
Ajankohtaista nuorisopalveluiden kesätoiminnasta!

Nuorisopalveluiden kesätoiminnat tulevat näkyviin sivustolle 1.3.2024 hakusanalla NEkesä. Haku maksullisiin toimintoihin alkaa 18.3. klo 9:00. Nuorisopalvelut tarjoavat muun muassa päiväleirejä ja kursseja vuosina 2007-2014 syntyneille espoolaisille nuorille. Tämän lisäksi nuorisopalvelut tarjoavat kesällä muuta mukavaa avointa toimintaa. Maksuvapautusta on mahdollista hakea.

School youth work project

Espoo’s Youth Services launched the school youth work project in the autumn of 2023, when five youth workers started working at nine different schools. School youth work is carried out among pupils in grades 7–9, and the youth workers act as links between the school and the pupils’ leisure time. The aim is to foster a sense of community and inclusion among pupils and to engage them in meaningful recreational activities through the means of youth work. School youth workers cooperate with other school staff. The purpose of the project is to develop a model for school youth work in Espoo and to create the conditions for related activities. The following schools are involved in the project: Juvanpuiston koulu Järvenperän koulu Kalajärven koulu Kauklahden koulu Karhusuon koulu Kirkkojärven koulu Lagstad skola Saarnilaakson koulu Vanttilan koulu

Registration for Gräsa’s clubs will open on 14 August 2023

Gräsa is a place in Olarinluoma, Espoo where young people can practice handicrafts. At Gräsa, even beginners can try different practical skills and spend time in a creative environment. Registration for Gräsa’s clubs will open on 14 August 2023 at 8:00, when a registration link will appear in the service (search term: Gräsa) for each club. As the most popular clubs tend to fill up quickly, we recommend being quick with your registration.

Nuori Espoo and Erasmus+ youth exchanges

Hey there! Are you between 13 and 17 years of age? Would you like to go abroad on a youth exchange for a week, get to know other cultures, learn new language and cultural skills as well as spend time and share experiences with young people from abroad? If you said yes, then this is for you!

Job experience, skills and money with temporary work and vouchers

Häirintä ei ole ok!

Tiedätkö mitä on seksuaalinen häirintä ja mistä saat tarvittaessa tukea tai apua?

22.4.2024 16.00–17.30 EET/EESTLippulaiva library
  • Libraries
  • Espoonlahti
22.4.2024 16.30–17.30 EET/EESTSello Library
  • Libraries
  • Music
  • Teaching and instruction
  • Leppävaara
23.4.2024 15.30–17.30 EET/EESTLippulaiva library
  • Libraries
  • Cultural events
  • Food preparation
  • Espoonlahti
23.4.2024 16.00–19.30 EET/EESTLippulaiva library
  • Libraries
  • Games
  • Espoonlahti
23.4.2024 16.00–18.00 EET/EESTLippulaiva library
  • Libraries
  • Games
  • Espoonlahti
24.4.2024 14.00–17.00 EET/EESTLippulaiva
  • Work
  • Espoonlahti