Help us keep our community yoga outreach programme flowing

“You are amazing. Yoga has truly been a lifesaver for me.”

Participant - Therapeutic Yoga for Women


Give regularly and you'll become a 'Friend of Brighton Yoga Foundation'.

Being a Friend of Brighton Yoga Foundation is about dana, goodness, and really making a difference to the quality of people’s lives in your community.

This isn’t just about passive monthly donations. We want Friends of the Foundation to feel connected and invested in what we do. We’ll send you regular impact reports via email to let you know how much your contribution matters.


“Some of our more vulnerable and stressed students have really benefited.”

Year Ten Teacher - Yoga for Young People Programme


Did you know it's possible to help us fundraise £100s to £1000s for FREE?

Its simple too!

You register with Easyfundraising (which costs nothing), choose the Brighton Yoga Foundation as your chosen charity, and download their Donation Reminder. 

Then, when you purchase something online, if the retailer is one of the 6000+ associated with Easyfundraising, you get a reminder to select Easyfundraising, and the retailer (not you!) makes a donation to Brighton Yoga Foundation. 

The size of the donation varies on the amount of your purchase: a book delivers a few pence, a holiday might give BYF £50 or more. You can help us make £1000s of pounds a year for free! 

Please sign up – it is so painless and so simple to raise money for us.

Read more information and see videos