Exposed: Broken system that took away my baby

Thousands of innocent families have been traumatised by groundless investigations by child protection services. After a legal challenge by The Sunday Times allowed her to speak out, one mother tells her story

Amy Stephenson, with Brody, now two, and her partner Tom
Amy Stephenson, with Brody, now two, and her partner Tom
The Sunday Times

Amy Stephenson has never washed the stripey sleepsuit her son Brody wore the day he was removed from her care at 18 weeks old. The nights after he left she slept with it, and she carried it in her handbag to court like a talisman until he was returned nearly four months later.

As she sits holding it in her neat kitchen in a quiet cul-de-sac outside Barnsley, her eyes moisten. Woven into its baby smell and familiar softness are memories that make her shake, even after months of therapy.

The family’s nightmare began when Amy, 32, took Brody to the health visitor to be weighed in January 2019. She did not have to go — there was no appointment — but he was breastfed