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Committee Standing Orders

The Access Officers shall

  • Self-identify as coming from a Widening Participation background

  • Be responsible for promoting fair and equal access to Selwyn College for applicants regardless of socio-economic background, gender, race, nationality, creed, disability or sexual orientation

  • Encourage greater access to groups under-represented within the membership of the JCRS of the day

  • Be responsible for spearheading new and existing Access initiatives and ensuring that Selwyn is interfacing appropriately and productively with Cambridge SU Access and Target Campaigns

  • Co-ordinate the publication of material for potential applicants and student participation in Open Days

  • Handle enquiries from potential applicants about applying to Cambridge

  • Liaise with the Cambridge SU Access Officer and Cambridge SU Disabilities Officer and shall attend Cambridge SU Access Committee meetings

  • Act as the college's Class Act representative, being the point of contact between the SU Class Act campaign and the JCR

  • Be responsible for advancing Equal Opportunities

  • Convene a JCR Access Committee where necessary

  • Be responsible for coordinating Selwyn participation in the Cambridge SU shadowing scheme

  • Represent the needs of current JCR members who identify as coming from Widening Participation backgrounds, working alongside the Welfare Officers

  • Liaise with Schools Liaison Officers and Admission Tutors

Note that 2 officers hold this position

The Accommodation & Services Officer shall;

  • Be responsible for all issues pertaining to student accommodation and amenities

  • Organise the room ballot, implementing relevant changes and updating current information about the undergraduate stock

  • Liaise closely with the Fellow for Rooms and the Welfare Officers to ensure that student welfare and financial concerns are taken into account

  • Be responsible for raising JCR concerns about College amenities such as Hall, the Bar, the Laundries and the JCR Common Room

  • Receive feedback from members of the JCR regarding food, accommodation, rents and other college amenities and charges

  • Attend the College Accommodation, Stewards, Gardens committees and the Health & Safety Working Group.

  • Be responsible for developing new and existing services for the benefit of JCR members and the financial security of the JCR

  • Maintain JCR vending machines and shall liaise with the contractors

  • Ensure that contractual agreements are upheld, but shall not be empowered to enter into any contracts in accordance with Article I of the Constitution

  • Manage JCR games and the TV room

  • Reimburse members of the JCR for losses incurred in JCR vending machines

  • Coordinate and act as main contact for the JCR online stash shop.

  • Be responsible for organising and implementing the University Challenge try-outs, including coordinating the written test, the in-person try-outs, and the final live quiz event in consultation with the Master of the college and another (chosen) member of the JCR Committee

The BME Officer shall

  • Be open to self defining Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) individuals only

  • Provide welfare services for BME students by maintaining a confidential email list. The officer shall not disclose the members of this list.

  • Maintain contact with BME individuals when they first arrive and for the duration of their time at Selwyn College in order to adequately represent their views to the JCR committee

  • Undertake specific outreach activities which target BME candidates with the aim of creating an image of Cambridge as accessible to all

  • At times work closely with the Access Officer to organise/ promote school visits

  • Attend and be attentive to events run by the University wide BME campaign, with an aim to raise awareness, encourage participation and engagement in college

  • Work to promote and increase awareness and knowledge of issues connected to race, ethnicity and equality through the organisation of events in college. Disseminate information on such issues within Selwyn

  • Represent the general views of Selwyn College in their liaison with BME officers at different colleges and the BME Campaign

  • Aim to communicate the needs of BME students to the JCR President

  • Maintain a Facebook group/page for BME students with information about events relating to race

  • Update the race and cultural diversity pages on the JCR website

  • Update handover documents outlining ongoing projects, administrative details, and any other pertinent information during their term of office. The documents shall be passed on to the newly elected Ethnic Minorities Officer.

The Clubs & Societies Officer shall; 

  • Maintain a record of all clubs and societies active in college, detailing levels of funding, numbers of members and relevant individuals associated with such clubs and societies (Presidents, Captains, Treasurers etc.)

  • Work with members of clubs and societies to advertise their existence on a regular basis, in order to increase participation

  • Make this information available to all members of college, and assist in the setting up of new societies/revival of old ones when required

  • Promote the existence of funding and bursaries available for clubs, societies and their members in college

  • Be responsible for the maintenance of the gym and the equipment within it

  • Provide optional inductions to the gym for any member of college who requests one.

The Communication Officer shall;

  • Be responsible for communication between the JCR committee & student body. 

  • Maintain and distribute news through the JCR e-mail list, forum and notice boards. 

  • Produce a weekly newsletter. 

  • Work with the Vice-President to publicise JCR and Cambridge SU activities.

  • Display society and event posters in the JCR.

