19 crisis in Ireland.Solving Covid-19 related problems using STEM, behavioural and social sciencesThis initiative aims to provide rapid responses for priority problems facing Government and the citizen as well as future-oriented problems that will arise post crisisScience Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, Industrial Development Authority, Department of Business Enterprise and InnovationPotential for oversubscriptionNational/Federal government
Public Service Temporary Assignment SchemeThe Public Service Temporary Assignment Scheme is a whole-of-Government approach to tackling shortages of staff in key areas. The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform issued a circular (instrument in administrative law) which allows for thousands of staff to be temporarily assigned from anywhere in the public service to areas requiring manpower (e.g. contact tracing, unemployment supports, business support schemes etc.) The Public Appointments Service has built a digital platform to manage the process.Resource management and mobilisation, Supply of workforceUnderstaffing of key areas that require immediate resourcing (e.g. in health services, contact tracing, business supports, unemployment benefits etc)Department of Public Expenditure and Reform; Public Appointments ServiceExact skills matching may need to be further tweaked; issues may arise as nominated staff for assignment become unwell etc.National/Federal government
Covid-19 Surveillance MonitorOnline and mobile dashboard containing data regarding cases of Covid-19 in IrelandInformation and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Providing official data to citizens on Covid-19 casesThe need to provide 'drilldown' data which is updated daily for the purposes of communicating with citizens and media on reportable cases of Covid19.Health Protection Surveillance Centre (Health Service Executive), GeoHive (Ordinance Survey Ireland), Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (Dept. of Public Expenditure and Reform)The platform is being updated as new data sources arrive and further demands are requiredNational/Federal government
Increasing medical and clinical capacityBe On Call for Ireland is an initiative of the Health Service Executive. It seeks to bring medically and clinically trained individuals and experienced support staff back into the health service to help out during the crisis. Over 60,000 people have applied to volunteer.Resource management and mobilisation, Staffing for medical servicesUndersupply of medical, clinical and support staff. This scheme also allows others in the health service to be reassigned to higher duties when they can be relieved by relief volunteers in less critical roles.Health Service ExecutiveMatching individuals to roles; people returning to Ireland from other countries to volunteer may have to undergo quarantine before being able to assistNational/Federal government
Online portal for GP consultationsA new online portal was built and developed in four days to allow General Practitioners and healthcare providers to treat people remotely to help protect patients and healthcare workers.Patient care, Health and safety of responders, Public service delivery under new circumstancesNeed for secure and safe online patient exams to arrest and prevent spread of Covid-19Health Service Executive and Wellola (an Enterprise Ireland-backed company)Limited ability to conduct full physical examinations National/Federal government
MedTech ResponsesThe Health Service Executive's Digital Academy is collaborating with medtech companies and start-ups to provide agile solutions to Covid-19 problems faced in clinical settings. Examples include pulse oximeters integrated with applications that can be remotely monitored for oxygen depletion in patients (thereby requiring hospital admission) and working with roboticists to develop sterilisation robots using UV wavelengths that can kill Covid19 but have sensory reaction when humans enter its vicinity.Patient care, MedTech to solve clinical problemsUsing technology to improve patient management and journey and to reduce pressure on frontline workers.Health Service Executive (Digital Academy) and startups e.g. Akara Robotics and patientMpowerScaling and productionNational/Federal government, Private Sector
MedTech ResponsesHealth Innovation Hub Ireland is working with Enterprise Ireland and other Government partners to collate a database of products, services, resources, expertise that may enable support for healthcare settings during the crisis.Patient care, MedTech to solve clinical problemsCreating a respository of solutions that can be accessed by healthcare bodies to solve immediate problems using healthcare market providersHealth Innovation Hub Ireland, Enterprise IrelandNational/Federal government
Covid MedBotAkkure, an Irish digital health start-up, has launched the ‘COVIDMedBot’, an online free personalised risk assessment and guideline tool for use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Akkure is based at NovaUCD, the Centre for New Ventures and Entrepreneurs at University College Dublin.
Patient care, Risk assessment in relation to infection with Covid19Helping patients and healthcare workers to assess their individualised risk of exposure to Covid19Digital Health Startup and University College DublinNational/Federal government, Private Sector,488947,en.html
School on TVA cross-platform teaching initiative has been developed by RTÉ, Ireland's National Broadcaster, at short notice with the support of the Department of Education. It is aimed at students in primary school.Public service delivery under new circumstances, Education for children out of schoolProviding a means to educate children who are no longer able to attend classes. This method also has an interactive element.Radio Telefís Éireann and the Department of Education and SkillsNational/Federal government
Communications Regulator releases extra radio spectrum The communications regulator has approved plans to release extra radio spectrum to add capacity for mobile phone and broadband connectivity.

