Tax-Free Childcare webinar for all types of childcare and OOSC providers

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The event is now full, all 1000 places have been booked. Please continue to book on as you will be added to the waitlist and will receive a ticket if you are successful. If you book on and are unsuccessful in the waitlist you will still receive the recording of the webinar and the PowerPoint slides used. There are still places on 'Tax-Free Childcare webinar for all types of childcare and OOSC providers' 16 March 2022 from 6:30pm to 8pm. Please copy and paste the link below to book on:

Tax-Free Childcare webinar for all types of childcare and OOSC providers

Help parents’ with childcare costs, increase revenue into early years and childcare settings, and open up new opportunities.

By Coram Hempsall's

Date and time

Tue, 15 Mar 2022 06:30 - 08:00 PDT



About this event

15th March 2022 - 1.30pm – 3pm

This 90-minute ZOOM webinar will be useful for all types of approved or registered providers in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales who offer paid for childcare and activities for families. If you provide childcare services for children aged 0-11 years (up to 17 years if disabled), you are invited to attend.

The webinar is designed to raise awareness of TFC and increase understanding of it. We will be providing a useful overview of Tax-Free Childcare (TFC) for providers of how it could better benefit children and families. We also want to help and equip attendees with ideas and tools that can motivate parents to sign up and use TFC to pay for childcare, out of school and holiday activities. Helping families and children and the provider in turn.

Bydd y weminar ZOOM hon sy’n para 90 munud yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer pob math o ddarparwyr cymeradwy neu gofrestredig yng Nghymru, Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon sy’n cynnig gofal plant a gweithgareddau i deuluoedd. Os ydych yn darparu gwasanaethau o’r fath ar gyfer plant 0-11 oed (hyd at 17 oed os yw’r plant yn anabl), fe’ch gwahoddir i fynychu.

Mae’r weminar wedi’i chynllunio i godi ymwybyddiaeth o’r cynllun Gofal Plant sy’n Rhydd o Dreth a meithrin dealltwriaeth ohono. Byddwn yn darparu trosolwg defnyddiol o’r cynllun Gofal Plant sy’n Rhydd o Dreth i ddarparwyr o sut y gallai fod o fudd i blant a theuluoedd. Rydym hefyd am helpu a rhoi syniadau a gwybodaeth ymarferol i fynychwyr a all gymell rhieni i gofrestru a defnyddio’r cynllun Gofal Plant sy’n Rhydd o Dreth i dalu am ofal plant, gweithgareddau y tu allan i’r ysgol ac yn ystod y gwyliau. Bydd hyn yn helpu teuluoedd, plant a’r darparwr.

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