  • Ensure the continuing activity of the Selwyn JCR social media pages.

The Computing Officer shall; 

  • Be responsible for coordinating I.T. provision with College and maintaining the JCR website

  • Highlight services and training offered by the Computing Service

  • Liaise with the Computer Office

  • Update the JCR website and ensure that it displays only relevant and truthful information for use by the JCRS and wider public

  • Develop the JCR website for whatever purposes the JCRS sees fit

  • Work with the Communication Officer to further communication to JCRS members using I.T.

  • Attend meetings of the IT Committee

  • Be responsible for uploading the weekly minutes from JCR Committee meetings onto the website

The Development & Education Officer shall;

  • Be responsible for furthering the educational well-being of JCR members

  • Support members of the JCR with concerns of an academic nature and will make available information regarding exam appeals, changing tripos, exam stress and other academic matters

  • Liaise with the Senior Tutor regarding educational matters

  • Liaise with the Cambridge SU Education Officer and publicise current Cambridge SU campaigns of an academic nature

  • Attend Cambridge SU Education Officers’ meetings

  • Help to co-ordinate and publicise campaigns related to Higher Education and funding

  • Attend the College Library Committee.

  • Attend alumni events both in and out of College (e.g. the annual London alumni event), or nominate other students to attend in their place

  • Attend the annual 1882 Legacy Society dinner in College and help to select other student representatives to attend

  • Be willing to meet with important alumni visiting College to give a view of student life (this only happens very occasionally, around twice a year)

  • Advise on a speaker (selected from the alumni database) for the undergraduate parents’ lunch

  • Alert the Development & Alumni Relations Office to important matters arising within the student body of interest to alumni

  • Be responsible for circulating information to the student-body about the University Challenge try-outs, as well as coordinating the written test and the live quiz event with the JCR and MCR President

  • Liaise with the Careers Fellow

The Disabled Students' Officer shall;

  • Be responsible for the handling of matters specifically concerning those members of the JCR who are mentally, physically or otherwise disabled

  • Be responsible for furthering the welfare of JCR members, with particular responsibility for those who self-identify as having a disability

  • Ensure that the college complies fully with the UK Equality Act 2010

  • Attend JCR meetings and represent the interests of disabled members of the college

  • Attend relevant Cambridge SU training and committee meetings

  • Liaise closely with the Welfare Officers to ensure that no member of the JCR is discriminated against due to any disability they may have

  • Be obliged to listen and respond impartially on all matters

  • Consider all information received by them in the course of their role as strictly confidential

  • Ensure all welfare events are accessible and encourage other JCR members and college societies to run accessible events

  • Encourage college to ensure that they have an up to date disability access/provisions audit within college

The Entertainments Officers shall;

  • Be responsible for organising entertainments for members of the JCR in College

  • Liaise closely with the Cambridge SU and promote current Cambridge SU Ents

  • Liaise with other College Ents Officers

  • Work with the Freshers' Representative(s) to organise Freshers’ Week

  • Be responsible to the safety and loan of JCR Ents equipment

  • Liaise with the Dean, the Head Porter, the Catering Manager and the Domestic Manager when organising Ents.

  • Be responsible for organising JCR dinners, including seeking all the relevant permissions, liaising with Catering about the menu and decorations, and consulting the Dean about disciplinary matters

Note that 2 officers hold this position

The Faiths and Beliefs Officer shall;


  • Represent the views and needs of students of faith, spirituality, humanistic beliefs, or lack thereof

  • Liaise with College to ensure that freedom of religion, worship, and belief is protected

  • Assist students of faith with connecting with local faith groups and leaders

  • Facilitate interfaith dialogue between the different religious, spiritual, and humanistic societies at Selwyn

  • Seek to ensure that JCR meetings and events are not exclusionary on the basis of religious beliefs and do not coincide with major religious or spiritual holidays or days of rest

  • Should this not be feasible, they will seek to ensure that complete and thoughtful accommodations are put in place to ensure that students of faith or spirituality are not significantly disadvantaged

  • Liaise with the Faiths and Beliefs Working Group on issues related to faiths and beliefs and maintain links between the Faiths and Beliefs Working Group and the JCR

  • ​Assemble and manage a Faiths and Beliefs Sub-Committee, and confer with them regularly on issues regarding faith in Selwyn

The Freshers’ Representatives shall;

  • Represent First Year undergraduates on the JCR and ensure that they are kept fully informed about JCR procedures, events and business with which they may not yet be familiar with.

  • Work closely with the Entertainments Officer in organising Freshers’ Week

  • Liaise with College Sports and Societies representatives for Freshers’ Week

  • Liaise closely with the Welfare Officers to produce a welcome pack for students who have yet to matriculate. 