The regulator plans to release radio spectrum in the 700MHz and the 2.6GHz bands to allow mobile operators to meet increased voice and data traffic.

It also said it has liberalised the use of the existing 2.1GHz band so that it can be used for 4G connectivity and other technology, rather than just 3G.
Resource management and mobilisation, Public service delivery under new circumstances, Communications and connectivity capacityAddressing strain (and anticipated strain) on mobile networks; making it easier for citizens to work from homeComReg (Irish Communications Regulator)National/Federal government
Covid-19 online pandemic paymentA new social welfare payment for employees and the self-employed who have lost employment due to Covid 19. A simple, quick, online payment. [This is different to the Wage Subsidy scheme which is operated by the Revenue Commissioners and seeks to maintain the relationship between the employer and employee]Social effects of the crisis, Rapid unemploymentAddressing extremely high levels of unemployment that occurred within the space of days.Department of Employment Affairs and Social ProtectionVolume of applications National/Federal government
Estamos ON” (“We are ON”)Website and app congregating information on Government action regarding COVID-19. It presents information such as:
 Rules of the State of Emergency;
 Government support to companies;
 Emergency and useful contacts;
 Documentation and FAQs;
 List of exceptional rules;
 Civil society initiatives (e.g. apps, voluntary work);
 Tools and guides to telework;
 Communication materials to help citizens and companies access relevant information;
 Epidemic status with a graphic visualization option;
 Other.
Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Aggregating relevant information about COVID-19 and the government's response.Administrative Modernisation AgencyNational/Federal government
Citizen Contact Centre & Business Contact CentreThe Contact Centres, managed by AMA, provide support to citizens and companies regarding digital services in the ePortugal and solutions such as the electronic identification (means of entering in the Health National portal “patient area”). It provides telephone, email and AI-based (virtual assistant) support.
In a very short timeframe of a few days, AMA set in place, by itself and with other entities, the following actions:
 Adaptation of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) used by the Contact Centre, in articulation with the Contact Centres of other public entities providing critical services;
 Relocation of all Contact Centre operators to teleworking;
 Reinforcement of human resources allocated to the Citizen Contact Centre with employees of the Citizen Shops (coordinated by AMA, it is a network of one-stop-shops that provide public services and services of public interest in one single facility);
 Development of an eLearning training program for the workers mentioned in the previous point
Public service delivery under new circumstancesReorganisation and redeployment to maintain service delivery under new circumstancesAdministrative Modernisation AgencyNational/Federal governmentPortugal
Citizen MapDevelopments in the Citizen Map (site and mobile app versions), which provides users with georeferenced information for all public services and also allows the user to get digital queue tickets for onsite public services:
o Ensuring there are no “open” queue tickets on the Map and provide textual and graphic information (including a new splash screen and banner) to users;
o Targeting citizens, to help prevent crowding in on-site counters (in conjunction with ePortugal for more details to be made available);
o Click to action for services on digital channels (in conjunction with ePortugal);
o Click to action to obtain information and answer questions (in conjunction with the Citizen Contact Centre and Business Contact Centre);
o Click to action placement for pre-scheduling services (in conjunction with the entities responsible for the service - via the Central de Appointments of the State and SIGA).

