Video: What is the Centre for Unusual Collaborations?

Challenging future generations

Future generations face unprecedented challenges; climate change, resource depletion, socio-economic and health inequalities. Systemic structural transitions are urgently needed. We are the Centre for Unusual Collaborations, part of the alliance between Technical University Eindhoven, Wageningen University and Research, Utrecht University and University Medical Center Utrecht.

We are convinced that the next big innovations for societal impact are to be found through unusual collaborations in research: through the interactions that push us outside our disciplinary comfort zones, and encourage us to think differently about problems and possibly solutions. 

CUCo’s mission is to facilitate these unusual collaborations.

CUCo news

News from Spark and UCo teams

Upcoming events

April 24: EWUU alliance conference

May 30-31: Shapeshifters symposium

Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date about our events!

“(…) in this way, CUCo was an experiment. How can we research through a culture of care and collaboration?”

— Dr. Jessica Duncan, Founding Board Member of CUCo and Associate Professor at WUR. Quote is from her Board exit interview. Read on here.


We are moving to another newsletter platform. You will shortly be able to sign up again through our website. In the meantime, please inform us at the email address listed below if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

Our next newsletter will be published in early May.


The Centre for Unusual Collaborations
Vening Meineszgebouw C
Princetonlaan 6
Utrecht, 3584CB
The Netherlands


All questions and queries can be sent to