  • Organise the JCR Parenting scheme 

  • Be responsible for putting together a sub-committee of students to organise Freshers Week

  • Be responsible for organising the annual ‘Family Formal’ in Michaelmas Term

  • Be responsible for organising the annual ‘Marriage Formal’ in Lent Term

  • Ensure a sufficient handover to the subsequent freshers’ representatives.

Note that 2 officers hold this position

The Gender Equality Officer shall;

  • Self-define as a gender other than cis-man. 

  • Represent the general views and concerns of all members of Selwyn College’s student body on any issues related to gender identity and gender equality to the whole JCR, College and Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign

  • Respect confidentiality, but also be willing to seek help from welfare providers both within and without college when the situation requires

  • Work to promote and increase awareness and knowledge of issues connected to gender identity and gender equality, and disseminate information on such issues, within Selwyn

  • Strive to ensure full equality for and unconditional acceptance of all Selwyn students regardless of their gender identity, and that no member of the student body is discriminated against in any way because of their gender identity

  • Advise the JCR on issues relating to gender identity and gender equality

  • Work closely with the Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign and promote their campaigns and events within Selwyn, and attend Cambridge SU Women’s Forum whenever possible

  • Organise and publicise events – open to and welcoming all members of Selwyn – on topics related to gender identity and Gender Equality (working with the LGBT+ Officer)

  • Attend welfare training and have information on welfare support, and liaise with all other JCR Welfare Officers, on welfare support provision, e.g. for mental, emotional, and sexual health

  • Ensure that in JCR/wider Selwyn discussions and events a gender binary is not enforced (ie. that references are not made to only being men or women)

  • Collaborate closely with other equality officers to ensure stronger integration of different gender identities within all areas, such as transgender issues with the LGBT officer

  • Coordinate the provision of the menstrual hygiene funds

  • Organise awareness raising events and talks on gender issues as well as activities for the general enjoyment and education of students on gender issues to encourage a stronger gender equality culture among students

  • Support the JCR within the organisation of Open days with a view to promoting gender equality among applicants

  • Collaborate with the Fresher’s Representatives to improve the response to and prevention of sexual harassment, gender discrimination and gender based violence to which Freshers are particularly vulnerable

  • Update handover documents outlining ongoing projects, administrative details, and any other pertinent information during their term of office. The documents shall be passed on to the newly elected Gender Equality Officer at the beginning of their term of office

  • Be actively involved with Selwyn FemSoc, and in particular work with the FemSoc to ensure the provision of period products in all College bathrooms. 

The Green Officer shall;

  • Be responsible for furthering the awareness of environmental issues among members of the JCR and for ensuring that the JCR conducts its business in an environmentally conscious and ethical fashion

  • Organise new schemes and consolidate existing schemes for conserving the environment

  • Ensure that recycling and composting facilities are easily available to JCR members

  • Seek to ensure that College behaves in an environmentally responsible fashion and adheres to its existing environmental commitments

  • Seek to minimise the food waste produced by the JCR Committee and any affiliated clubs and societies

  • Liaise with the SU Ethical Affairs Campaign on issues related to the environment

The International Students’ Officer shall;

  • Represent the needs and concerns of International Students and act as a point of reference

  • Liaise with Cambridge SU International and attend meetings of the Cambridge SU International Student Council

  • Provide information to assist international students applying to Cambridge (with regards to interview provisions etc and applications procedures)

  • Provide and promote support services for international freshers when they first arrive

  • Provide academic and welfare support to current international students in consultation with the Welfare Officers and Education Officer

  • Organise and promote social events open to both international and home students

  • Promote diversity and cultural understanding

  • Liaise with, and promote the activities of, international societies and groups within the university

  • Be responsible for liaising with College about international storage

The LGBTQ+ Officer shall;

  • Represent the general views and concerns of all members of Selwyn College’s student body on any issues related to sexuality to the whole JCR, College and Cambridge SU LGBT Campaign

  • Provide confidential and impartial information, welfare support, and advice to all members of the College on issues connected to sexuality, gender identity and equality, including sexual health and sexual orientation, to help ensure their well-being, and where necessary provide advice and support in taking things forward to higher authorities within College and the University

  • Respect confidentiality, but also be willing to seek help from welfare providers both within and without college when the situation requires

  • Work to promote and increase awareness and knowledge of issues connected to sexuality and sexual identity and disseminate information on such issues, within Selwyn

  • Strive to ensure full equality for and unconditional acceptance of all Selwyn students regardless of their sexuality, and that no member of the student body is discriminated against in any way because of their sexuality