There other small improvements foreseen, in terms of:
o Backend (invisible to the user) - for instance, immediate map information update system, performance improvement, etc.
o Frontend - accessibility, click to call throughout the Map, etc.
Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Public service delivery under new circumstancesOptimisation of service delivery to match the circumstancesAdministrative Modernisation Agency, ePortugal, Citizen Contact Centre and Business Contact Centre, National/Federal government
Tutorials for digital public servicesAMA developed tutorials regarding digital public services for citizens:
o Registration in the ePortugal;
o Digital Mobile Key – online registration;
o Digital Mobile Key – registration with user+password of the Tax Authority web portal;
o Digital signature with Digital Mobile Key.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesHelping citizens/service users to make the most of digital channelsAdministrative Modernisation AgencyNational/Federal governmentPortugal
Hack the Crisis - Czech RepublicThe Czech government launched an online hackathon "Hack the crisis" where companies or citizens can apply with their innovative solutions regarding the Covid-19 crisis.

The aim of the hackathon is to support projects that arise from various initiatives and that are in line with the needs and priorities of the state. The hackathon involves all relevant components of the state who want to coordinate support projects in the application of solutions and also give perspective on their need.

The Coronavirus outbreak forces governments to search for innovative solutions from new sources, due to the systemic nature of the threat, the speed at which the situation is changing, and the capacity of government.

A virtual hackathon allows people from across geographies to work together, in an agile and creative environment, to come up with new innovative solutions.
We connect Czech Republic, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Transport, Government Office, the Confederation of Industry of the Czech RepublicNational/Federal government
Czech Republic
The Remote Experimentation and Collaboration Guide LabX - The Experimentation Lab of Public Administration - is supporting the response to the challenging phase the country is going currently through. Not intended to be a remote work manual, but a compilation of guidelines that builds trust and enables persistence in coping with the transformation that is happening in this distance mediated context. The document offers tools and methods for conducting remote research, co-creation or experimentation, and also guidelines for ensuring citizen participation in this context, amidst other themes. The document is currently under collaborative and collective development by the Network of Innovators and for the Network of Experimentation Laboratories members.Public service delivery under new circumstancesHow to ensure research and citizen participation can occur during the changed context.Administrative Modernisation Agency, LabXNational/Federal governmentPortugal
Incentive System for Innovation in Public Management (SIIGeP)The Incentive System for Innovation in Public Management (SIIGeP) is a programme which aims at enabling the innovation capacity in human resources, to improve the work environment and the development of management models. The coordination of the programme is held between AMA, INA (National Institute of Administration) and DGAEP (Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment). In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, through the Order No 3614-D/2020, # 11 SIIGeP was entrusted to:
o The development of guides, guidelines and other practical support instruments new management models and new forms of work organisation, including teleworking;
o The promotion of innovative management, leadership and work organization practices, integrated in an action plan for innovation;
o The dissemination of information to the Public Administration that provides the necessary framework for the activity of services and workers in new work environments;
o The permanent analysis of the contents made available in order to ensure their coherence, accuracy and timeliness;
o The reinforcement of remote training for the Public Administration, in articulation with universities with a specific training offer for the current context.
Public service delivery under new circumstancesAiding public administration in adapting to the current contextAdministrative Modernisation Agency, National Institute of Administration (INA), Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment (DGAEP)National/Federal governmentPortugal
Health Ministry Website - COVID19The Directorate-General for Health has launched a dedicated microsite that gathers all public health information regarding the outbreak of COVID-19.
The site has several guides and tools for health professionals, homeland security, schools, municipalities, touristic facilities and so on, daily updates with information on the outspread of the virus (number of infected people per municipality, number of deaths, numbers of cases by symptom, etc), and others such as approved laboratories for SARS-COV-2 testing.
Any citizen can find reliable, up-to-date medical information on this website, as well as a comprehensive set of information and tools destined to the younger.
Prescriptions, for instance, are full-cycle electronic and are sent through an SMS to the patients’ mobile phones (or to an email), without the need for physical interaction with the GP. Furthermore, the Portuguese Post Office and the National Association of Pharmacies (ANF) launched a new ‘pharmaceutical postal service’, allowing citizens to order from pharmacies at a distance (ePrescription SMS code can be sent by email) and have the items delivered at home.
Patient care, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Public service delivery under new circumstancesInformation for citizens and adjusting service delivery to the contextDirectorate-General for HealthNational/Federal government
Two of the three main mobile operators in the Czech Republic are offering customers unlimited data during the emergency situationTwo of the largest mobile phone operators in the Czech Republic are offering free unlimited mobile data are to all of their customers. This will help people who now have to work from home as well as those who need to communicate with other people.

