
The Global South-South Development Center Project (GSSDC) was jointly initiated by United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) and the China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchanges (CICETE).

During its ten-year journey, the China SSDC Project has achieved encouraging results in different areas, such as, integrating South-South cooperation resources, strengthening public-private partnerships and promoting economic and technical cooperation between China and other developing countries. According to the Statement of Intent signed between the Ministry of Commerce of China and UNOSSC, the project has been upgraded as Global SSDC since June 2019.

The Global SSDC project will build on the achievements of the China SSDC project and reprofile itself as a global network of centres of excellence for South-South cooperation in advancing SDGs and aims to engage southern centers of excellences outside China, and build sub-centers of excellence in line with regional priorities in order to become a globally-focused platform to facilitate and implement South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC)

Project Focus


  • To enhance the global partnership for sustainable development and leverage partnerships with various stakeholders from multilateral agencies, civil society, private sector, and think tanks, align Global SSDC’s effort with SDGs and other global development frameworks;

Knowledge Products

  • To conduct demand-driven sector-specific research/analysis, document good practices, and place greater emphasis on two-way knowledge sharing between China and other developing countries;

Small-Grant Proposals and Capacity Development Trainings

  • To support promising small-grant proposals to facilitate technology transferring and capacity building among developing countries.

Highlights & Achievements

A multi-stakeholder platform across key thematic areas

Global SSDC Project brings together resources and expertise from various industries and sectors. It provides comprehensive support including capacity development and on-site orientation training, as well as direct implementation of small-grant proposals.

Knowledge products

Throughout the implementation of the SSDC Project, many good practices have been documented and many international policy dialogues were organized. Multiple analytical reports, quarterly South-South Cooperation Updates and timely news briefs were published and disseminated within and beyond its networks. These include:

  • COVID-19 has been sweeping across the globe since the start of 2020. To increase understanding of China’s key measures for prevention and control of the COVID-19 in a comprehensive and objective manner, Center for International Knowledge on Development, with the support of Global SSDC, compiles Fighting the COVID-19: 100 Q&As, which focuses on widely-discussed questions and aims to facilitate understanding of similarities and differences from a comparative perspective;
  • China SSDC Project, in partnership with Nankai University, jointly developed the China Development Report on South-South Cooperation, a report series outlining trade, investment and development relations between China and other developing countries;
  • In 2014, China SSDC and UNDP Country Office in China jointly developed the UNDP in China—History and Opportunities, a publication that shared successful experiences, proposed new perspectives and approaches and further advocates China’s South-South cooperation strategies.

Small-grant proposals advanced with impactful results

By December 2020, there were 25 small-grant proposals supported by SSDC Project, across various thematic areas including agriculture, forestry, renewable energy, environmental protection, industrial development, etc. These projects have benefitted more than 30 developing countries.

The funding resources channeled in through public-private partnerships (PPP) by implementing partners, utilized for project implementation in parallel to those granted by SSDC, reached 1.6 times of the core funds needed for implementing these projects. Partners and participating institutions from developing countries, including China, were provided accesses to technologies, equipment and facilities, and opportunities to gain knowledge and develop capacity at the same time. It’s a real “win-win” scenario.

Based on a third party evaluation of the ten-year project, these small-grant proposals have made considerable contributions to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals and SDGs, including eradicating extreme poverty (SDG 1), ending hunger (SDG 2), achieving gender equality (SDG 5), providing decent work for all and promoting economic growth (SDG 8). Some of the small grant proposals have been featured on several of UNOSSC flagship publications:

Partner Institutions


August 5, 2022

“一带一路”国家气候变化与极端灾害事件管理研讨会 成功召开

7月15日,为期5天的“一带一路”国家气候变化与极端灾害事件管理研讨会顺利闭幕。该活动由南京信息工程大学主办,全球南南发展中心项目提供支持。 来自53个发展中国家政府、政府间组织、部门协会、学术界和私营部门的250余名政策制定者及从业人员以线上、线下的方式参加了本次研讨活动。 精彩回顾 研讨会开幕式由WMO区域培训中心常务副主任马廷淮先生主持。联合国南南合作办公室副主任王晓军女士在开幕致辞中提到,当前极端天气事件的强度和频率急剧增加,应对气候变化迫在眉睫,更需要增进全球共识,充分发挥集体智慧,倡导协调一致的行动。希望本次研讨会可以助力广大发展中国家深化气候变化及极端灾害事件管理合作,造福人类共同的未来。 中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任张翼先生指出,中国与“一带一路”沿线的其他国家一样,均处于全球气候变化的敏感区和显著影响区。本次研讨会将站在全球气候治理的高度,聚焦南南合作框架下的“一带一路”区域气候变化应对和灾害风险管理开展多层次的交流与研讨,希望各位参会嘉宾能够集中智慧、经验与力量,开展富有成效的交流,并提出相应的措施和对策建议,贯彻“一带一路”倡议“共商共建共享”的发展理念,共同提升应对气候变化、防灾减灾和可持续发展能力。 联合国南南合作办公室王晓军女士 中国国际经济技术交流中心副主任张翼先生 南京信息工程大学副校长江志红女士介绍了南京信息工程大学的发展历史和学科优势,介绍了WMO区域培训中心的培训经验与成果。本次研讨会以“一带一路”区域气候变化响应及其应对、灾害风险管理为主要内容进行探讨,服务联合国2030年可持续发展议程,推进中国和“一带一路”国家在应对气候变化与灾害风险管理领域开展多层次的交流与研讨。同时,也期待各国参会者在研讨会上,增进气候变化的共识,激发出更好的工作理念和思路。 国际科学理事会灾害风险综合研究计划国际项目办公室韩群力教授回顾了与南京信息工程大学的交流合作,介绍了国际科学理事会灾害风险综合研究计划的研究领域和发展情况。他说,在一个充满前所未有不确定性的时代,国际科学理事会灾害风险综合研究计划希望加强团结和协作,创造更包容、安全和可持续的世界。 南京信息工程大学副校长江志红女士 国际科学理事会灾害风险综合研究计划国际项目办公室韩群力教授 来自巴基斯坦气候变化部的Ali Shaukat博士代表全体参会代表发言。他回顾了巴中深厚的“全天候”友谊,介绍了两国在气候变化、环境保护等领域的合作项目,表示一定会充分利用此次研讨会提供的学习交流机会,更好地服务所在国 应对气候变化和防灾减灾事业。 5天的培训活动中,来自中国科学院、南京信息工程大学、世界气象组织、国际科学理事会灾害风险综合研究计划国际项目办公室、国际小水电中心、清华大学地球系统科学系、联合国环境署驻华代表处、布隆迪大学、斐济气象局的专家和代表围绕气候变化、极端灾害事件管理的主题,带来了9场精彩讲座,涵盖了山地灾害与韧性减灾成果案例、IPCC第六次评估报告——气候变化的科学基础、国际多灾种早期预警系统网络、非洲、南太平洋地区气候变化应对经验分享等内容。 巴基斯坦气候变化部Ali Shaukat博士 线下会场 研讨会闭幕式于7月15日举行。出席研讨会闭幕式的嘉宾有WMO区域培训中心副主任王勇先生,WMO天气与减灾服务司前司长、世界工程组织联合会灾害风险管理委员会成员、联合国高级别专家与领导人工作组水与灾害管理联盟指导委员会委员汤绪教授、及印度Mohamed Sathak艺术与科技学院M. Syed Ali博士。 王勇副主任感谢全球南南发展中心项目给予研讨会的支持,感谢研讨会期间各位代表的热情参与。对各位参会代表给予研讨会的积极反馈感到欣慰。他表示,世界气象组织南京区域培训中心乐见此次研讨会促进了与会者理念的更新,增进了气候变化相关共识,起到了激发行动的作用。他希望与会代表能够主动将研讨会的上述成果运用到工作当中。 汤绪教授祝贺研讨会顺利闭幕。他强调,“一带一路”倡议注重减灾及应急管理领域的协作,广大发展中国家及小岛国需要加强能力建设,开展合作交流。他回顾了2019年“一带一路”高峰论坛及后续在北京举行的部长级会议对减灾和应急管理领域开展合作给予的高度重视。他呼吁科学研究、气象服务、各国政府、国际组织、金融各机构及非政府组织等公私领域各方开展协作,致力于建立与各国具体情况相适应的多灾种早期预警系统等韧性建设机制。 M. Syed Ali博士代表全体参会者致辞。他首先感谢各位嘉宾慷慨分享知识、经验。他认为,各位报告专家学识深厚,报告各具特色,主题鲜明,内容精当,讲解透彻明晰,富于感染力。参会代表从中汲取了气候变化、极端灾害管理领域丰富的知识和专业经验。他希望各位参会者能更充分利用南南合作的机制平台,不断提升自身理念和业务能力,并希望今后能有更多的交流和学习机会。 举办线上会议是全球南南发展中心项目应对新冠肺炎疫情的创新举措,旨在通过集结多领域专家,就热点议题进行专题研究和探讨,为合作伙伴单位创新南南合作和国际发展合作形式和内容开拓思路。为更好地宣传会议内容,提升会议的国际影响力,全球南南发展中心项目还将通过添加英文字幕等方式,在更大范围分享会议视频。同时,全球南南发展中心项目还将汇总研讨会期间的相关知识、问答及建议,并形成培训报告;同时,项目团队还将酌情研判,适时将会议成果发展为基于实际需求的具体方案。
Climate NewsGSSDCNews
August 5, 2022

Five-day Training Workshop on Climate Change and Extreme Disasters Management along the Belt and Road Successfully Concluded

The five-day training “Workshop on Climate Change and Extreme Disasters Management along the Belt and Road” has concluded on 15 July. The Workshop was organized by WMO Regional Training Centre…
June 15, 2022

Seminar on the Prospects for China-Africa Economic, Trade, Green & Technological Cooperation, 16 June 2022

South-South and International Development Cooperation in the Post Pandemic Era: Seminar on the Prospects for China-Africa Economic, Trade, Green and Technological Cooperation When: Thursday, 16 June 2022, 3:30 – 6:00…
2021 UN Day for SSCDigital Transformation NewsGSSDCNews
September 14, 2021

South-South Cooperation Crucial to Close Digital Divide and Build Inclusive and Resilient Economies

8 September, Beijing: The 2021 International Forum on South-South Cooperation and Trade in Services took place in Beijing, China on 4 September. Under the theme “Digital Economy for South-South Cooperation”,…