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Coronavirus Covid-19 situation in Venezuela - 2020 

Coronavirus Covid-19 situation in Venezuela - 2020 

Non-exclusive AFP stock photo for UNICEF use. Totally restricted for use by media and partners. While this means that media clients subscribing to AFP may have access to the same images, this is still very useful for immediate on-set emergencies as well as the L3 countries where UNICEF works. © Notice: Non-exclusive rights are granted to UNICEF with these AFP photos. The photos may be used by UNICEF and National Committees with a credit line acknowledging UNICEF, the photographer and AFP. This includes use on all UNICEF documents; UNICEF social media channels and web sites; UNICEF fundraising communication activities; to illustrate press releases on UNICEF platforms. These photos may be shared through WeShare with the usage restriction clearly visible. These photos may NOT be used in media outreach; and may NOT be distributed to partners. 
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