The offer also applies to Czech citizens currently residing in other EU countries so they can be in contact with their family and loved ones.

T-Mobile is also offering unlimited data to state institutions and companies with framework contracts.

Additional channels such as BBC Earth and Premier Sport have been temporarily added to the TV package.
Social effects of the crisisWith teleworking and remote learning being enforced upon families, this innovation will provide the technological capacity for citizens to do these things, and to connect with friends and family with whom people are physically disconnected from. T-Mobile, 02Private Sector
Czech Republic
RESEARCH 4 COVID 19The Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB), launched exceptional funding to support the reorientation of R&D teams in the development of initiatives that meet the immediate needs of the National Health Service (SNS) to fight COVID-19 (e.g, new prevention tools, therapeutic developments, diagnostic methods, actions to promote a resilient society, especially in the older population and in higher risk groups).
The total funding is €1,5 million, with a maximum of €30 000 per project.
Resource management and mobilisation, R&DFunding for innovative fast/short-term responses to the crisisFoundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in collaboration with the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation (AICIB), National/Federal governmentPortugal
AI 4 COVID-19: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Public AdministrationFunding to support scientific research and technological development projects to combat current and future pandemics through data science and AI, developed in partnership between the public administration and R&D institutions, and focused on supporting citizens and health care services and entities (duration of 24 to 36 months).
Developed within the National Digital Competencies Initiative e.2030 (Portugal INCoDe.2030), the total funding is €3 million, with a maximum of €240 000 per project.
R&DImmediate and longer term responses to pandemicsFoundation for Science and Technology National/Federal governmentPortugal
Sousedská connects Czech volunteers to deliver key goods to vulnerable was created to provide food and medicine to people most at risk of coronavirus infection with the help of volunteers.These are mainly old and sick people who should not leave the house in the coming days at all.

Users register, link with volunteers via an application that connects people with other local other cities, and then co-ordinate with volunteers through this app.

Users can be dispatchers, couriers, seamstresses or caregivers.
Health and safety of responders, Crowdsourcing solutionsThere are a number of old and sick people who should not leave the house at all due to their poor health and vulnerability. This innovation will provide for healthy people who can leave their houses to deliver various key items to people in their communities who need them. Sousedskápomoc.czNon-Profit/Civil Society
Czech Republic
Corona Datenspende (Corona Data Donation)The app will allow people to voluntarily and anonymously share information from their fitness trackers that could reveal signs of a Covid-19 infection.

The free app will log a person's postcode, age and weight and keep track of any changes in activity and sleep habits, heart rate or even body temperature that could be symptoms of an acute respiratory disease.
Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisTracking potential spread of the virusRobert Koch InstituteNational/Federal government
Business-led innovation in response to global disruption (de minimis)UK registered businesses can apply for a share of up to £20 million to respond to new and urgent needs in UK and global communities during and following the Covid-19 pandemic.Resource management and mobilisation, Business-led innovationSpurring business-led innovative responsesInnovate UKNational/Federal government, Private Sector
United Kingdom
Extremely Vulnerable Persons ServiceA dedicated support service for people with a medical condition which makes them extremely vulnerable to coronavirus (COVID-19). Extermely vulnerable includes people who have had a solid organ transplant; have any cancer and are getting chemotherapy; have lung cancer and are getting radical radiotherapy; have cancer of the blood or bone marrow, at any stage of treatment - for example, leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma; have any cancer for which you’re getting immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments; have any cancer for which you’re getting a targeted treatment which can affect the immune system - for example, protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors; have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or are still taking immunosuppression drugs; have a severe respiratory condition - including cystic fibrosis, severe asthma or severe COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease); have a rare disease or inborn error of metabolism that significantly increases your risk of infection - for example SCID or homozygous sickle cell; are getting an immunosuppression therapy that’s sufficient to significantly increase your risk of infection
are pregnant, and have a significant congenital or acquired heart disease
Patient careSupport for vulnerable peopleGovernment Digital ServiceNational/Federal government
United Kingdom
COVID-19 e-learning programmeAn e-learning programme in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic that is free to access, without logging in*, for the entire UK health and care workforce, including those working in the NHS, the independent sector and social care. The programme includes key materials to help the health and care workforce respond to Coronavirus.

