
A Completion of Procedures Letter is a letter that providers issue at the end of complaints, appeals or other internal procedures.

The following guidance explains how and when providers should issue Completion of Procedures Letters. This guidance should be read with the Rules of the OIA Scheme, and the Guidance Note on the Rules.

The guidance note cannot answer every question about issuing Completion of Procedures Letters. If you have a query that is not answered by this guidance, or by other information on our website, please contact our Casework Support Team on 0118 959 9813 or email

We use the term "provider" throughout this guidance to include all of our members unless the context specifies otherwise.

We must receive a student’s Complaint Form within 12 months of the date of the Completion of Procedures Letter. For example, if the Completion of Procedures Letter is dated 1 January 2019, we must receive the Complaint Form by 1 January 2020.

Completion of Procedures Letters Guidance Note

Our guidance on Completion of Procedures (COP) Letters.

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Archive documents

Archived documents that are related to our Completion of Procedures Letter guidance

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