Inside Story

What does Morsi’s death mean for Egypt?

Egypt’s only democratically elected president died on Monday while attending a court session in Cairo.

Mohamed Morsi insisted he was Egypt’s legitimate president right up to the moment he died.

He collapsed in court on Monday while arguing his defence against charges that many believed were trumped up just to keep him in jail.

State media barely mentioned the 67-year-old’s death, and he was not given the funeral his family wanted.

Morsi’s brief tenure as Egypt’s only democratically elected president was characterised by optimism, which quickly turned to frustration.

So what is Morsi’s legacy?

Presenter: Martine Dennis


Maha Azzam – head of the Egyptian Revolutionary Council, an opposition group

Mohamed Okda – founder of Insight Into Crisis, a conflict advisory firm

Rami Khouri – senior fellow at the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy at the American University of Beirut