The Coronavirus programme currently includes limited resources, but will add more content in the coming days and weeks. The additional content will include new sessions and content curated from different sources such as existing HEE e-LfH sessions and materials from other organisations such as NHS England and NHS Improvement or the World Health Organization.

Content in the Coronavirus programme currently includes:
Essential Guidance from the NHS, Government and WHO
Infection Prevention and Control
Personal Protection Equipment
Critical Care Resources
RCGP learning
Invasive Ventilation
Intensive Care Medicine
Induction of International and Returning GPs
Statutory and Mandatory Training
Patient care, Health and safety of responders, Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)To assist health care workers in tackling the pandemicHealth Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH), National Health Service (NHS)National/Federal government
United Kingdom
COVID-19 BarometerThe Barometer provides comparative analysis of the responses of different countries to the COVID-19 epidemic; epidemiological models of projection of new cases (first results already launched); analysis of the evolution of risk perception, compliance with government measures, the responsiveness of government and health services and the impacts on individual daily lives. It is also intended to analyse the preferred sources of information and the social support network in case of need.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysisCommunicating about responses to the pandemicNational School of Public HealthNational/Federal government
CoronaKidsA playful-educational website created by the publisher “Ideias com História” in partnership with the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), which aims to inform children and young people about this disease that is spreading around the world, caused by the new coronavirus. On the site is news every day, useful information about Covid-19, curiosities, games, videos and activities for children to develop in this period when they are at home, in a fun way.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Helping childrenDirectorate-General for Education (DGE), Directorate-General for Health (DGS), Ideias com HistóriaNational/Federal government
Ciência VivaA dedicated webpage to COVID-19 with videos, articles and FAQs, developed and/or presented by scientists on the coronavirus and COVID-19, including a special section on relevant Citizen Science projects, highlighting the contribution of the wider public to research development in related topics. Specific materials on the coronavirus epidemic were produced by Ciência Viva for the school communities.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal)Providing information and educational resourcesNational Agency for Science and Technological CultureNational/Federal government
Domestic violence helplineA helpline, number 3060, which allows victims of domestic violence to send quick text messages (SMS) if they want to ask for help. This mechanism is free, available 24 hours a day and guarantees confidentiality. It aims to ensure safety and support for victims of domestic violence, given the increased risk that the current context of isolation means.Social effects of the crisis, Domestic abuseResponding to impacts of confinement/lockdownVodafone Portugal Foundation, Portuguese GovernmentNational/Federal government, Non-Profit/Civil SocietyPortugal
Covid-19 solutions and technologiesA page with information on solutions and technologies developed by civil society, namely by companies and entities to respond to the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among them, very different solutions, from technologies for monitoring symptoms or detecting fever through images (the latter already being used at Lisbon’s airport), to DryVHP technology for bio-decontamination, or magnetic and optical biosensors integrated into microfluidics that identify specific sequences of nucleic acids.Information and practice sharing (with public and/or internal), Crowdsourcing solutionsSurfacing available innovationsNational Innovation AgencyNational/Federal government, Private Sector
tech4COVID19A group of volunteers, made up from more than 4.300 people from 250 different companies and various fields of work, working towards a common goal: unite Portuguese talent in the development of technological solutions that help the population overcoming the challenge of COVID-19. Many projects have already been launched and others are in the pipeline. To name a few:
● An app with up-to-date technical info for medical doctors;
● A fundraising campaign;
● An app with free of charge video consultations;
● A tracker for infected/potentially infected people (non-mandatory)
● A platform to help local commerce sell online
Crowdsourcing solutionsSurfacing and creating innovative solutionsPrivate Sector, Non-Profit/Civil SocietyPortugal