Yes! It’s the singing episode! Tune in to watch a certain extra-terrestrial face their fearsand step up to the mic - and discover all the different ways one (very repetitive) phrasecan be sung.

Singing and vocal sounds are music and sounds created by the voice.

We can sing in so many different styles - high, low, short, long, quiet, loud, fast, slow and withlots of different voices - silly voice, posh voice, scary voice, excited voice, thinking voice.

Different vocal sounds can be created by whispering, speaking, shouting, humming, hissing andclicking.

When singing, it is important to remember to sing in tune and with lots of expression. This canbe helped by breathing regularly at appropriate intervals between words.

Keeping a steady beat throughout the song by tapping, clapping or playing an instrument can also help to support thesong with a consistent pulse.


Actions can be used to help express the lyrics and style of the music.

When singing, we can use actions and movements to help express the words in the music.Actions can also be followed as an instruction for performance. For example, a teacher mightconduct the class and give signals with their hands for the class to respond to.

Sing Off

With some friends, divide into two groups and have a sing off! Each group takes turns singing a verse in adifferent style… Will loud beat quiet? Will a scary voice overpower a squeaky voice? Let’s see!

Body Percussion

Just like Cara and Martin, you can use your voice and body in different ways to create sound -try coming up with as many as possible. Why not start with humming, whistling and whispering!

Musical Charades

Have a friend or family member sing a well known song, repeating it over and over. Withoutsaying a word, use your hands, eyes, and face to give instructions and silently conduct withactions to get them to perform in different ways.

More on Singing, performing and sound

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