What Ukrainians know and think about human rights?

What Ukrainians know and think about human rights?

August 4, 2017

What Ukrainians Know and Think of Human Rights: UNDP in Ukraine Launches Human Rights Baseline Study.

One of the revealing results of the recent Ukrainian Human Rights Baseline Study was that 77% of Ukrainians recognize the right to life as the most important human right.  The study also shows that most Ukrainians recognize rights for social security and the right to housing and education as key priorities.

At the same time, while the majority of citizens are aware that their rights are natural and in-born, many are still reluctant to defend them, and half of the population has never tried to do it.

The data, the findings, and recommendations, will be used to enable the design of more effective strategies and tactics for human rights education campaigns, developing formal and informal human rights education, and shaping evidence-based approaches and priorities in human rights donor-supported activities.

Document Type
Regions and Countries