CIoS curriculum training

Please complete this questionnaire if you have explored some or all of The CIoS PSHE curriculum. 

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* 2. What is your role (please tick all that apply) 

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* 3. Please choose the option that  best describes you.

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* 4. How would you rate your confidence in teaching PSHE prior to accessing this curriculum and associated training?

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* 5. How would you rate your confidence in teaching PSHE after accessing this curriculum and associated training?

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* 6. Please rate the following curriculum areas in terms of the overall quality of information provided for that specific topic (there will be opportunity to comment on the resources generally, later in the questionnaire):

  Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor Not applicable
Rights, responsibilities, equality and citizenship
Careers and personal skills development (including transition to secondary school)
Online safety, online life and resilience
Mental health and wellbeing
Nutrition, physical health and exercise
Puberty and the changing body
Financial skills and financial literacy
Personal safety, risk and getting help
Relationships education (primary)
Relationships and sex education (secondary)

Question Title

* 7. Please answer the following questions thinking about the overall curriculum:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral / not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
The curriculum content is appropriate
The curriculum promotes inclusivity, tolerance, kindness and respect
The curriculum promotes the five ways to wellbeing (connecting with others, being physically active, learning skills and building confidence/self-esteem, giving to others and mindfulness)
The curriculum builds the following (individually ranked) confidence, resilience, positive aspirations, physical health, mental health, identity, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyles
The curriculum is flexible and customisable
The curriculum normalises mental health and wellbeing

Question Title

* 8. Please rate the following areas of the curriculum:

  Very poor Poor Average Good Excellent
The quality of content in the resources (e.g. key messages, outcomes etc.)
The quality of resource format (e.g. cover sheet, activities, lesson plans)
Suitability of curated resources (non-Brook resources that have been quality assured)

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* 9. And finally, please rate the following areas:

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral / not sure Disagree Strongly disagree
I feel confident to deliver the curriculum areas I have looked at
Having resources for all key stages allows me to apply a spiral curriculum
I like the curriculum

Question Title

* 10. If you have any further comments on any aspects of the curriculum, please outline them here.

Many thanks for your time in providing feedback, it is appreciated.