24 May/Mei 2022

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Dear students and colleagues
As communicated on Friday 20 May 2022, the Rectorate, in close consultation with student and faculty leadership, decided to postpone the first-semester examination period by one week. This extraordinary step was taken in light of the impact of the past week’s traumatic events on our students’ mental and emotional state. The SU leadership concluded that it would be in our students’ best interest to afford them time to approach the exams in a calmer frame of mind. Please click
 here for Friday’s communication.
This communication provides more clarity on the revised examination schedule and dates for the May/June 2022 assessment period. 

Revised general dates 

  • May/June examination (first opportunity): 30 May to 20 June
  • May/June examination (second opportunity): 21 June to 2 July
  • End of May/June assessment period: 2 July
  • Recess: 3 to 17 July
  • Start of second semester: 18 July
  • Final day for uploading results: 22 July
  • Final day for second-semester registration and programme and module amendments: 29 July

Students can access their revised timetable on the student portal. The revised May/June 2022 examination timetable is also available here
We kindly request students writing continuous-evaluation assessments and mid-year tests for year modules to consult their respective departments for updated information. 
More than 100 of our student leaders, including prims, chairs of societies and the SRC, as well as the leadership of faculties were united in their request for this postponement. We are sensitive to the impact of the recent events on our entire community, and therefore this decision was necessary to give all our students the best possible chance of success in their exams and assessments. While we understand that the decision causes disruption, the postponement should be seen as an investment in the wellbeing of our student body and the University as a whole. 
We wish all our students well with their final preparations. 

Kind regards

Dr Ronel Retief


Beste studente en kollegas

Soos die Universiteit op Vrydag 20 Mei 2022 aangekondig het, het die Rektoraat in oorleg met studente- en fakulteitsleiers besluit om die eksamentydperk vir die eerste semester met ’n week uit te stel. Hierdie buitengewone stap is gedoen in die lig van die impak van die afgelope week se traumatiese gebeure op ons studente se geestestoestand en gemoed. Die US-leierskap het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat dit in ons studente se belang sou wees om hulle tyd te gun om die eksamen in ’n rustiger stemming te benader. Klik gerus hier vir Vrydag se kommunikasie.
Hierdie skrywe bied verdere duidelikheid oor die hersiene eksamenrooster en datums vir die assesseringstydperk van Mei/Junie 2022. 
Hersiene algemene datums 

  • Mei/Junie-eksamen (eerste geleentheid): 30 Mei tot 20 Junie
  • Mei/Junie-eksamen (tweede geleentheid): 21 Junie tot 2 Julie
  • Einde van Mei/Junie-assesseringstydperk: 2 Julie
  • Reses: 3 tot 17 Julie
  • Aanvang van tweede semester: 18 Julie
  • Laaste dag om uitslae te laai: 22 Julie
  • Laaste dag vir tweedesemesterregistrasie en program- en modulewysigings: 29 Julie 

Studente kan hulle hersiene rooster op die studenteportaal bekom. Die hersiene eksamenrooster vir Mei/Junie 2022 is ook hier te kry. 
Ons versoek asseblief dat studente wat assesserings met deurlopende evaluering en halfjaartoetse vir jaarmodules moet aflê, hulle onderskeie departemente vir die jongste inligting raadpleeg. 
Meer as 100 van ons studenteleiers, waaronder prims, voorsitters van verenigings en die Studenteraad, sowel as die leiers van ons fakulteite was verenig in hulle versoek vir hierdie uitstel. Ons is sensitief vir die impak van die onlangse gebeure op ons hele gemeenskap, en daarom was hierdie besluit noodsaaklik om ál ons studente die beste moontlike kans op sukses in hulle eksamens en assesserings te bied. Hoewel ons begryp dat die besluit ontwrigting veroorsaak, behoort die uitstel beskou te word as ’n belegging in die welstand van ons studentegemeenskap en die Universiteit in die geheel. 
Ons wens ál ons studente voorspoed toe met hulle laaste voorbereidings. 

Vriendelike groete

Dr Ronel Retief