Dear Colleagues,

The Matrix Biology Ireland (MBI) society are delighted to announce a resumption to holding our annual conference. For 2022 we are proud to announce that the conference will be hosted at the Bernal Institute at the University of Limerick in Ireland ( The Bernal Institute is home to multidisciplinary teams of scientists and engineers at UL that are focused on unravelling the structures of materials, including biomaterials like tissue. These interdisciplinary teams undertake their research subscribing to the ethos that "Structure Matters."

Matrix Biology Ireland's Annual Conference is one of the most important meetings for our community investigating extracellular biological polymers, which are vital to tissue architecture, tissue homeostasis, cell behavior, and in several pathophysiological processes. This international event represents an excellent opportunity for both senior and junior researchers to present their findings and to interact with leading experts in the field.

The conference will include scientific presentations across a range of topic areas including sessions focused on the emerging technologies in matrix biology research and industry representation across various research and development environments. The program will cover several aspects of extracellular matrix biology in health and disease, cell-matrix interactions and signalling, tissue engineering applications of matrix biology, and pathology of the tumour microenvironment.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees have put together a panel of international and domestic speakers of recognized experts. In addition, the programme is structured to allow for the selection of potential speakers to submit their research findings by abstract for consideration (See Below). Lastly, all attendees are invited to submit abstracts for presentation by research poster, which will be displayed in the vicinity of teas, coffee and treats!

We are really looking forward to welcoming you to Limerick and the Bernal Institute in December 2022. 

With our best regards,

Kieran McGourty and Olwyn Mahon

Co-Chairs MBI 2022

Conference Accommodation and Dinner Venue 

- The Castletroy Park Hotel

Matrix Biology Ireland and the Bernal Insititute are proud to partner with Castletroy Park Hotel and Leisure Club for accommodation. Conveniently located adjacent to the iconic UL Flagpoles, the recently awarded 2022 Tripadvisor Travelers’ Choice Award is well deserved. Castletroy Park Hotel boasts spacious comfortable rooms and is renowned for its dining options. With registration, dinner is included on Thursday 8th December in Castletroy Park Hotel. Access to the Leisure Club inclusive of 20m pool, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi and fully equipped gym is available for all patrons. A special conference rate will be offered to all registered attendees of MBI 2022 to book rooms in the Castletroy Park Hotel and Leisure Club.

To Access Conference Discounted Accommodation Rates Use Reference Code: MBI2022 - Valid until the 19th of November 2022. 

NB: There are limited rooms put aside for the conference, though the online portal says none are available. You must phone to book them at +353 61 335 566 citing the conference attendance and the MBI2022 referral code. 

Single Room 109

Double/Twin Room 119