  • Advise the JCR on issues relating to sexuality

  • Work closely with the Cambridge SU LGBT Campaign and promote their campaigns and events within Selwyn, and attend Cambridge SU LGBT Open Meetings when possible

  • Organise and publicise events – open to and welcoming all members of Selwyn – on topics related to sexuality, and organise and publicise social events for LGBTQ+ identifying members of Selwyn

  • Attend welfare training and have information on welfare support, and liaise with all other JCR Welfare Officers, on welfare support provision, e.g. for mental, emotional, and sexual health

  • Liaise with the JCR Freshers’ Representative(s) and Entertainments Officer(s) to provide events for LGBTQ+ students in Freshers’ Week

  • Maintain a confidential e-mail list for all students interested in issues pertaining to sexuality and gender identity. The Officer shall not disclose the identity of any member of the list

  • Update handover documents outlining ongoing projects, administrative details, and any other pertinent information during their term of office. The documents shall be passed on to the newly elected LGBTQ+ Officer at the beginning of their term of office.

The President shall;

  • Carry overall responsibility for the running of the JCR, and direct the business of the Committee as they see fit

  • Be responsible for ensuring that the provisions and principles laid out in the Constitution and Standing Orders are adhered to

  • Act as spokesperson for the JCR to all external organisations and the media

  • Coordinate major JCR campaigns

  • Represent the JCR to College Council and the Governing Body

  • Represent the JCR at Cambridge SU Presidents’ meetings

  • Liaise with the President of the MCR

  • Be permitted ex-officio member status of all sub-committees of the JCRS

  • Chair JCR Committee meetings and co-ordinate the actions of the Committee

  • Chair JCR Open Meetings unless a “Concerned Member” (i.e. bringing or seconding a motion)

  • Compile the agenda for Committee and Open Meetings

  • Approve and sign contracts and, if required, cheques on behalf of the JCR

  • Act as the main contact point for Senior Members of College wishing to discuss general College or JCR business

  • Support fully the campaigns of the JCR

  • Be responsible, as returning officer, for organising JCR Elections and Referenda, both setting up the online voting system, and circulating candidates’ manifestos and information regarding hustings and voting.

  • Be responsible for circulating information as to the JCR Open Meetings, including circulating the necessary agenda and papers.

  • Ensure that the JCR code of conduct is adhered to and manage any complaints raised. 

The Treasurer shall;

  • Be responsible for the financial security of the JCRS

  • Attend College Council, Governing Body and Central Finance Committee meetings

  • Maintain the accounts and produce annual accounts to the satisfaction of the auditor

  • Ensure that JCR expenditure does not break ultra vires legislation and shall liaise with the Cambridge SU Services Officer regarding sound financial management

  • Collect, count and bank cash income of the JCR

  • Maintain cash floats for ents as necessary

  • Pay all relevant bills and reimburse those who spend money on behalf of the JCRS

  • Maintain an “Emergency Fund” to be kept in the Porters’ Lodge

  • Be a signatory on JCR accounts

  • Produce an annual budget

  • Insure JCR equipment and arrange cover for other liabilities

  • Convene the committee to distribute funds from the JCR Club and Society Fund in Michaelmas of each year.

The Vice-President shall;

  • Deputise for the President and support them in directing the business of the Committee

  • Support members of the Committee in carrying out their regular duties

  • Aid the smooth running of the Committee and be responsible for the effective handover between officers and committees

  • Act as External Officer for the JCRs by attending Cambridge SU Council and Cambridge SU External Officers” meetings

  • Publicise Cambridge SU events, campaigns and services in College

  • Liaise with members of the Cambridge SU Executive

  • Be Returning Officer for Elections and Referenda unless a “Concerned Member”

  • Collaborate in taking minutes of JCR Committee and Open Meetings

  • Assist in publicity of Open Meetings and other JCR events

  • If required, sign cheques on behalf of the JCR

The Welfare Officers shall;

  • Be responsible for furthering the welfare of JCR members, emphasising the importance of mental and sexual health in particular.

  • Provide welfare support and information to JCRSmembers, including the provisions of contraceptives, free pregnancy tests and information about professional support available

  • Respect confidentiality, but also be willing to seek help from welfare providers both within and without college when the situation requires

  • Work closely at all times with the other members of the Welfare Team.

  • Liaise with the Development & Education Officer to organise events relating to exam stress and educational campaigns

  • Liaise with the Accommodation & Services Officer to ensure that student welfare is taken into account during the allocation of rooms

  • Liaise with the Cambridge SU Welfare Officer

  • Be responsible for representing the welfare concerns of mature members of the JCR and those with children, by raising awareness of their needs and ensuring that they are not excluded from the life of the College.

  • Convene a JCR Welfare Committee.

Note that 2 officers hold this position




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